Painful left breast/side boob menopause
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I'm 48 and peri menopausal , periods stopped around 6 months ago . I'm quite lucky that I have not experienced mood swings however , the aches and pains , the irrational thoughts of doom are awful . Just recently , around three weeks now I've experienced tingling, burning and throbbing in my left breast and side of breast . I have requested a scan with my GP anyway to rule out anything nasty but wondered if anybody else has experienced this ?
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Sochima822 nichola18498
Yes, it's very common during perimenopause to experience this pain. It's a duct in your breast that's just a little swollen but usually it's nothing to be alarmed about. From my experience, breast cancer patients never experience pain until the very late stages of it. What I found helpful and we suggested it to patients is to apply some Arnica Gel or cream to help calm the internal swelling, it should go away within a day or 2, but keep using it until it goes away. Hope this helps.
sarahonadowner nichola18498
I too have pain in my left breast from time to time. Sometimes so painful I can't be touched at all. Ice been checked out and all was well. I try not to worry anymore. I found that omitting caffeine helped a fair bit.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to me . I'm relieved to learn I am not alone , I shall certainly try arnica cream , only have to wait until Thursday for scan , until then I shall try to keep busy , thanks again , Nicky
gilly_64426 nichola18498
I have the same pain. It's awful and keeps me up at night. I'm still getting my period so for me it's worst before and after. I'm also 48
I was up last night because this pain. Worst part is the doom feeling mixed with Anxiety. I have never been this type of person but this thing got me in a different mind set.
nichola18498 gilly_64426
Yes I understand entirely , the irrational thoughts of doom just come from nowhere , I could be thinking about what to cook for dinner and suddenly I'm overwhelmed with fear and thoughts of something awful about to happen . I have to really tell myself off and refocus my mind . Also it's getting embarrassing the amount of times I think I'm listening and then wonder what the hell has just been said to me . I'm thinking of asking for hrt , I'm going to research it a little more first as I've heard it comes with risks however , living like a zombie is not good !
gilly_64426 nichola18498
I hate the bad thoughts going to funerals. I hate it so much now because the images keep reappearing in my head. My husband does not understand.
I hate words associated with anything negative. 😣
2chr2015 gilly_64426
Oh my goodness Gilly...I know exactly what you mean! I mute commercials now..( just to be safe). If it's on the radio, I make my husband change stations. 🙄He thinks I'm looney. Lol
gilly_64426 2chr2015
Lol...I do the same.
sabrina1971 nichola18498
It's good that you are getting checked out, but my doctor says it's very common for her patients to have the one breast acting up. Good luck!
2chr2015 sabrina1971
That's good to hear that it is common in one breast. I am on the left breast club too
sabrina1971 2chr2015
gailannie nichola18498
While it's been years ago, while in perimenopause, I woke up one morning with a huge lump in my left breast. I did call my doctor. But it went away just as quickly as it came. Yes, it was sore and painful, and scared the heck out of me. Never had anything like it since. It is hormonal. Hope this sets your mind at ease.
And hey ladies, does anyone notice that we are all complaining about the LEFT side? I find that very interesting. Why not the right, or both breasts at the same time? Or further interest is that when I started estradiol patches, I hated having the patch ON MY LEFT SIDE. Didn't mind the right side, but the left was horrid. Just find this left side issue interesting.
2chr2015 gailannie
Hi gailannie. When my left breast pain started, my feeling was that the breast, shoulder, clavicle, and under arm region were all congested. In my research it seems that I read somewhere that our lymph nodes branch off in the center of the chest and more of them branch to the left. I would try to do arm circles and different exercises just to get the area moving. I also had a lymphatic massage twice. I can't honestly say any of it helped though. I do not know if that has anything to do with it, but just thought it was interesting.
gailannie 2chr2015
gilly_64426 nichola18498
Guest gilly_64426
Although I did get frozen shoulder in my right but it usually happens in your non dominant shoulder.
Alas, pain in both breasts. My cysts were so huge the radiologist looked at me and said ‘there’s really something wrong with you, you should see a doctor’.
