Pain just under rib for months

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Hi! I have been having a constant pain in right upper quadrant just below rib. I have had this pain for now 3 months. Doc has had me do ultrasound of liver gallbladder which was negative, I have had an endoscopy done because he thought it might have been a duodenum ulcer but it was negative, I been treated with one personal 40 mg a day Nexium 40 mg a day but nothing seems to help. The pain is dull achy but sometimes can be sharp and it sometimes radiates to the back right under my shoulder blade. I am scheduled for a colonoscopy, all my blood tests are normal and the doctor is at loss, next step would be a CT scan with contrast of abdomen and pelvic area. I am starting to get very worried and honestly don't know what could be causing this constant pain. Gallbladder was normal and no stones were noted. Is anyone experiencing something similar, I would appreciate any advice on the matter.

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48 Replies

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    Hi Lidia. I have same symptoms . And its for three months too . It started on 26th of june and that was time I went to ER. They did CT scan and pelvic exam and urin and blood work and all came back normal . I went to doctor 7. Days after ER. They did urea breath test for H pylori bacteria and it came back positive . I was treated with antibiotics and now I have to wait for 2 weeks to be treated again . My pain is in upper stomach and it goes on right side below rib and in back . I was afraid that it can be cancer. Im going for endoscopy in few weeks. I did ultrasound as well( liver galdbladder and pencreas) and everything is ok . It looks like that food is causing me this pain ( dairy products, wheat, sugar), so stay away from that and acid food and fraid food .
    • Posted

      Thank you for your response! I was tested for pilory and that was negative (stool sample) awaiting biopsy results for pylori taken from endoscopy. The pain is very localized, the doctor thinks they may have missed something during ultrasound. He suggested maybe a small lesion on pancreas. ( my ultrasound showed pancreas unremarkable) or he said it could be a tumor pushing organs from the back that was not visible on u/s....scary scenario if you ask me! When I was at the follow up appointment a med student was there so that is when he mentioned all of this in front of me, I was like "hello I am here! You are freeking me out!!!" Lol!! Anyway he said hida scan is a good next step maybe my gallbladder isn't functioning correctly, he said it doubts that. Than he asked if I have ever had am aneurysm??? What? I have no clue?

      One thing I have noticed too I have been loosing hair too could be stress related... I don't know. Instead of loosing weight I have gained like 6 pounds, that's why he said possibly a tumor. I hate doctors!

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    Does your pain move around and do you have changes in bowel habit? Do any foods trigger pain?  Try a food diary.  Ask your doctor about IBS if you have the symptoms I've mentioned.

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      She should avoid dairy. That is one of the biggest causes along with sugary, spicy, acidic and fried food. I've been on her place and had all these symptoms. On the end I was positive on H pylori so ask doctor for that test. I did have diarrhea too, which is a biggest sign of infection . Im on omeprazole now before they test me again but still having a pain if Im not careful with food. Lost over 10+ lbs for three months which was mot a good sign either but I was not eating at all. I had same stubbing pain that when I breath or move hurts. It helps when I give massage while laying down. Avoid smoking or alcohol ( although I never smoked nor drink nor had any of medication ibuprofen aspirin which can trigger all this). Hope you feel better but maybe you have food intolerance too.

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      I was tested for h pylori, celiac, urine infections and had an ultrasound. All these tests were negative so I was diagnosed with IBS.  My symptoms are stomach pain and constipation with occasional loose stools and nausea.  However, since diagnosis my pain has lessened, my constipation is not too bad if I take prunes, oranges and other fruits, the nausea and loose stools have also become a lot less frequent.  I have no food intolerances.  It is stress and anxiety that trigger my stomach pain.  If I am calm, I hardly feel any pain except for a very dull ache which I can ignore. With occasional bad flare ups. I take Buscopan which helps
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      I have same feeling . When Im alone I think a lot about pain and waiting for pain to come than I get anxity and really bad pain . When Im alone all this is hepenning but if Im out with friends I feel better. Do you take any pills for anxity? When comes to food I have many of food products that makes my pain worst.
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      No I don't take anything for anxiety because I tend to be senstive to prescribed mecications.  My anxiety comes in spikes and I cope with it by avoiding the things that trigger it.

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      no changes in bowel movements, I am constipated all the time, doc said he could feel stools in colon.
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    Get pepermint oil capsules( ibguard). Also get probiotic capsules it helps so much !
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      I live in US too. You can find them at Wallgreens ( IBGUard pepermint oil pills , and probiotic pills). It helped me with pain . Do you have any bloating ? My doctor thinks its ulcer maybe . Im just praying to not be anything dangerous. The pain also goes on my beck . I have family with stomach issues ( mom had twice ulcer, and hernia, sister many times bacteria, brother ulcer, aunts have stomach issues). I've never had until three months ago and pain sometimes gets better sometimes worst. I know for sure that dairy products and wheat makes it worst and fried, sugary and spicy food.

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      Did you do a scope? I had history of ulcer gastritis too with h pylori, that was about 15 years ago. My current endoscopy showed no gastritis or ulcers....I almost wish it was that!
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      No I haven't. Im doing endoscopy next week than will see what is next. This pain make me not yo live life fully. I cant go for dinners, cant drink coffee, cant eat my favorite food

    • Posted

      Well i can tell you that it does get better, 15 years ago I had ulcer gastritis an pylori I was put on omeoprazole for 6 months, it took over 6 months to feel 100% better! But I promise it will!

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