Pain after endoscopy? Chest pain, discomfort swallowing

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I had EGD yesterday with sedation. Felt pretty much fine yesterday, minus a little chest discomfort when breathing in deep. Today I've had no appetite and have discomfort swallowing, and a persistent discomfort in my chest. Waiting for call back from doctor. In meantime, reading about perforation and wondering if this sounds serious. I don't want to go to ER for a bunch more tests if this is normal. Does anyone have any experience with pain like this following endoscopy? Thanks very much.

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    general anesthesia

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      Just to be clear, William - was that a full-scale GA carried out be an anaesthetist in an operating theatre (which is very rare for endoscopy)? It's more usual to carry out the procedure under sedation injected into a vein, either directly or via an IV drip.

      Reason for asking is that it's not uncommon for endoscopy patients to struggle quite violently when the procedure is carried out under sedation - though not under GA of course. I'm speaking here as a former nurse and also an endoscopy patient. When struggling occurs the patient is forcibly restrained, on the grounds they won't remember it afterwards, and this can cause minor muscle strains etc. I'm wondering what the nature of the pain in your arms is. Does it feel like a pulled muscle? Also, have you noticed any unexplained bruises on your arms or legs?

      The pain in your chest and throat will be down to the passage of the tube and the minor wound caused by the biopsies that were taken. This will wear off in a week or two.

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    i dont know but i hurt.i sneezed today it really hurt

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      The pain on sneezing was just due to rapid contraction of your diaphragm and abdominal muscles putting pressure on the small biopsy wounds in your chest and stomach. This kind of thing is quite normal, and will go away in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, try and look at which foods make it worse, and avoid these for the time being. Bread - of any kind - is never a good idea if you have pain in your stomach and oesophagus, and you should also avoid anything too acidic. That includes tomato-based soups and all fizzy drinks. Try not to worry about it too much.

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    I'm having my first endoscopy in 2 days. Super nervous, was even thinking of rescheduling the date as I'm already feeling better. The GI doctor informed me that sedation might be risky for me as I am underweight and have low blood pressure. She's afraid that the sedation will bring my blood pressure even lower. I feels like "omg is it I'm gonna die", the reason why I went in for endoscopy is because i experience some swallowing issues even since I accidentally swallowed a not so well chewed cabbage. Since then, there are times whereby I felt that food is stuck in my throat or lower esophagus, especially food like cracker and bread. I feel full easily too. Now, I'm slowly adding in my normal diet but still avoiding meat, bread and cracker 😦 Totally miserable.

    I got a referral letter for a subsides rate, however the waiting time for just the consultation will be more than a month. I made another booking as private patient (basically paying about SGD2000++, super expensive), I'm scheduled for endoscope on 13th August 2019.

    I'm quite nervous about it tbh. The idea of just the throat spray is just ugh. And, reading that most people have swallowing issues and chest pain after the procedure is just omg. I don't need anymore swallowing issues.. I did an scope from my nose to my windpipe without any numbing before, was fine but my heart beats really fast when the scope went deeper.

    I'm so afraid that there's gonna be complications like, bleeding non-stop from tissues taken for lab test or etc.

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    Thx for posting this. I have the same experience. My chest hurt like h... - but no black stool and not throwing up.

    After reading the tread, I am more relaxed 😃 Still going to se the doctor though. I has lasted for 3 days now

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      hi PLEASE dont stress about post endoscopy pain. i panicked cried and stressed for ages about it because evey doctor acted like pain after is IMPOSSIBLE. its definitely possible. mine lasted 2 weeks. it will go!

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    My doctor says it is normal to be tender and having chest discomfort after endoscope

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      lucky. i was so upset and mine were looking at me with boggled eyes and being like NOOOOO THATS NOT NORMAL. actual bull

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      Yeah well mine said, that is was mostly "sensitive" people like me, that had the discomfort. Not that much better. But at least it is "normal"

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      I totally sympathise, alex-loves. I used to be a nurse and it infuriated me that most doctors behaved like this most of the time. Their reasoning is that if you warn patients about possible after-effects of any procedure - not just endoscopy - then they'll start "imagining" they have them. They'd rather people worried themselves sick thinking something had gone seriously wrong than admit some procedures have after-effects!

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