Pain all over...every day
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Hello ladies, I am seeking advice and wisdom! I lie in bed every night and pain radiates through my body...mainly my arms, neck, shoulders and legs. I toss and turn through the night. When i wake up int the morning, my joints hurt and it is difficult to walk. once I am up, my muscles loosen up but the pain never goes away. I do yoga and low impact aerobics every morning. I have started massage therapy & it really hurts! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but honestly i think it is more hormone related. Blood work all normal. Haven't had hormone testing. Does anyone else have this pain? Also my armpits are on fire and painful and sometimes it feels like they swell up. On Sunday, i felt like a cold sore/pimple was forming in my armpit. Sure enough a small pea bump formed and hurt like heck (freak out when I google). It has almost disappeared but I have been to the doctor twice about the swelling, pain and bumps. She says its lymph node related but it freaks me out! I recently had a mammogram. Sorry for the rant, just looking for women who are going through the same issues.
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christina81747 Chickadeesgrl
i dont have it like you but i off and on get pain and swelling as well in my lower back i also get burning on back of nexk and shoulders indo get radiating pain in arm and nexk sometimes im stiff but not bad i do get alot of bloating too i have had the armpit thing ughh its ao annoying dont google its most likely hormones they just constantly change sonyou cant presict how you will feel i would get them checked though for your own peace of mind lately i have been having pressure in my head where it just feels full eyes feel heavy and weird and ears ringing alot so much fun!!!
laurie19311 Chickadeesgrl
I truly know how you feel. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was 17 (I am 46 now) and I have to say that since I hit perimenopause it has been awful. I hurt all day, everyday. Hormones definitely play a role in it, especially the flare-ups. As for the arm pits...yes! I have had that, including the bumps. I have had it on and off since being diagnosed, and my doctor told me it was related to the fibromyalgia. I get the bumps in other places too. neck, groin, etc. Know that you aren't alone in what you are feeling! Self care is crucial (easier said than done, lol)! Rest, low impact exercise,and drink water. I have to remind myself of this everyday, but I tend not to do that, and it makes me a million times worse. I wish I followed my own advice 😃! I am praying for you and hoping this eases!
Chickadeesgrl laurie19311
Thank you. I was only diagnosed with fibromyalgia at 49 & I have had many of the symptoms since my 20s. I am now 50. I have had flareups for years. Now everyday feels like a flareup! Agree that self care is crucial. Today I started a daily chart to see if my pain etc. is cyclical. This under arm pain and bumps come in 3 week intervals & started 2 months ago when I had the flu. I have started on magnesium again plus a daily vitamin plus tumeric tea. will see if anything works. I meditate & stretch before bec. I hope you have ease too.
lisa95354 Chickadeesgrl
Also, what is the deal with these bumps, I had them too, but I didn’t go to the doctor because I was sick and tired of the incompetence.
debra16694 Chickadeesgrl
hi there - i have the exact same thing - i woke up in the middle of December like a 80 year old woman - i ache like i have the flu, but my legs are the worst, i can barely stand or put weight on my legs in the morning. i cant stand for more than a few minutes on my legs - As the day goes by it does get a bit better, but never great - i double up on my omegas, take tumeric every other day, take magnesium & do yoga & gentle water movement. I have been tested for auto immune & dont have it, it has to be hormones - i have experienced every side effect of menopause, but this is very debilitating - i pray it goes away soon - i do not have the armpit issue (yet) but do suffer from swollen knees - i have had them ultra sounded & aside from one knee being bone on bone its just fattly tissue - swelling of knees happened overnight & started right when i got joint/muscle/tendon pain burning - i also suffer from burning body parts - rhumatologist says i do not have fibromyalgia - go figure? SO OVER THIS!
