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sometimes when I fall asleep wether it be at night or in the day I wake up in a panic!!! I feel all anxious and scared and after a while I feel absolutely exhausted.Anyone eles get this?

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes all the time especially when I am not on any hormone replacement. Some people's hormones get so low that they do feel anxious all the time as well as other real physical symptoms.

    Make sure you go to your doctor or obgyn and get a basic hormone and thyroid blood test testing the 3 kinds of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and the thyroid. Also, go to a good nutritionist as well as endocrinologist.

    I have taken hormone replacement on and off for a while. I will get to a so so place but never great place. I finally asked to have my thyroid scanned and I have multiple nodules even though my thyroid levels always looked good. I've been off my hormone replacement totally for about 7 days and not only am I very anxious but my insides feel like they are burning. I see the endocrinologist on Tuesday so I'm hoping for some answers or at least a what do I do next. My mom had thyroid problems as well as low estrogen after menopause. The funny thing is I think we had really high estrogen when we were young. I got my first breast fibroid at 15.

    • Posted

      Oh and when I go off HRT my blood pressure starts to drop and sometimes I stay cold. I don't sweat much any more even if it's hot outside.

    • Posted

      Hi sn!

      I like your description of how you say womens hormones are so low and this explains the anxiety we are all walking around with.

      also the undetected hormones that go with it, when your labs are normal.

      My estrogen prior to meno was really high, and i felt really good....

      it bottomed out and trashed me mentally and physically..

      so ya

      hormones rule.

      thanks for sharing


  • Posted

    Hi Bev,

    As you can see you arent alone.

    This has been going on for months for me, some mornings worse than others but in a way its like its part of the process.

    Its unnerving to not know what to do or what to take, ive rather given up hope. I dont mean completely, but ive done many many things to try and help myself be better. Nothing truly helps.

    When i hear about others that lives have been give back when they take something or do something i feel good that there is help and solutions.

    Ive had dark moods pretty intense.. and just overall overwhelming coping difficulties, waking up many mornings revved, exhausted, scared and frazzled at the same time. Very icky way to start every morning.

    its all been really hard, reallllly hard. The forum is so helpful, and thanks for posting,if i come across a remedy that works for me i will post it promise!!


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