Palpitations Are Really Scaring Me.

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I've had palpitations on and off for several years now. They aren't pleasant but they've been bearable. Recently though they are frightening me. They vary from flutterings to my heart feeling like it's trying to get through my ribs.

Last week, I had horrendous palpitations and they last for over five hours. I went to bed at about 10.00pm and couldn't sleep till well after 2.00am in the morning. I was very down for days and my anxiety was through the roof. I had one episode in bed last night and one this aftenoon and this type of palpitation lasts for about ten to fifteen seconds and my heart feels like it's thumping and trying to get out. My pulse feels weak/different until it passes and then for hours after I'm panicking but trying to keep calm.

It doesn't help that I finished a course of two antibiotics last Tuesday morning. Clindamycin and Ciprofloxacin are two of the worst or giving you terrible diarhea and I'm still trying to stop that so again, my anxietys high this week. I'm now terrified that it's something bad, I'm on constant health alert and down about it so when the palpitations start, I just sit and fret and/or cry. 

Does anyone here get palpitations that bad? I've read about many who've had them and it reassures me but when I get them, all logic goes out of the window. Thanks for listening.

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    I reckon you and I were separated at birth. Mine have been horrendous for a month. However, I've been drinking wine slightly more as it's been Christmas. This doesn't help and aggravates the heart's sensitive mechanics. I saw a cardiologist in 2014 and he did a holder monitor which showed I have palps but he said it was nothing out of the ordinary. It doesn't feel like that though does it. I'm staying off wine for a few weeks now to see if that helps. Also I suffer more when ovulating and just before I start. X
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      That should read holter monitor. Damn Phone!!!
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      Thanks Donna, I hate anyone to feel as I do but I'm glad it's not just me. I'm the same by the way, they're worse before ovulating and before starting and I think because my pms symptoms are now so much worse, I did wonder if the palpitation were just part of that. I'm hoping it will subside but if not, I'll go and have another chat with the doctor. I noticed at Christmas that any strongish alcohol had my heart racing. I barely drink but I literally only managed a glass of rose Lambrusco and a rose wine with dinner. I tried a Cherry Brandy and it nearly blew my socks across the room. Your post has made me feel a little more sane x. 
    • Posted

      Glad you feel a little more sane. They are awful. My aunt had them during her meno and she said hers felt like her heart was rising up through her chest into her throat - I can relate to that too, although more often than not it feels like a thudding and skipped beats. I'm at the gyno at the end of the month so I'll ask him if there's anything I can do/take. My gp offered betablockers but I get dizzy too so I thought I'd skip that idea. I'll let you know if he comes up with anything. Big hug x
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      Donna that's how mine felt, it was raving but felt like it was missing beats, had full heart check, and a monitor on for a week and everything was normal, put it down to anxiety, always best to have it checked xx
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      Mine was actually anxiety too and also had it checked.  It seems that blood pressure is also higher in menopause.  WHO invented menopause for women anyway??????  It must have not been a woman!
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      So true Joanne, I'm two years in peri and I bloody hate it, I'm hoping it's a short one, wishful thinking I know, but it's got to get better eventually, Surely 😬😬😬
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      nothing wrong with a girl wishing!  I do it all the time and pray, light candles, offer up my first born, you name it.  I want it to end.  smile
  • Posted

    I had this just before Christmas I had it every y for about 3 weeks, it got so bad I was scared to be on my own, my poor sister was the only one who could calm me, but when it got to its worst she couldn't calm me on a few occasions and my heart felt like it was going to burst, that is the worst I have been in the two years I have been suffering with them, I never ever want to go through that again, it is the scariest thing. I ended up ordering batch flower drops for panic attacks / anxiety and touch wood I haven't had it since, you get it off the internet if you have never tried it, I would recommend it, big hugs and hope it passes soon xx
    • Posted

      Thanks Sue. That is how I felt, We took a trip to Birmingham via train. Long story short..the trains messed up, I'd over exerted myself and then we were stressed to the hilt and worried we wouldn't get home that night. When we got home, the palpitations were horrendous, worse than ever before and since then, stress, upset or eating/drinking the wrong sets them off again. I'm even scared to exercise. We're decorating this month before our new suite arrives and I'm panicking. Our son's are going to have to do most of it for us while I take it gently, (hard when you're the decorator though).