Chickadeesgrl debra16694
You are like me! It is so frustrating because blood work is great & clear mammogram. Fibromyalgia is a catch all & I think my flare ups have got worse as I have aged. I hate to know what I will be like when I hit full blown menopause. I live in Canada so am seriously considering cbd oil for pain. I know many people using it & it isn't taboo to talk about.
lisa95354 debra16694
Hey Debra, How did they test you for fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis can be ruled out w/ a blood test, but fibromyalgia can’t be?
debra16694 lisa95354
hi lisa - my rhumatologist ruled out everything like lupus, RA, etc & did a Sed rate blood test & said i was not presenting with typicalsymptoms of fibromyalgia - my only common symptom is muscle aches & only in my legs. i know that there is not a definitive test to determine if you have it, everything else has to be ruled out - i get how sugar, alcohol, gluten & caffeine affect our hormones but what does deodorant have to do with it? just curious, i only use Toms anyway because i am afraid of the aluminum in most deodorants - Thanks lisa, you appear to know a lot about this issue -
Chickadeesgrl debra16694
Well we are not alone. Sharing information is so important. What works for one person may not work for another. I really am trying hard to keep drugs to a minimum. My concern is that everytime I go to the doctor, she just gives me a prescription...which I never fill. For fibromyalgia, I was given a prescription, beginning with L. I started reading about the horrible side effects and addictions and said no way.
A diagnosis of fibromyalgia is difficult because there are many symptoms not related to pain. Also many of the symptoms are the same as perimenopausal/menopausal. I can have "flare-ups" of pain in specific areas that may last a week or a month. GERD/acid reflux/IBS (years for me and food get stuck as I eat), painful periods/endometriosis (me)...the list goes on.
However over the last few years, my flare-ups are daily. I hurt from the top of my head to the tip of my toes especially when I get into bed. I wake up and stretch, yoga and do low impact. I take supplements - magnesium, omega 3 and a daily vitamin. This week I started on a supplement for adrenal health because much of the reading suggests that during perimenopause our adrenal glands get overworked.
I use a natural deodorant and have for years. I did use Tom's but felt it clogged my pores. My friend, who had breast cancer, and now uses natural products said many deodorants have toxic chemicals like aluminum that can create an hormonal imbalance especially an increase in estrogen.
As for the bumps that form under my arms, when they form they hurt like heck. Swelling and then shrink and disappear. No idea why but I find them scary. I have been to the doctor twice about it and she said it could be because of poor lymph node health or fibromyalgia. I have a constant post nasal drip. When they form it feels like I am getting a cold sore (tingling, pain). My doctor says if it is painful and comes on overnight, it is lymph node issues.
I have started monthly massage therapy as the therapist says my muscles are so tight. Hopefully that helps.
Thank you for sharing and we need to be positive.
PS I know I should not drink alcohol or caffeine. I have given up both for long periods of time but never noticed a difference. My one glass of wine before dinner is my happy time. 😃
lisa95354 Chickadeesgrl
Look into dry brushing your body and also oil massage every morning and before showering. The oil massage is Ayurvedic, it will help with adrenals and with the lymphatic system. Before I knew about this I used to use a soft body brush in the shower in the summer, after garden/yardwork, it would feel so good. But I noticed how good it felt when I got out and most the day, now I know why. I would like to get into an Ayurvedic lifestyle, but it kind of sounds really complicated. Are you in the Midwest, I am in the Midwest and we had a terrible storm this week, I also put my back out Monday and I have felt simply awful. I was wondering if this week was harder for you? I didn’t know if it was the weather plus barometric pressure.I have noticed that when I ask other people that have fibromyalgia if it was a hard week they always always say yes, so to me that Has to be linked to weather. I understand what you mean about the wine and caffeine. Even though I like red wine, I try to stay away from it, because the tannens in it seem to stir something with the fibromyalgia. we have to be able to enjoy some things right 😉
lisa95354 debra16694
The chemicals in regular deodorant can mess with hormones also and chemicals also mess with fibromyalgia. I have found that additives/ preservatives/chemicals, in food also make my fibromyalgia rage. it’s almost like we have to live like goats and eat grass the rest of our lives because everything seems to bother it:( i’ve come to realize we can’t rely on doctors that’s why I know a little more, I’ve been doing this for years, TY 😃 if you are able to take Epson salt baths, they are amazing, unfortunately I’m 6'2 and have a 5 foot tub… LOL not conducive for soaking. 2 cups of Epson salt, several drops of lavender essential oil, 1 cup of baking soda, 2 cups of white vinegar, it’s Sue’s the muscles and Detoxes the body. I am three years post menopause, there is a new drug out for fibromyalgia and my pharmacist swears by, its called low-dose Naltrexone. He also said the side effects are minimal. also I have a lot of teas that are good for inflammation, but I had to stop drinking them because I was having a terrible time with the rapid heartbeat during menopause, SVT’s. but now I am more able to. I have a tea which is good for inflammation called green mango peach green tea, it’s organic and spy Tea Forte, also they have a tea that is very good for inflammation and it’s an antioxidant and it is also by T4 and it’s called TAI MU Silver needles white tea buds. I actually need to re-order. hope this finds you doing well. i’m just thinking now a friend of mine years and years ago, her father for his circulation used to put a full body magnet under his mattress pad cover and he swore by it. He was an elder Hispanic gentleman that had a lot of holistic remedies.
