Pain after endoscopy? Chest pain, discomfort swallowing
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I had EGD yesterday with sedation. Felt pretty much fine yesterday, minus a little chest discomfort when breathing in deep. Today I've had no appetite and have discomfort swallowing, and a persistent discomfort in my chest. Waiting for call back from doctor. In meantime, reading about perforation and wondering if this sounds serious. I don't want to go to ER for a bunch more tests if this is normal. Does anyone have any experience with pain like this following endoscopy? Thanks very much.
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lily65668 penny44470
Hi Penny, doesn't sound remotely like perforation to me. (I'm a former nurse btw.) Perforation would cause sudden unbearable pain, and you'd collapse in shock.
All kinds of reasons why this could be going on. I'd say you can afford to wait for your doctor to call back unless there's any serious deterioration.
penny44470 lily65668
michelle40243 lily65668
Hi @lily65668, I'm having very similar issues to @penny44470. Gastroscopy with 6 biopsies taken, 2 days ago due to swallowing issues. As I swallow, i have this tight pressure behind my breastbone where I feel the food, drink going down and sometimes when I burp. I'm so very anxious about it now and worry that they've caused some damage. I've spoken to the Endoscopy unit today and the nurse that it's not normal and shouldn't hurt at all after 2 days and advised to take pain relief or go straight to A&E but that does sound extreme. Is what I'm feeling normal because the hospital didn't think it was at all? But I've read many posts on here that seem to say the same thing as me.
Molly34404 penny44470
Hi Penny
i hope you've had the call and has put your mind at rest. It doesn't sound like a perforation I don't think. More likely the after effects from the scope the procedure itself, the air that is blown inside to aid viewing and maybe biopsies. It should settle over the next few days. It can be quite traumatic for some people and that obviously has an impact on how you feel afterwards. Rest and recover and hope all is well.
penny44470 Molly34404
jeo29154 penny44470
My throat was was very sore two days after my EGD so I think that is normal but not sure about chest pain. If it doesn't go away I'd call your doctor
jayne16462 penny44470
Sorry to ask but I have same thing as you after endoscopy day before yesterday. Did your pain go or did you see your doctor or have to go to A & E. I'm really scared it's caused something and I don't know what it could be. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow though.
penny44470 jayne16462
Hi, sorry you're having pain. Mine did go away fortunately, it basically faded slowly over that next day or so, and everything has been normal since. I did call the GI doctor and when he eventually called back he didn't seem to understand what kind of pain I was talking about- but he didn't think it sounded serious and by the time he called back I think the feeling had stopped. Good luck!
jackie000 penny44470
penny44470 jackie000
Hi Jackie! Sorry you're dealing with that
I actually had to go back and read my initial post because I'm starting to forget how exactly it felt after my endoscopy. I do remember how it hurt when I breathed in deep, and the general discomfort in my chest afterward, and it was very frustrating that the doctor and nurse I talked to acted like it is so uncommon to feel any pain at all afterward (whereas it seems like a lot of people have discomfort afterward). The only reassuring thing I found (and that would seem to apply in your situation too) is that the signs of a serious problem are apparently much more severe. My discomfort cleared up within a couple of days. I get the impression, from reading about this, that pain after endoscopy is a lot more common than doctors think? But I'd say to definitely call your doctor if you're concerned. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!
j45508 jackie000
I had an upper endoscopy with some biopsies yesterday. I am feeling similar chest pain/ indigestion like symptoms as what you describe. It also feels like somthing I stuck in my chest when I swallow or eat.
Just need some reassurance that this could just be air trapped in the tummy or chest? Or if anyone else can shed some light.
