Painful Intercourse- help!

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hi ladies

i have been struggling over the last 2 years with pain on intercourse and its so bad now i just cant take it anymore.

ive been on HrT and vagifem insertibles but this hasnt helped. i recently had a hysteroscopy to remove polyps and all tests are clear now.

However i just cannot have intercourse now as it feels like im tearing in half. is it vaginal atrophy? AT My last smear I was in such pain when they opened the speculum and ended up crying my eyes out and my Doctor was so helpful but we focussed on removing the polyps rather than the pain from the exam.

Do any ladies out there suffer this? im going to go back to my consultant to discuss as I just cant take this snymore and my poor husband is so kind and patient it breaks my heart.

I feel like a genderless person and no longer feminine or able to feel attractive that way anymore. Can anyone help at all?

Thanks so much xxxx

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    For the past year and a half i dud the same thing!! It felt like i was losing my virginity or someone was shoving a knife in there, then after the sex it would feel like my vagina was scrubbed down with sandpaper! But all of the sudden ive noticed its finally easing up (although i dont know if it will stay that way since hormones love to make you think its getting better) but anyway i havent had a period since the beginning of february and the painful intercourse started a long time ago when i was still having periods. And it has nothing to do with lubrication cause we tried the really slippery stuff and it still hurt, but its easing up now!?

    • Posted


      omg that is exactly the same symptoms as me. I havent had any times when it ease up though but am hoping it will eventually?

      every time i ask the doc they say it because if poor lubrication but ,like you, i know its not that.

      sooo frustrating! im really tired of the pain and so obviously weve gradually had sex less and less. i feel embarassed and cant stand the pain or the effect it has on my husband bless him. i have very little sex drive now anyway (hormones) and so am thinking if trying hrt again?

      ill go to docs again and see what they say this time.

      Thanks so much for your reply and i felt a flood of relief to know someone else had the exact same symptoms. Take care hunni and thanks so much xxx

    • Posted

      Try to hang in there, every body is different but after putting up with it for so long it does seem to be easing up some. Even my sex drive is starting to come back some. That part had completely died and i became so depressed! I found sex to be boring and unappealing (the drs said it was just depression) But ive not taken any meds for depression and in the past 3 months my sex drive comes back in waves! so it is definitely those stupid hormone fluctuations. I hope once my body gets used to the lack of hormones everything will even out and sex will be enjoyable again. My gingers are crossed for you! Take care

  • Posted

    yes this started for me about three years ago, it was my first peri symptom.The first year was the worst, I had every vaginal test and everything came back urine sample came back contaminated with strep b, I was assured by urologist and gynocologist that is was a harmless bacteria unless pregnant or diabetic.......I truly felt because my ph was off the bacteria turned into an overgrowth causing agnonizing burning and pain......I did ozone treatments for about two months used vaginal probiotics and it settled......I was relieved.....and then I started noticing pain and burning if I sat too next adventure was a pelvic floor physiotherapist where she said I had tight pelvic floor muscles so she gave me stretches to do. I finally feel normal, but have not had sex in three years as I worry I am going to end up back to where I was.My husband is understanding and patient as he seen what I went through and I refuse to feel guilty because this is something out of my control.

  • Posted

    ALOE gel could help, its very good on the outer area which in turn seemed to help inside (didn't put it inside). It brings some suppleness back to the tissues. May be worth a try - I was AMAZED after trying all other specialist lubes, this was the only one that helped.

    • Posted

      ah ok thanks! ill try and get some. anything thatll help would be great. Thanks so much xx

    • Posted

      Hey Yellow where did you purchase aloe gel im in the uk .


    • Posted

      Tricia, at Holland & Barrett. Its Aloe Pura, you can get it without teatree if you prefer but it's been an AMAZING for me. Initially a bit tingly but that soon goes. I do hope it helps you too.

    • Posted

      Can i ask how old you are? The discomfort came on gradually for me but nothing else helped except this gel. Natural ingredients too!

    • Posted

      Im 57 and had this horrid soreness for about a year now, its impossible to have intimacy with my hubby 😦 im now trying Key- E pessaries Carlson company , been using for 3 days now so il see how it goes.

    • Posted

      I'm same age. I've just looked up about those pessaries, good reviews!

      I do hope you get something that helps. xxx

    • Posted

      il keep you posted with the Key - E pessaries , hope its effective, fingers crossed



  • Posted

    Hi Louise

    I had the same experience. I was advised to use Yes OB, you can. Buy it online and it's really good. It will be the atrophy unfortunately but the lubricant is the best I've tried and I can now have pain free sex. Don't forget too that in the UK you can get referred to the hospital for your smear, they have smaller equipment, specialist nurses and a set up to help women with this issue. It makes a huge difference xxx

    • Posted

      i tried Yes OB i found it very runny was hard to apply and did

      n't really do the job ,. or help with my vag problem . soreness around entrance. Maybe its not the right one for me, we are all different


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