Posted , 15 users are following.
sometimes when I fall asleep wether it be at night or in the day I wake up in a panic!!! I feel all anxious and scared and after a while I feel absolutely exhausted.Anyone eles get this?
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Posted , 15 users are following.
sometimes when I fall asleep wether it be at night or in the day I wake up in a panic!!! I feel all anxious and scared and after a while I feel absolutely exhausted.Anyone eles get this?
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sharcerv52408 bev66
Yes, sometimes when I take a nap during the day I wake up feeling anxious with heart palpitations. It does leave you feeling exhausted. I think it's the part of our nervous system that causes the flight or fight response that makes us feel like this
pam90720 bev66
hi bev!! same here!! mornings are the worst for me ... its tiring and aggrevating ... hugs to you ...
not gonna lie it scares the s**t out of me 😥
pam90720 bev66
bev i promise you i am this way and have been the last three years... my heart pounds out of my chest and my whole body trembles.... i cry with anger i just want to throw something across the room... ive been taking buspar for the last several months and i swear it feels like it makes it worse .... please please know there are a lot of us ladies going through this... hugs to you!!!!!!!!
beth54337 bev66
It sucks,I wake every morning for the last 4 months with adrenaline rushes and anger.I woke up last night and my shirt was all wet.I have been feeling depressed and crappy all day.I am constantly thinking is this my life now,if it is I dont know if I can do it.I used to could sleep till 9 am now its 6:30 Adrenaline everyday.I tried to take a nap with my husband yesterday and he was sleeping so good,I lay there with my heart pounding and couldnt sleep.SO MUCH FREAKIN FUN!!!!!
pam90720 beth54337
same here beth!! i just dont have the night sweats anymore
Gypsy014 beth54337
It'll go away, I remember this adrenaline crap every single morning at 6 am, I felt nuts!!! I couldn't just lay there and sleep like I wanted , I had to get up wash clothes walk dogs clean house take a shower cook, anything to burn off the adrenaline, it was absolutely crazy!!! But it went away.. I do notice when you get a peri symptom at first, its there with you a good 6 months or so non stop until it leaves you. And returns later on but doesn't stay as long, it then just cycles its self monthly... Crazy sh#t all of this... And also that feeling of being jolted awake when drifting off to sleep I had that too, its all gone now for the time being...
maria76995 Gypsy014
HI Gypsy, hows you girl long time..i think i spoke to you a while ago, hope your getting better...I'm ok still get hot not as bad symptoms settling down, so getting on with life and getting back out and meeting up with people, getting there slowly..speak soon again.
Gypsy014 maria76995
Hi Maria, good to hear from you! Nice to hear that you are feeling so much better.. And yes getting back out there to socialize with all your friends again must feel great! Good for you.. These symptoms do all come and go , so glad theyve left you, and hopefully for good.. Take care, yes talk with you again soon 😃
I don't have the sweats just total panic and anxiety don't no why it happens
RACHAEL2411 bev66
Hi, me to, same horrible s**t as you lot!!!
It is really scary especially at night as it also makes me feel really disorientated and takes a while to realise where you are. You wonder if your awake, still dreaming, then the fear and adrenalin kick in more and you can start to feel unreal the derealization and depersonalization can be set off by it. It really is a horrendous thing to go through. Really does make you feel like your going crazy...
There with you ladies totally sympathize... Let's hope it leaves us soon, big hugs x
maria76995 bev66
HI Bev, i use to be like that its hormones it will stop with time it wont go on for ever darling..if you cant stand it get a dose of ANIXETY meds to help you (((((((Hugs))))))))
thank you all i no it's not nice but it's reassuring to no I'm not alone ❤❤❤
RACHAEL2411 bev66
Hi Bev, your definitely not alone...
I went to visit my daughter for 2weeks and came across this site. Its been amazing, because like you I felt alone or like you must be the only one. I really was stressed out thinking I must be going crazy. But since iv joined up to this forum it really has put my mind at ease that I'm not alone, and that brings great comfort just knowing other women are sat at home thinking exactly the same. The perimenopause really is horrid and seems to give wiered and wonderfully horrendous symptoms. But at least we can keep each other strong and pick each other up when we are feeling weak... 💪😊♥️
It's so brilliant just been able to talk and compare lol x
Nettie261962 bev66
This happens to me every single morning. It's awful. It came on with menopause. Wish i had a good answer as to how to make it better.