Painful left breast/side boob menopause
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I'm 48 and peri menopausal , periods stopped around 6 months ago . I'm quite lucky that I have not experienced mood swings however , the aches and pains , the irrational thoughts of doom are awful . Just recently , around three weeks now I've experienced tingling, burning and throbbing in my left breast and side of breast . I have requested a scan with my GP anyway to rule out anything nasty but wondered if anybody else has experienced this ?
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columba84250 nichola18498
Hello I am 46 yrs old and i dont have periods my uterus was removed. But yes Ive gotten everything you can think of in menopause. Left breast pain for sure and yes only my left breast. Very painful. I will be getting a mammo soon thank god because i always am thinking something is wrong
I am on Estradiol .025. It helps with mood and hot flashes and that is all. I still get the depression. I've had digestive problems, shoulder problems gallbladder removed, achy bones, forgetfulness, feeling disoriented, throat ache, bad allergies which i never had. I know i am forgetting something LOL. Anyway just wanted to let you know i feel the same left breast/side boob pain. I hope this helps 
2chr2015 columba84250
Bless you all , so thankful for all of your thoughts and advice , it's makes a huge difference to feel understood ! Men just don't get it lol I hate what I've become and just want to feel "normal" again ! My scan is next Thur so I shall certainly let you know how it goes ??
Guest nichola18498
gilly_64426 nichola18498
Yes we know they don't.
Hugs and hope everything goes well😊
2chr2015 nichola18498
Guest nichola18498
2chr2015 nichola18498
Hi nichola. That's great news and I know a relief. I take 400 mg of vitamin E and that does help me
gilly_64426 nichola18498
Someone had posted taking a tea spoon of Pure Virgin Olive Oil
sarahonadowner nichola18498
Thank you everyone , I'm going to try the extra Virgin olive oil and see how it goes , can't live with the pain ! Hard to sleep and drive , I work with gardening students and it's difficult to manoeuvre myself around , big hugs to you all
gilly_64426 nichola18498
I started using the extra virgin olive oil and so far all good.
Please make you research which one to use because some manufactures use fillers.
2chr2015 gilly_64426
gilly_64426 2chr2015
And I also cut out my daily starbucks. Limited to once a week now.