Thanks so much!
sharon41297 jackie000
Please tell me this for better for you. I just had my endoscopy yesterday and I'm having the exact symptoms. The doctor didn't seem concerned.
norris716 j45508
I'm so glad I found this discussion as I am having the same problem! Had an endoscopy 2 days ago where they took some biopsies and also the doc said he stretched the esophagus a little. (I was still groggy from the anesthesia and didn't ask him if it actually needed to be stretched!) Anyhow, I had an endoscopy 10 years ago with zero after effects. But this time when I eat anything, as it reaches the point around the sternum, it feels like glass is going down - just sore and irritated. I did call the doc who said "Gee, I never heard of that, doesn't sound serious." Sheesh! From reading this thread, sounds like some other people have had this same thing which helps put my mind at ease a little. The reason for the endoscopy was I was having mild swallowing problems, where food was getting stuck in my throat, but I could get it down with additional swallows or some liquid. Now it seems I've traded a mild problem for something worse! At least I didn't have any pain before.
Kay7155 jackie000
Had my endoscopy today. And then i had bread. Man it was hard to swallow and i'm feeling pain. I'm curled up in my bed right now as we speak. My throat is a bit sore as well. I still feel like the tube is still stuck in my throat. And some chest pains as well
lily65668 Kay7155
Try things like soup, yoghourt, mashed banana, omelettes, scrambled egg (without the toast) for the first few days, to give your oesophagus time to recover.
heleng80s Kay7155
Hi Kay. I wanyed to ask how long your recovery time was? I had an ENDOSCOPY done yesterday, & I feel like im in worst shape than Yesterday. I have already had 2 Random Panick attacks today. My chest has major discomfort, I feel like its tight!. I spoke to the Nurse earlier over the phone when the office called to check on me. She kept saying to Eat a cough drop. I was like No!. I do not have Dysphagia(trouble swallowing) i repeated this twice. She didnt have a good answer for me, and Maybe didnt believe me, Idk. How long will I feel like this?. Ugh. Im stressed
leslie_90254 norris716
Emmliz leslie_90254
I had an endoscopy about three 3 weeks ago with a biopsy. For at least a week afterwards I had chest pain, stomach pain and nausea. I must say that I am feeling a lot better now. Hope you do soon too.
norris716 leslie_90254
leslie_90254 norris716
leslie_90254 Emmliz
Did you have difficulty swallowing? They dilated my esophagus. Before that I had mild intermittent it’s been worse😳
Emmliz leslie_90254
Hi Leslie,
No, that was never a problem for me. Before the endoscopy I had intermittent pain under my ribs. It wasn't severe but came on more frequently as time passed. Doctors suspected gall bladder - then an ulcer. But endoscopy discounted both those. I am doing better now they have figured out what is going on, and I am on the appropriate diet.
lama23348 norris716
Can u please tell me how long did the post endoscopy pain last ??
And i did it cz i was having problems swallowing as well !! How did u solve that issue ??
Hope everything is better now
norris716 lama23348
Hi lama,
The post-endoscopy pain was very bad for about 3-5 days afterwards, then subsided a bit and was gone completely after about 2 weeks. I still have swallowing difficulty. Some foods are worse than others. I tried cutting out chocolate which they say is bad for "silent reflux" which is what I was diagnosed with since I don't get heartburn. That did help a bit. But mostly I just eat slowly, chew food well, and take sips of liquid with food.
brooks34 lama23348
Bradholl56 brooks34
I had an endoscopy about five weeks ago and I still have a sore chest. I did not have a sedative and the feeling is reminiscent of when the tube went down. There’s also still a slight swallowing issue. Is it possible the tube upset something else?
joseph19152 Emmliz
Emmliz I know this is an old post, however I'm curious if you could explain what your issue ended up being? An if you were cured? I'm currently experiencing similar symptoms and had multiple ultra sounds, CT scans, x-rays, endoscopy, and countless blood tests. Thanks, Joe.
payton brooks34
Hello! I know this is a long shot because you posted this so long ago but I'm feeling a little desperate so I was wondering if your chest discomfort ever went away? i had my endoscopy done 3 weeks ago and i still have chest discomfort. Thank you so much.
payton Bradholl56
Hello! I know this is a really old post but i was hoping you could tell me if your sore chest ever went away please? I had my endoscopy done 3 weeks ago and im still feeling mild pressure on my chest all the time. Thank you so much.
kim26330 payton
Hi! yes, the soreness finally did go away but I did have to take Carafatte, a liquid medication that helps to heal the area. It was a prescription. I'm not sure if you're able to get that or if it would help? The healing can take a while. You might need a medication for a little while. Do soft foods helps?
carol29545 payton
Yes, it did go away but it took a while.
