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Hope you don't mind but thought I would start a new thread.
Tess the flowers sound great.That was very nice of your Dads friend. I planted sweat peas in the spring and I have managed to have a constant supply in my lounge since June.
Tess how is Claire?
Linda how are you? How is your Mum? How did your last CBT session go?
Lin are you going to join us here? Sorry to hear you didn't manage to get out shopping.
Tomorrow we take Alison to Birmingham. So today I plan to get all her washing done. Not really feeling up to it as these last few days all I have wanted to do is sleep.
Wishing you all a good weekend.
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Sorry not been on for a while but have had a busy few days! Lizzy yes still feeding my cake. Yes got most of the Christmas decorations up now inside. But got a christmas tree in our front garden we decorate and got the baubles on but Stewart needs to put the lights and star on top of the tree.
Not made any mince pies or other goodie for Christmas yet!
The funeral went well on Thursday was really sad but a lovely service. Went round to see my friend Yvonne today to see how she is. Her fuses had gone wrong in her house so Stewart and I went round and he fixed it for her. She is still finding very hard to go out as she gets too upset when she sees people she knows. Early days yet for her bless her!
Went to see Andrew in Nottingham at the weekend. Went on Saturday and got back Sunday. The main roads were fine it was just the side roads that were icy. Was lovely to see them both as hadn't seen him since he moved in August.
Monday was Molly's birthday and she was 7! Did her a birthday tea and made a trifle and birthday cake. Sophie was there as well as Stewart picked her up from the child minders. Tuesday had both girls for the morning while Amy was at work so another busy day. Then today went round after school to help Amy with Molly's Party.
Got a 30th birthday party on Saturday then things should quiet down a bit I hope lol.
Linda I hope your mum is ok now after her fall and not too bruised. Its good she can see better now.
Take care all!
Glad you are both ok, hope you are coping with Christmas ok, Lizzy. I`ve been offered councelling through our Health centre, but the waiting time is ages! Not sure wether to accept or not when the time comes, so at the moment just keep worrying about what to do. So that`s not much help!
Glad the funeral went ok, Tess, these things all take their time and everything always seems worse when its so near Christmas. My friend lost her Dad on Christmas morning, so how she as ever coped with christmas since I can`t imagine! Glad you are still feeding your cake, Ann is doing all the cooking this year and was marzipan the cake when I went to see her the other day. She is doing christmas dinner too.
Not been feeling to good the last week or so, and our health centre are piloting a new app system, and I still haven`t worked out how to get an app with my own GP!!!! Saw a nice lady locum on tue but most of the time was spent with her asking about my history and then ordering blood tests and telling me to go back for the results!!! As we all well know blood tests are usually normal for fibro so we shall see.
Mum is ok and so thrilled she can see with just the first eye done, so can`t wait for the second. Well can hear Ray getting up so better go now
Linda I hope you finally got an appointment with your own gp. Have you had your blood test results yet? It is good your mum is happy that she can see more and will be so much better for her when the other eye is done.
Pleased to say now the dining room is coming along and have got the laminate flooring down and curtains up. Just a little more finishing off with painting and some shelving to do down the other end. Was so nice on Friday to sit at a table for the first time since September. Apart from when we went to Andrew's and Zoe the other weekend.
Really must do my mince pies and some other Christmas baking tomorrow as running out of time. Been trying to shorten the kitchen curtains as too long at the original window now there is a worktop in the way.
Claire came round tonight and bought us some lovely marzipan muffins she had made. Her job is going ok but she is still not really well with her crohns and is waiting on a camera test in the new year. She will have to swallow a camera the size of a pill and it will take photos of her insides. She should then pass it normally but sometimes if there is a narrowing it can get stock and mean an operation to remove it. She is going away on the 27th December to Sweden and Norway so didn't want it before she went. She got attacked at work a few weeks ago by a drunk woman who punched her in the back and stomach in the ambulance. She also kicked Claires crew mate at the top of her leg. She has been to court and has to pay both Claire and Emily 100 pounds compensation. She was suspended for 12 weeks sentence and had to pay court fees. Not a very good place for Claire to get punched with her crohns.
