Palpitations that come back
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I know this has been discussed before. I am 46 and am in post menopause at least thats what the blood test reavealed in December.
I am getting tired of having palpitations at night, durring the day and when lying down. I just want them to go away. How long will these palpitations keep going on and will they ever stop. I have talked to my doctor about the biodentical progesterone pill made by the compound pharmacy, because when your progeterone is low that can cause palpitations.
How long have you ladies suffered from palpitations.
Fed up discustted moody and crying because of them
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jayneejay susan21149
You say your blood test said your post menopause ?
Take it you havent had periods either .. For over 12 months ?
palpitaions are very common in menopause ..
you have other health issues didnt you say before,
and are taking lots of meds.
Natural progesterone should be used under medical supervision and prescribed by a Gyno.
it may cause hormone imbalance ... see a Gyno .. Be safe ..
its commercial and can be bought on line and not what your body actually needs ... caused havoc for me years ago.
my Gyno said big no no .. Messes women up..
My flushes post meno and palps eased by taking *low dose escitalopram just for this symptom *not for depression, its an HRT alternative for severe hot flushes and its working very well for me ..
maybe see your docs about your other meds, you previously mentioned maybe they are the cause and need changing etc
susan21149 jayneejay
barbara98940 susan21149
susan21149 barbara98940
lisa215 susan21149
I'm 44 and believe in peri menopausal. I first started getting palpitations about 4 years ago, they come and go but have got really bad over the last few months again.
I'm about to have another cardio assessment because I'm having some breathlessness and chest pain at the moment.
I totally get why your so depressed by it all, its just awful to get into bed and feel like your heart is doing stuff it shouldn't!
I never in a million years would have though that the menopause would or indeed could cause so many health problems.
I wish I could offer more than just a bit of support.
Take care x
susan21149 lisa215
jayneejay susan21149
Heart palpitations are a feeling that your heart is beating too hard or too fast, skipping a beat, or fluttering. You may notice heart palpitations in your chest, throat, or neck.
Heart palpitations can be bothersome or frightening. They usually aren't serious or harmful, though, and often go away on their own. Most of the time, they're related to stress and anxiety or to consumption of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.
Palpitations also often occur during pregnancy.
In rare cases, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious heart condition. Therefore, if you have heart palpitations, make arrangements to see your doctor. And seek immediate medical attention if along with palpitations, you experience shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, or fainting.
After taking your medical history and conducting a physical exam, your doctor may order tests that can either confirm or rule out an underlying cause. If an underlying cause is found, the right treatment can reduce or eliminate palpitations.
If your palpitations are not related to an underlying cause, lifestyle changes, including stress management and the avoidance of common triggers, can help prevent them.
Causes of Heart Palpitations
Many things can cause heart palpitations. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is either related to your heart or is unknown. Non-heart-related causes of palpitations include:
Strong emotions such as anxiety, fear, or stress; palpitations often occur during panic attacks.
Vigorous physical activity
Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or illegal street drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines
Medical conditions, including thyroid disease, a low blood sugar level, anemia, low blood pressure, fever, and dehydration
Hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, or the perimenopausal period; sometimes, palpitations during pregnancy are signs of anemia.
Medications, including diet pills, decongestants, asthma inhalers, and some drugs used to prevent arrhythmias (a serious heart rhythm problem) or treat an underactive thyroid
Certain herbal and nutritional supplements
Abnormal electrolyte levels
Some people experience palpitations after eating heavy meals that are rich in carbohydrates, sugar, or fat. Sometimes, eating foods with high levels of monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates, or sodium can bring them on.
If you have heart palpitations after eating certain foods, the problem could be food sensitivity. Keeping a food diary can help you identify which foods to avoid.
Palpitations can also be related to underlying heart disease.
debi62095 susan21149
susan21149 debi62095
margaret04348 susan21149
susan21149 margaret04348
margaret04348 susan21149
susan21149 margaret04348
debi62095 susan21149
jayneejay debi62095
Heart Palpitations
Causes of Heart palpitations
Your doctor will conduct a physical examination, take your medical history, and ask about your current medications, diet, and lifestyle.
The doctor also will ask when, how often, and under what circumstances palpitations occur.
Sometimes, a blood test can reveal the presence of anemia, electrolyte problems, or thyroid abnormalities and help identify the cause of palpitations. Other useful tests include:
Electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG can be done either while you are at rest or while you are exercising. The latter is called a stress ECG. An ECG records your heart's electrical signals and can detect abnormalities in the heart's rhythm.