I could not get the doctors to really confirm that this was normal at the time.
It will get better.
payton kim26330
Thank you so much for your reply. I havent noticed a change in the discomfort with the different foods that i eat. Maybe i should go back to the doctor ask how they can help. Thank you for the info!
payton carol29545
Thank you so much for your reply. Did it take weeks for yours to feel better too?
jessica9515 jackie000
I just had one earlier today and feeling this same exactly feeling as you with the stuck pill feeling in chest/back. did it go away?!
tiffany.need.zz norris716
thank god im not the only one going through this! i had my endoscopy done last thursday, its been exactly a week and i have been miserable ever sence. had a few biopsies and a dilation, and now i feel like someone is tugging on my esophigus. lost over 6 pounds from not being able to eat properly, and when i do eat my stomach feels over full and i havnt even ate that much. followed by a sticky sensation in my throat when i swallow. i almost wish i wouldnt have had this done. was having food get caught going down, and belching when trying to talk, but i learned how to manage it. at least those symptoms were managable..
sherriedawn51 Emmliz
hi, I know this post is a couple of years old but I d love your advice. I have been suffering horrendous chest pain since march, had heart checks all fine... last 6 wks also pain at top of stomach on top of chest pain just below rib cage also rapid weight gain on stomach area swelling bloating. had gastotropy showed nothing.. waiting on ct scan... but u mention diet... I am now thinking food allergies or celiac disease maybe. can I ask what your outcome was and has it been remedied. many thanks sherrie
john61881 brooks34
How long till the swallowing issue disappeared?
louisa43891 sherriedawn51
hi there, i'm hoping you will see this i am at the same stage you were when you wrote this comment sounds exactly what i am going through. Are you feeing better now? what did they find out pls? i had my endoscopy 2 days ago where they took 12 biopsy's and now waiting on ct scan on bowels. i have lost 3 stone in a few months due to my stomach, now down to 8 stone and will lose even more now as it hurts to eat and even burp. Would appreciate any reassurance you can give me. Just fell down the stairs as well and have fibromyalgia so im hurting everywhere now x
bobbie111 louisa43891
I found this by typing in my sypmtoms. im 10 days out. I too had a lump in my throat so went for an endoscopy, with biopsies. I'm in way more pain now. I feel panicky like I'm choking with this air bubble in my chest. Right before the procedure they sat me up amd the Dr said do you know you have dysautonomia/pots... your blood pressure is very low when you lay down. I go home and read that a lump in the throat is a symptom of those things. Had I known that I likely wouldn't have had the procedure. I feel like I've tortured myself. I hope yours got better and that it'll go away.
lc64206 jackie000
Hi all -
I am so glad to have found this thread. I had an endoscopy today (had one before about 15 years ago), and the sensation of there being something stuck in my chest when I swallow is also something I'm experiencing. It's very painful - food, liquid, even swallowing my own spit. My throat is sore, yes, but fine. The pain extends from my sternum down to just under my ribs. I called the doctor to ask if this was normal and he said he never heard of such a thing! Which seems absolutely insane, given the amount of complaints about it here and on other sites. He kept saying if you think it's your heart, go to the ER. Def not heart pain, but like a jagged rock is traveling down my esophagus, that feeling the pills won't go down. Can anyone here say what might have helped? Is this from the gas/air? My doctor seemed to think that it couldn't be the air pumped, which, feels crazy to me. Any insight from those who went through this and passed through it would be so helpful, even tho this thread is quite old.
chelsey76865 jackie000
hey Jackie! literally everything you described is what in going through right now. How long did it take till you were back to normal?
chelsey76865 lc64206
hi there! this is exactly what im going through right now, how long did this last for you?