Steph is now 28 weeks pregnant and doing ok. Her baby is due on March 8th and she is going to call her Poppy! She is hoping to work inside now as she is finding it so hard with backache and driving around all day.
Chris is enjoying his TA job at Ely and is doing well. He is having to wait until after Christmas before he will hear from Brunel University in London about a place on the teaching course.
Lizzy I hope you are all doing ok. How is your cake coming along? Gave mine so more brandy tonight.
Molly had a lovely 7th birthday last week and seems so grown up for her age. Sophie is really growing up fast too now and is not in nappies anymore. She wears big girls pants! Thats what she calls them.
Well got to go now as getting tired as think I have done too much again today. Will feel it tomorrow lol.
Take care all!
Hows the cold weather going for you both. Not too many aches and pains I hope.
Well are you both ready for Xmas?
Last week next door had a burst pipe and Alan and I ended up turning off his water and mopping up downstairs, he is in the army and spends a lot of time away. Not too much damage thank goodness.
The couselling is coming along slowly.
Went to see my Endo last Tuesday he was cross that I cancelled my Aug. appt. He wanted to know what my Rheumi had told me on my last visit? So I told him I hadn't got a Rheumi at the moment. He must know I made a complaint against my Rheumi as their consultation rooms are next door to each other. Anyway he flicked through my notes and guess what all my Rheumi notes have been removed.The outcome is that he actually believes I have symptoms and that he is going to try and help.
I still have low Vit D so he has given me some super strong tablets. Better still they have been monitoring my thyroid function for 2 years now as they have been waiting for it to go overactive again, its done better than that I am now slightly underactive, so I have gone from one end to the other in 18 months. In 6 weeks time I am to start thyroxine and I go back to see him in 4 months. No wonder I feel terrible.
Wishing you both a good day.
Lizzy its good your endo is going to look into things for you. How much thyroxine will you have to take. I take 125 mg a day! No wonder you have not been feeling so well. I hope they can get things sorted out for you soon.
Don't like this cold weather. Went to visit a friend today and walked to her house. It was raining when I went and when I came away it was snowing. I then went to visit another friend after and when I left hers it was snowing again. So had a fun day out in all weathers and was pleased to get home in the dry. Was lovely to see both of them.
I am nearly sorted out for Christmas but still waiting for some presents to arrive. Haven't wrapped any up yet! Got Sophie on Tuesday next week and got the rest of the week free.
Linda i hope you are keeping ok with the cold.
Hope the preparations are going well, and the cakes have sufficient brandy :!: I`m only cooking on Boxing Day this year as we have all been invited to Ann`s for christmas Day, and she has made and iced the cakes Can`t remember when I last didn`t have to cook Christmas Dinner.
Went to docs Friday for my test results and surprise, surprise they were all ok :!: He did however agree to me trying to come off the Venlafaxine, as I`m only on a low dose and I don`t think it`s really helping. I`ve been on it for about 2/3 yrs and have never really felt ok since. I do feel that with taking so many different things, I don`t really know who I am and what is the real me. I know that sounds strange but if after I manage to reduce the amount of things I take and I don`t feel any better then I will have to eat humble pie and admit I was wrong.
Well, presents wrapped, cards written and most of the food shop done, which is a good job as we have things to do except for Thurs and Fri :!:
We have snow here today and it is very, very cold so glad we didn`t have to be anywhere today. Hope you are both managing if it`s as cold where you are :!:
Linda :cracker:
Wishing you both a Happy Xmas.
Linda I do hope that you will find something that works for you. I know what you mean about not knowing who you really are and how you should feel. I can't drop my Dosulepin as my Doc tried to swap me a few months back and I just went to pieces in a big way. Its so hard to keep positive while all the blood results keep coming back normal when you feel so bad.
