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Does anyone have frequent palpitations. I am 49 years old. Didn't have a period for 6 months then started having them again. I am now having frequent palpitations

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I get the fast pounding heartbeats palps and also in between them like heart beating faster then norm but not the hard palps! 
  • Posted

    Hi yes, i get palpitations i think its hormones, back on HRT now hope this sorts it for me smile
  • Posted

    Hi Shirley, yes, I had these palpitations for a number of months, like shaking inside and not being able to relax? Also, you don't know if you are feeling cold or not. It's almost like your internal thermometer has gone wonky. I have finally got my hrt sorted out, and don't really get these palpitations anymore, thankfully. But they do pass.....

  • Posted

    Hi yes I have this aswell it is awful.i missed my period in Feb and march and thought I was starting to not have them then in April had a really heavy one and palpitations it is a rough ride 😩

  • Posted

    Hi there, Yes, I have had these since my late thirties, I blamed stress until I started seeing a patern with my cycle.  I had my blood levels tested and I was very low in ferritan so since I started taking iron supplements they decreased, however I still get them leading up to my mense.  I and now early forties and I have just started taking progestrone cream as I have now a whole bunch of premenopausal symptoms so hopeing that the cream will help some.  I would get palpatations so often I had the doctors check out my heart rythm and everything looks fine.  My blood tests show that I am low in progestrone and estridial so this explains why my symptoms are all over the place.
  • Posted

    Yes I get palpitations quite frequently. Leading up to my cycle time. I get the pounding fast heart rate as well. I've had two hospital stays to have my heart checked out and everything came back fine. It's hormones and I'm sure it's hormones for you as well. Have it checked out just to be on the safe side.

  • Posted

    Omg I just had them two weeks ago while on vacation ughhhh it was after my period and that's when I seem to get them I started taking Epsom salts bathes and that seemed to really help two cups and sit in the tub for a half hour! I then ordered magnesium which has helped me immensely tho everyone is different when I have them it then escalates and I start having anxiety which I have Xanax to take which that helps but I don't want to feel drugged but when I would take it that would help them stop as well hope that helps

  • Posted

    Yes I get them especially before my period. The only thing that has helped them for me is magnesium xx
    • Posted

      Hi sally I too have them what form is the magnesium in and where do you get it from 😊

    • Posted

      I get mine from Dr. Ron,  mag max w/b6 take two a day. 
    • Posted

      Hi crosado8 are you in the U.K. Dr Ron ??? Can you get them at health food stores 😊

    • Posted

      No I live in the states I order them online . Just type his name in googles I am NOT associated with them in any way the Mag Max is 100% additive free and 100% Hypoallergenic.
    • Posted

      Hi Sally. I was wondering about the Magnesium you mentioned in this post. I'm 49 and having terrible terrible anxiety. Don't feel like myself at all and I hate it! 😣 What does the Magnesium do?

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda, magnesium comes in different forms, and strengths. The anxiety and panics I had were through the roof and I did not want to take the beta blockers, the anti depressants or sleeping tablets prescribed and I also couldn't swallow tablets. I found magnesium and it has literally saved my sanity.

      I take New Era cell salts, mag phos and also by New Era, kali phos which is for nerves. I use magnesium night oil at bedtime and I can sleep again, albeit I am up at least once in the night. At one point, I could not sleep at all and had to be outside in the dark , pacing, every night.

      I feel 95% normal again and only have wee niggly symptoms which are manageable.

      The magnesium calms you, is not addictive and to me was a much preferred option to the meds from the doctor. Try it and see. I hope it helps. X

    • Posted

      Magnesium oil? I will definitely give that a try. Thank you so much!
    • Posted

      I also recommend magnesium oil to help with sleep. Magnesium relaxes muscles and clams anxiety xx

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