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Hi all just wondered if any else gets palipations ive had them constantly for 3 days now and abit worried! GP took me off HRT about a month ago and ive also been taking magnesium for migraines so unsure which it might be really! it seems worse when im sat down! Wondering how long this may last !
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Shana_P clare2905
Yes I get them everyday.....My heart was all checked out and everything is good.
clare2905 Shana_P
Thanks Shana driving me daft !
julie7525 clare2905
Hi Clare, yes i had them in peri and 1st year of menopause, gave me panic attacks! ECGs all normal. betablockers reduced them. i did a food/anxiety/palpitations diary and realised the link between lieing down/indigestion and palps...recognised by york cardiologist, Sanjay Gupta in his youtube videos about causes of palpitations. i hardly get them noe 3 yrs post meno and when i do i handle it better! generally im burping or about to - hence irritation of vagus nerve which causes the palps! i dare say crazy hormones/anxiety involved to an extent, especially when the 1st started!
clare2905 julie7525
Thanks for replying ill try and calm myself down x
diane66928 clare2905
hi claire2905
i get them when i have hot flushes not all the time but when i do its awful and then i get snxiety because of the adreline rush x awful this MENO
Guest clare2905
Hi clare, yes mine came and went, now they are back again! I also take magnesium for migraines, along with nortriptyline which is know to speed up the heart...had the palps before the meds though. But, I have been checked in, out and sideways.
My hot flashes are more now and I have had night sweats every night since January. I have this stupid app on my phone and I am always checking my pulse. I tend to notice mine more if I am still too...I try to distract myself.
clare2905 Guest
Thanks for your reply i do try to distract my self but its hard
Gypsy014 clare2905
Hi clare , I'm having them too right now as a matter of fact the more I move around the worse they get, I had them about 3 weeks ago for a few days straight, and now they're back, so frustrating.. Mine are luke flutters to were it feels like my heart is skipping beats and it makes me cough, they are not fast palpatations as my heart rate is always on the low and slow side, but these are terrible flutters and skipping out of rhythm. Feels like that , I'm worried too.. Do yours feel like this?
clare2905 Gypsy014
Thanks for replying yes goes from thumping to fluttering i wish it would go away sometimes its in my throat and i cough too! oh the joys when will this drama end x
julie7525 Gypsy014
mine were like that...flutters and occasionally a feeling of a bang and going out of rhythm. 3 yrs on its really settled thankfully, it was an awful time, gave me terrible anxiety. i take magnesium and B12, maybe that helps
Gypsy014 julie7525
Hi Julie, thank you for responding.. I just read now, and also just posted about this.. I'm having them bad today fluttering and flip flopping all over the place, makes me feel very uneasy! Glad to hear eventually they do get better..
julie7525 Gypsy014
I feel for you, it's horrible isn't it? sorry if you already said, but have you had an ecg or loop monitor? its just reassuring, tho of course when i wore the monitor for 3 days I had no palps!! looking back, they started maybe a year before periods stopped and got bad in the 1st year post meno, every 3 days it seemed! I went on beta blockers and anxiety meds and they only happened every 3 weeks! Im now 3 yrs post meno and rarely have them and when i do theyre usually accompanied by burping, so i put it down to gas irritating the vagus nerve, which is probably what it was all along! the ibs/excess gas came with peri/meno too which is common too. worst time of my life, but i can confirm it does improve!
Gypsy014 julie7525
No I haven't had the ecg yet, I'm definitely leaning towards going in to er to have one done, I just didn't yet I'm really sick with a bad cold, and tomorrow I have a super big day thats been planned months in advance that I can't get out of, and its making my palps and anxiety even worse.. I know if they put it on they will pick something up because I put the stethoscope on me and I can hear thump thump thump then the flutters for a second or two then back to normal thump thump thump, and it happens every month from the 18th to the 25th like clockwork its just super intense this past 2 months and today and yesterday being the worst.. It makes sense with the belching and indigestion because when it happens I make myself drink some water slowly then I belch alot and it seems to relieve it, but if I get up and walk around it comes on more, and its not speedy fast, my heartbeat is always nice and slow just these flutters now, I know nothings wrong with it ive always had a really normal heart its just scary, and like you said want that piece of mind from the ecg. But now I'm worried that they will pick something up on it because I hear it on the stethoscope.. My husband has the afib and chf he gets the flare ups with a racing heart rate now I know what hes going .. A little not as bad as him though.. I tried to get him to listen thru the stethoscope and he did for a minute and didn't hear anything cause he didn't leave it on long enough, he told me basically nothing wrong with me stop looking for something to be wrong, but he's wrong on this one they're there strong.. Thanks Julie for the reassurance!
julie7525 Gypsy014
yes get checked at ER if you can. just to put your mind at rest. sounds hormonally driven. its so common in menopause but just feels so awful! i ended up with health anxiety /panic attacks because of the palps (and me freaking out about it!) my bp went up a fair bit in meno and my heart rate was often high, as well as having the palps. beta blockers & anti anxiety meds steadied everything. i still take a very low dose of both of these compared to what i started on, plus the magnesium and B Complex. hope tomor goes ok for you, i know what you mean, often the anticipation is worse than the event itself!
claire38123 clare2905
feel for you i also have them really bad they started just after christmas and are bad when iam having a hot flush most nights about 3am but i can just be sitting chilling and i feel a thud and then my heart starts pounding for no reason when it first started i really thought i was having a heart attack and it was so scary but as iv not dropped dead yet its just part and parcel of this not so amazing crap they call the menopause............ enjoy lol
clare2905 claire38123
Thanks lol dont think im enjoying the journey much so far!