Its been snowing here and very cold too. Even in the house we have had ice on the windows inside.
Tess hope all is well with you have you wrapped your presents yet?
I have done everything even wrapped all the presents. Off for our family walk today, some members are ill so I don't think we will all be going this year.. I have a feeling that it may be swine flu....
All the best to you both for new year.
Linda yes my cake has had enough brandy now! i decorated it the other day so it is alreay to eat. i hope they can get you sorted soon. It is confusing when we take so many different drugs and don't no what it side effects from them or symptoms of fibro. Just a gessing game all the while lol. I haven't been very well now for a week. Had a flu type thing thats going around. Still feel like I have a headcold today and tired. Been quite weepy too! Think that is due to not sleeping too well. Got to be positive and chin up! Need a dose of Sophie and Molly later today to cheer me up! Works wonders and better than any drug lol!
Lizzy you are organised. I finally wrapped presents yesterday! Got two more that arrived today to do now. One of Molly's hasn't come yet and one of Sophie's but they have plenty of others from everyone. Just have to tell them Santa took them to the wrong house lol! I hope you enjoy christmas cake when you get to eat it. Sure will be really lovely. I hope you enjoyed your walk out today as well.
We did have quite a bit of snow on Wednesday but haven't had any more since. Still about though and cold.
Got Andrew coming from Nottingham on Boxing Day so don't want too much!
Well hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a good New Year.
Take care.
We had a great walk yesterday. We went to a place just 10 miles away from where we live. To our amazement they had had lots of snow and we have had only a small amount. It was good fun walking in the deep snow looking for treasure. Its like walking in sand. We cut the walk short as by 3pm the weather had turned very cold.
Tess you cake sounds good. We haven't looked at mine for about a week, its not got any covering on it as I was tired to do it. Tess I hope you are feeling better today.
We have had a very relaxing day with plenty of board games and a long afternoon sleep.
Linda have a good day on boxing day.
Ihope you both have had a good day.
All the best for the new year.
Hope your flu type things has gone, just what you didnt need! I wish I could walk like you Lizzy, I know it would help the way I feel so much. But after walking in September when car needed a new windscreen, I have talked to GP and we agreed I shouldn`t do too much. He suggested swimming, which is something I would like to do, but don`t like going to new places by myself and haven`t anyone to go with!
Ann did us proud on Christmas Day, worked so hard bless her. Mum was really good and didn`t get confused until tea time. I think having her sight restored really makes a difference.
Well just Ray and I today until Chris comes in just after 7pm, so am having a tidy and chill day! Lol
Happy New Year :bubbly:
I hope you are both doing ok today. I woke this morning with bad pain in back and legs as usual. Just couldn't get comfortable. Going to see dr in New Year about some different pain relief. The anti inflammatory and codradamol doesn't seem to do much for the pain.
Going to our daughter's Amy on Thursday for dinner. Amy has Molly and Sophie. Going there again on New Year's Eve as well. Steph and partner going to be there. Claire is in Sweden/Norway until next Monday. Chris is in Manchester now and possibly London for the New Year. Andrew is spending New Year with some friends.
Steph goes to see her midwife on new years eve at ten so I am going with her as her partner is at work. She is now 30 weeks pregnant and only ten to go. They are having to keep an eye on her sugar levels as sugar was traced in her wee. She has been having to prick her finger three times a day after meals and record her levels for them to see. Not very good for someone who doesn;t like needles. Even though it is not a needle it is still painful to do. Especially after when the blood doesn't want to come out for the test and you have to do it on a different finger.
Had a quiet day today so far. Did some cleaning and ironing. Waiting for Stewart to come back as on holiday now until Sunday. We are going to watch a film as got the house to ourselves. Have to be a snack for tea lol.
Well take care and have a Happy New Year!