Ummm no Sh** Sherlock. So annoying.
It’s amazing how a body can totally break down because of hormones.
Does it get better?, does it really???
Sochima822 Guest
Not sure about it being on your non dominant side, i get cold shoulder on my right side all the time and what's worse is that I'm right handed!
Yes, it gets better. I, too, suffered with cyst pain but once I went on hrt every symptom of pain and emotional crying went away including my ovarian cysts and fibroids.
gailannie Sochima822
Curious Sochima, are you also using progesterone? I've read this helps with fibroids. Do you mind mentioning what you're using? I'd love to see my fibroids shrink.
Guest Sochima822
Usually they say frozen shoulder during meno is non-dominant shoulder. No explanation as to why, they don't know. Hopefully you don't have a rotator cuff problem!
Sochima822 gailannie
No, Gailannie on the progesterone. Currently, I'm not on anything but when I was it was levonorgestrel. After trying more than a dozen other hrt remedies, bcp's and medicines this one took everything away. But like you said, every body is different. For fibroids I sort of recall being told to eat chai seeds, beets and yams. Since I eat these all the time I haven't felt any pain, but then I try to eat as close to organic as l can and lastly, I fast. Fasting causes the fibroids to shrink because it deprives them of fat cells which what feeds them, along with refined sugar and caffeine. Hope this helps.
gailannie Sochima822
Ok Sochima, this is getting even more interesting by the minute, since Lovonorgestrel is a progestin! So basically you were taking a synthetic progesterone. I'm assuming you were in perimenopause and still producing enough estrogen. Correct?
And now you are in menopause? (Sorry, I know I should remember this)
Sochima822 gailannie
Yes, of course i took synthetic medicine and i wouldn't hesitate to take it again if i had too. I tried homeopathic bio-identicals, and spent hundreds on maybe this'll work junk, that didn't do lick. No, I'm not in menopause. Not happening any time soon, i dont suspect i will either as the women in my family have moon cycles well into their late 70's, i suspect i am too. But at least it's not as unbalanced as it was before, i still get emotional but it's not as often, only around that time.
gailannie Sochima822
We’re constantly told that’s it’s all about the estrogen. That isn’t my experience.
Sochima822 gailannie
Yes, i was estrogen dominant yet, in my experience, when you're estrogen dominant progesterone is the antidote. When I was estradiol, estrace, and a other es types of pills, my hormones were worse. As a last resort, my doctor suggested we try this, and it was the magic pill i needed.
gailannie Sochima822
Sochima822 gailannie
gailannie Sochima822
Just really curious here, but did you do a 2 week round of Lovonorgestorol? Or was it more?
2chr2015 Sochima822
Hi sochima. That is great information. Thanks for sharing😊 How long were you on the bcp? My doc has recommended it if I want to try it. It would be great to get rid of the breast pain and possibly the ovarian cysts? They are very painful too.
Sochima822 gailannie
No, I wasn't to your first question and I took it for a little over a year and then I stopped when all my symptoms went away.
Sochima822 2chr2015
Hi 2chr, yes, it was great for taking away the breast, cyst and fibroid pain, the only thing I recommend is that if you take it, do the full 3 years, stopping early caused my hot flushes to come back with a vengeance 2 years later. My gyne said that if I would've continue I could have avoided any other symptoms. But a lot of women put the fear factor in me for which I shouldn't have listened. Because they had no knowledge of my progesterone dominance and the pill i was taking made me a less likely risk candidate for breast cancer.
2chr2015 Sochima822
Sochima822 2chr2015
Many women think there gallbladder is somehow an issue. Most of the time it's acid or a sour atomach on the right side under the rib cage. Gallbladder pain is quite painful, symptoms include feeling as if you re having a heart attack, high fever, vomiting or diahrrea, pain on the right side but it moves to the chest and back of your gallbladder. I thought I was having gallbladder pain but a ct scan showed it was my cysts and fibroids causing me pain. My doctor thought it could also be acid reflux, thus I was given a mylanta cocktail, with an rx for a ppi. Were you diagnosed with gallbladder disease?
2chr2015 Sochima822