lisa95354 debra16694
hey Debra, I only ask because a lot of these doctors overlook things. Did he give you the trigger point test? Have you ever gone online and googled triggerpoints with fibromyalgia, it shows a diagram? if you haven’t that’s a must. if you get the time, check it up and tell me what you think. because everything you said to me sounds like quintessential fibromyalgia, so I don’t know where he gets that? please don’t get me wrong, I know I’m not a doctor, but when someone has fibromyalgia, they know the telltale signs;) Honestly, it’s all in the language of how someone describes their pain.
Chickadeesgrl lisa95354
Lisa, we have so many similiar symptoms. Will look into the Ayurvedic method. A woman in the area does this and hot oil massages. I live in ontario & barometric pressure does bother me so i had to take migraine meds this week. I drink white wine never red...migraines. I live near one of the largest medical m****** facilities as I live on canada. Doctors hear are open to C B D oils & I may try it. I just started an over the counter h e m p oil that you ingest & is high in omega 3. Wine & caffeine are my joys! Hope your back feels better. winter is coming.
lisa95354 Chickadeesgrl
Hey there, before I got down to the part when you said you have fibromyalgia, I was going to ask you if you have fibromyalgia. I have it and what it is, the pain, is the combination of Menopause and fibromyalgia, they are like gas and a match, the Fibro makes meno worse and vice versa! Are you taking supplements, are you taking magnesium, do you cut out sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Those latter three will make both meno & fibro, 100 times worse! We think doctors don’t know anything about menopause, they certainly don’t know ANYTHING about menopause and fibromyalgia together. do you use regular deodorant, if you’re using regular deodorant stop immediately and start using natural, like Tom’s. also these doctors 90% of them don’t know what they’re talking about with Menopause, because number one they’re not trained on it and number two they really could care less, most of them. We’ve all heard this 100 times on this forum that they’ve done blood test etc. and it doesn’t show anything, it’s not going to show anything, you have to go by the symptoms on this forum. also you have to be an advocate hugely at this time in your life for your own health. All these doctors try to do during menopause mostly is put us on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. We aren’t short of these in our system, unless we actually are, then an antidepressant would be necessary by we’re short of hormones and have fluctuating hormones. also if you’re on Facebook and Instagram go on there and try to find Menopause’s group to belong to because they’re very helpful. I know on Facebook a lot of the women talk about 'Fixed a flash.' try to get a really thick mattress pad cover, extra thick, they also have ones out that have a cooling technology. Or a memory foam topper, so it eases the pressure/trigger points. to me it seems like gluten also makes my fibromyalgia much worse. Best wishes 😃
Chickadeesgrl lisa95354
Thanks Lisa for the ideas about cooling technology and memory foam. I try and stay away from gluten because I have IBS/acid reflux. However, once every other week I like to eat a fresh piece of bread. I regret it after. We need to keep sharing our stories. Best wishes to you too.
lisa95354 Chickadeesgrl
I understand what you mean, last night at dinner I passed up a piece of fresh bread 😉