Holter monitoring. A Holter monitor is worn on the chest. It continuously records your heart's electrical signals for 24 to 48 hours. It can detect rhythm abnormalities that weren't identified during a regular ECG test.
Event recording. An event recorder is worn on the chest. You use a handheld device to record the heart's electrical signals when symptoms occur.
Chest X-ray.
Echocardiogram. This is an ultrasound examination of the heart. It provides detailed information about the heart's structure and function.
If necessary, your doctor may refer you to a cardiologist for additional tests or treatment.
Treatment of Heart Palpitations
Treatment of heart palpitations depends on their cause. In most cases, palpitations are found to be harmless and often go away on their own. In those cases, no treatment is needed.
If palpitations are not due to an underlying condition, your doctor may advise you to avoid the things that trigger them. Strategies may include:
Reducing anxiety and stress. Common stress-reducing therapies include relaxation exercises, yoga, tai chi, biofeedback, guided imagery, and aromatherapy.
Avoiding certain foods, beverages, and substances. This may include alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and illegal drugs.
Avoiding medications that act as stimulants. These include cough and cold medicines, and certain herbal and nutritional supplements.
If lifestyle changes fail to reduce or eliminate palpitations, your doctor may prescribe certain medications. In some cases, beta-blockers or calcium-channel blockers are used.
If your doctor finds that your palpitations are related to an underlying condition, such as anemia, the focus will be on treating that condition.
If the palpitations are caused by a medication, your doctor will try to find another medication you can use. If the palpitations represent an arrhythmia, medications or procedures may be required.
You may also be referred to a heart rhythm specialist known as an electrophysiologist.
susan21149 jayneejay
I know that Zoloft cause palpitations so I stopped taking that, right now I am just taking my ativan, I know I have a thyroid problem they had to lower my thyroid because it went high, to where I lost some weight, they said my iron is fine so I don't know what else can be causing them when I am lying down I feel them and when I am on the move I feel them can't take it anymore
debi62095 jayneejay
jayneejay susan21149
hope you weaned off Zoloft.. Cant just stop ...
needs weaning down ... gradually ...
Jay x
susan21149 debi62095
susan21149 jayneejay
Just wish I can wean myself off this ativan sometimes that causes anxieties in me before it calms me down. Don't know what to do just want the palpitations to stop i have been praying for them to stop and crying
annieschaefer susan21149
I just read this, you really need to square this with your doctor, you have quite a bit going on. If the thyroid is off kilter, that can cause palpitations, you just quit taking your Zoloft, that too can cause it if you quit abruptly.
I realize you have a lot concerning you, but when I first read your question, yes, Progesterone can help some people. It is not for everyone, but for those of us who do need it, it does help remove some of the more troubling symptoms.
In your case as I asked before, please work with your doctor. None of us here know your complete history, nor are any of us (I know for sure, I am not) a physician. For your own good, work with a doctor who has your complete history at hand to better help you.
It's one thing to offer some advice of what may or may not work, but I've read many of your posts and I don't doubt for a moment how frustrated you are at this point. Remember, what works for one, may not another.
That's why you deserve to have it sorted out by a professional who hopefully can put you on the right path to feeling better real soon.
Take good care Susan.
jayneejay susan21149
Whether 25mg or not you should wean off, or you have withdrawal symptoms. Weaning takes time, from halving tablets with pill cutter for few weeks etc. etc.
Does your doctor know or suggest stopping cold turkey / abruptly
Antidepressants should never be stopped abrupty especially if on them a few months / years.
susan21149 jayneejay
Can't wean off 25mgs when thats the smallest dose.
Now if it were 50 or 75 or 100 mgs than I would wean off but zolfts smallest dose is 25mgs
susan21149 jayneejay
susan21149 annieschaefer
My zoloft was only 25mgs so it was not a large dose. My doctor knows i went off it because it was causing me a lot of stomach pain, cramping, stool problems, urination problems, all I am taking right now is my ativan I am working with my doctor just so fed up
annieschaefer susan21149
That is a low dose and most likely your doctor can help you sort out these concerns for you. I msg'd you with a little information that you may find a good resource to comfort you while you are waiting to get some relief. This all will pass and most likely we come out stronger and all the better for it. Just getting there is the key.
Check your message box please.
Annie xx