      I've now got some starflower oil capsules as Karen on here, said they've been great for her. I've jotted the batch flower drops down on my list x. 

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      The trip to Birmingham was on the 13th of November, so it's been a few months.
  • Posted

    Im in year eight of ny perimenopause and my palpitations seem to be getting worse. I hate them they distress me so much. I had a 24 hour monitor couple years ago and also ended cup going er last summer. They couldn't find any thing wrong.

    Ive missed two periods but this week anxiety and palpitations through the roof.

    Sorry I cant offer you any advice x

    • Posted

      It's okay Michelle. To be honest, even though you can't advise me, you have no idea how lighter I feel knowing that you and other ladies here know how I feel. As I said to Donna above, if I have to, I'll ask for one of the monitors to check. I'm so frightened of them when they happen that I genuine feel sorry for my heart sometimes. Hope all of us feel better and that we can fully manage our symptoms. Fingers crossed the starflower oil and batch flower drops help to take them off x. 
  • Posted

    Hi BugglyBot,

    Maybe you should get it checked out especially if it went on for hours.

    I get the fluttering heart thing a lot which at the same time can make you feel a little breathless.

    About 10 years ago (early peri) I had this awful racing thumping heart. I have had it before first time I was only 16. I have to lay down when it happens but usually maybe 10 minutes into it it sorts itself it and is fine. This time I was shopping and couldn't wait to get out of the shop and get home to lay down. It started about 2 PM and was no better at school pick up time so I got my husband to do the school run for me. Fell asleep which is so unlike me in the daytime and woke up to it still going on. I got an emergency appointment at the doctors and they put me on an ecg machine. I was diagnosed with wolf - parkinson - White syndrome.

    So you never know and could really be worth getting a check.

    I went to bed with it still going on that night but it had sorted itself out by the morning.

    Also get yourself some good probiotics, have them ready at home and as soon as anyone in the family has to take antibiotics begin taking the pribiotics along side them.

    This will prevent you having the diarrhoea and also thrush if you are female. This info thanks to my homeopath Trudi has worked every time.

    My husband just on last day of penicillin today and stomach is fine.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thanks Zigangie. I know you're right in that I need to go the doctors for a chat about it. This is going to sound so stupid, (after all I feel like a hypocondriac, yet I don't go to the doctors unless I absolutely have to), but I've got now where I'm so scared of what is happening to me, I'm trying to pluck up the courage to go for a check-up. I keep worrying I'll be made to go to the hospital, so then I panic about hubby and our youngest son as they're not totally independent. My mental state is all over the place right now and yet I know what you say is right. Actually, I think I'm building up the courage to make that appointment now just by talking on here.

      Thanks for the advice on the probiotics. I didn't know when I took the antibiotics that this would happen and it seems that now, anything like Activia or Actimel isn't helping. Oh yeah..and the thrush. Lol, don't know how I forgot that one. My poor lady bits didn't know whether they've been coming or going. Just like the Canesten advert, I've looked like something possessed while trying not to scratch. 

      I'll remember this in future when it comes to antibiotics for us here. Hubby's just started some today, I'm just going to tell him about this now. He might as well started with the probiotics now, instead of after like I did. Thank you x. 

    • Posted

      Yes find your courage. I forgot to say I don't like the doctors but I really did have palpitations that anyone could could verify just by feeling my pulse.

      Also good quality probiotics that you get from health food shops.

      Be well.

    • Posted

      I can also feel them through my pulse too and I was getting obsessed with taking it. Of course that doesn't help the panic. I was using the drinkable probiotics, didn't know about the ones at health food shops. Thank you for telling me Zigangie.

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