Pain on both sides of abdomen below ribs.

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My pain started below the right rib around 5 months ago. It’s like a tight burning pain. Around two months ago it spread to the left side as well. No pain in the middle. The pain is always there but it generally is worse on one side than the other. It’s about a 3 or 4 out of 10 pain. I’ve had ultrasound, endoscopy, liver function test, and h pylori test and all came back clear. I can’t find a relation between food and the pain but excercise seems to make it slightly worse. My bowel movements vary between 1 and 3 times a day and are generally soft but not diarrhoea

Anybody else experienced anything like this or can shed some light on what it is? It’s reakky starting to get me down now. 

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Meant to add, the only other symptom I seem to have is quite a lot of burping. Don’t feel bloated, just a lot of random burps. 
    • Posted

      I joined here for my mums sake as she’s having constant burning pain all around her upper abdominal, she gets gassy to, when she hasn’t ate anything it gets worse and she can’t find a relation between food either. She has an ultrasound on Wednesday and awaiting a endoscopy I’m terrified Incase it’s something more sinister, did they say if you have an ulcer or something else? 
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      Have you been feeling the burning pain for months or does it come and go?
    • Posted

      I have days that are better than others but it is generally always there. It started right at the start of this year. 
  • Posted

    seems you are in the inital stages .. did you have HIDA scan to check Gallbladder  function, if not it.
    • Posted

      Initial stages of what? I’ve not had a hida scan, but I go back to see my GI in 3 weeks so will certainly bring it up with him. Would gallbladder problems cause pain on the left hand side? 
    • Posted

      your gallbladder might function less or more .Normal range is 35% to 85%. Ultrasound showed no stones for me and hida scan showed my GB is working 0%, it was in 2011.I  get frequent bloating,burping if i eat any fatty/protein or oily foods.They asked me to remove GB during 2011, somehow i was in control of my diet and last year i run in to severe digestion issues after eating in restaurant where ultrasound showed stones. Still on the sidelines to remove gb or not as i also have been diagnosed with gastritis. For me bloating and burping is a concern compared to my gb pain and  doctors and surgeon are not sure if gastritis or gb causing this, so hence still in sideline.
    • Posted

      gallbladder problems can cause pain only on the right side.but when it flares up , you can get acid refulx and that may cause gastric pain on left side.i also came across many post who had left hand side pain with gb issue.
    • Posted

      Many thanks for ur explanation. I’m definitely going to bring this up with my GI. Do u ever get pain on ur left hand side with it? 
    • Posted

      Left hand side pain is more of gastric/acid reflux/ulcer problem.But if endoscopy is clear, then GB may be causing it.
    • Posted

      Do u ever get nausea? I get very motivated of nausea as well but again I can’t relate it to food. 
    • Posted

      Sorry, that’s supposed to say mild nausea 

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