palpitations shortness of breath
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anyone experience palpitations shortness of breath and light headed. I've had tests and had ecg done all fine. every time it happens my health anxiety really kicks in and I worry about heart attack. I keep thinking well it's happened so many times before and I'm still alive but it doesn't stop anxiety. It drives me mad I seem to spend most of my life these days worrying about symptoms. I never have a day when I feel totally myself always something weird going on.
4 likes, 18 replies
karen77710 vicky36055
annie-mae vicky36055
Hi Vicky, I feel exactly like this - same symptoms plus horrible dizziness/feeling off balance and nausea - and same health anxiety. Doesn't matter how many times I tell myself it will pass... Hugs! Annie-Mae
caroline62395 vicky36055
tina00239 vicky36055
Oh poor you. I've had 2 ambulances out to me for chest pain and shortness of breath and each time ecg normal. Its a panic attack all be it an extreme one, but I have them regularly so my dr put me on low regular dose of diazepam. It helps alot and the only real side effect is that it is addictive so needs to be used with that in mind. As I have had numerous bad reactions to SSRI anti-depressants which are also supposed to help but they are also addictive, have some nasty side effects and you nearly always get worse before you get better. You could needs some meds to help calm you down. Do you take Bhrt or hrt or any supplements to help you? XXX
julie7525 vicky36055
nanc00951 julie7525
I had the heart palpitations about 10 years ago, went to cardiologist and went through all tests: told I was pre-menopausal.
Then about 6 months ago the palpitations returned.
They are once again gone, but I have other bizarre heart feelings:
I can feel my heart beating, it actually hurts once in awhile.
I have another appointment with cardiologist this week, but wondering if anyone else has weird heart issues.
julie7525 nanc00951
nanc00951 julie7525
I am not taking any medications at this point
And I would say the feelings are discomfort rather than pain
nanc00951 julie7525
julie7525 nanc00951
gerrygerry vicky36055
angie58226 vicky36055
Hi Vicky, yes I’m having all the symptoms right now!! Palpitations, lightheaded, fogginess, health anxiety, sweats. I tell myself it’s all menopause symptoms don’t fret, you know it’s all part of it!! Lol, I still fret though. Sometimes are worse than others and this is one of those times and even though I know what’s happening it’s damn scary. It’s the unstable stuff that’s going on in my head that is so frustrating, I hate not feeling like myself! Today I picked up some menopause relief by Purica. It gets good reviews and covers a lot of symptoms so I will see if it helps. I pray it does!! It’s so helpful to go on here and see someone else is experiencing the horror. I don’t wish this upon anyone but I’m glad I’m not alone and that there are others who understand! Chins up💜
vicky36055 angie58226
it's awful Angie and I totally understand what your saying about unstable stuff in your head if I could switch my thoughts off I'm sure I would be fine but I'm always thinking the worst. let me know how you get on with the menopause relief. always here if you need a chat xx
julie7525 angie58226
angie58226 julie7525
Thanks Julie for your reply. I take all of those supplements as well including flaxseed oil. I’d hate to think how bad the symptoms would be if I wasn’t taking them. We are enduring a long winter in Canada this year and I’m not getting out as regularly as I’d like to on my walk/running that I enjoy. I need to get back into yoga as well. The combo of all was a good remedy for me. I’m very much into energy healing and the crazy still creeps in. I know it will get better, it’s just not happening soon enough lol. Thank you again💜
angie58226 vicky36055