Panic and anxiety attacks-whats your actual symptoms?
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I have been dealing with morning and throughout the day off and on of feeling internal nervousness, pounding heart off and on , off and on hot flashes, dizzness, fear and doom feeling and legs feeling like putty, heavy and weak feeing sometimes numbness ,tummy upsets and sleeping issues! on high body alert mode. Its so hard to get through these what can I try? Some said something about stress relief drops or something on amazon not sure. IS anyone else dealing with this? I'm not on any medicine. Someone share something i'm in attack now been kinda steady for the last week!
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kim94806 Guest
I go through every bit of that! It's horrible. I just came back from the doctor. Was given anxiety, depression meds.. And hormone and progesterone meds.. I hope it helps. Never really tried any over the counter stuff. Been going through all of that for at least 3-4 years. Haven't had any health insurance in a long time. Still don't. Hope you can find something that can help you. It's a horrible, awful thing to go through. My heart goes out to you...
traci78291 kim94806
Hi Kim and everyone on this site,
Just want to say that I'm suffering so much too. It is so horrible
I'm crying right now because I feel like I'm loosing my mind.
I have so much anxiety and sadness because of this and don't know
What to do. I'm on zoloft for about 6 weeks but I don't think it's working
Which is very discouraging . I also have klonipin which I try not to take
Too often because I'm afraid I'll get addicted to them.
Knowing that I have all of you to share this with and knowing I'm not alone
Really helps. I can't take HRT because of medical issues.
I am 52 years old and still get my period every month faithfully.
I know I'm blabbing right now but it helps because I know you guys
I know one day we will all be back to ourselves again just for the know when.
Thanks for listening and good luck to us all.
julie7525 Guest
lesleysharp1966 julie7525
Julie7525 you sound exactly like me!! I have had every symptom you have and am also on Setraline (50mg) and HRT, betablockers and diazepam on really bad days. I started on Setraline in September so am a bit further on than you. I do feel so much better now and havent had to take diazepam for a while but I still get anxious days when I feel like I'm going back to square one. I havent had a period for 5 years but still get the bloatedness etc once a month and thats when I get the anxiety back again for a few days. I thought I was over the worst of meno but it came back last year with a vengeance!! I had 5 weeks off work last August/Sept when, like you, the anxiety became debilitating. It helps so much to know I am not on my own with these awful menopause symptoms and it makes it a little bit easier to manage as doctors seem really reluctant to admit that we are feeling this way because of the menopause and I think mine has me down as an anxious 51 year old!! I know my own body though and I know I wasnt anxious before my hormones went haywire.
I hope you are feeling a lot better now you are taking your medication Julie. Did you get CBT through your GP or are you paying privately? I did have some CBT over the telephone last year but it was useless and I want to try some face to face therapy if possible.
Guest julie7525
I am trying to fight through this but it's so hard!!!
I would love any support I can get . My cell number is 270-319-2216 for text messaging .
metamorphed Guest
Indifferent Guest
I use Bach's rescue remedy. Settles it quick and can be taken with anything...and even kids can use it. it works great for me. Chamomile tea used to be a great help but no longer seems to work for me. Magnesium added to your daily intake will also help. I used to live daily with it and now find that i get it only with my periods.
gailannie Guest
brendababy gailannie
Off balance sensation is the worst for me as well gailannie oh yes and the constant anxiety and terrible health anxiety. I'm now terrified of any meds worried about the side effects etc, it's a nightmare. The weird thing is I know lots of ladies who are going through Meno but yet to personally meet anyone with the symptoms that a lot of the ladies are suffering from on here, I.e chronic dizziness/imbalance, motion sensitive, inner yremor, weak shaky legs, nausea/vomiting etc
Love and big hugs to all of you ladies ?xx
Guest brendababy
brendababy Guest
Nightmare!! Crosado, sometimes find it hard to type my hands shake so much. I'm also suffering from chronic neck pain/stiffness and pain in my calves and thighs 😱
Wish it would hurry up and settle lol
Big hugs for you xxx
jen60696 brendababy
Hi Brenda, I was curious if you could describe your off balance sensation. I have something similar and it's pretty constant ( for two months). Some better days and some worse but always there. I am trying to figure out what this is so I have been researching. Do you think yours is menopause?
brendababy jen60696
Hi Jen the off balance started 2 years ago, I was sitting in the hairdressers and it just sort of came on, hard to describe, not spinning dizzy just felt as if something had sped up in my head like a fast vibration
At first I carried on driving and going to work but I allowed the sensation to overwhelm me then the fear set in, I started to keep my head and neck rigid which I think made things worse
Other life traumas over the past year have not helped either. I think it defo started when my estrogen started to plummet. I feel when I'm standing still that the floor is kind of moving, feel as if I could fall over when kneeling down like when I'm sorting my washing out. As I said I feel I've made things worse because if you have neck problems it will affect your balance
I'm on tibolone HRT which is milder than other hrts it's not as strong so you don't get as much estrogen/progesterone, but I feel a bit better on it, I seem able to cope more with the symptoms
I resigned from my job because i felt too ill to carry on. My husband has bought a cafe and this has been a great help to me cos I don't feel so alone anymore and even if I feel off balance I go and work in the cafe, being among people definetley helps
I've had numerous tests carried out I.e. Brain scan, procedures to check inner ear. A neurologist diagnosed vistibular migraine but I honestly think it's all related to hormone imbalance and anxiety making it worse
Hope this helps, lots of love to you xx
ImagineOneDay Guest
Is it perhaps 'rescu remedy' drops. I use them time to time. But not sure if they really work!? Would be good to hear what others take an can recommend. Thank you ladies
cindy1957 Guest
Yep I have all that but also burning in my mouth, not sure if that goes with menopause or not, been to doctor on mouth burning and fatigue, doctor says "life" but she also knows I'm in menopause. Love to know what to do with the burning mouth and if anyone else has this with menpause.
ImagineOneDay cindy1957
I am almost sure it certainly is due to meno. But unfortunately I don't know what to do.