Panic Attack Fear
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Hi All
I had a panic attack some years ago and feel I have never fully recovered from this. I am seeking some reassurance that this is because of the peri/menopause and not me just been scared. I am going to see my GP today and speak to them about how I feel. I cry all the time, feel fearful all the time and am so tired with not sleeping properly. I also have hot sweats. I have lost all my confidence and I feel I cannot give my family what they deserve because of the way I feel. I don't know how much more I can take of feeling like this, I did tell my partner this morning that if this does not stop soon I don't know what I will do. I told my partner this and he said he can't take it no more and to get help. Does anyone else feel like I do or is this just all in my head? xx
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teri76755 Guest
lydia2311 Guest
Definitely not all in your head Jill. I had periods of time when it felt like a major shot of adrenalin had been injected into my heart. Breathless, dizzy, shaky and hysterical tears for no apparent reason. I was very lucky to have supportive women around me to validate my experience as i thought i was going insane. My doc wouldnt put me on hrt, and i had no real improvement on biodentical hormones. My doc said i was depressed and anxious and needed antidepressants. That made me feel worse about myself and an expectation that i wasnt strong enough to just 'tough it out'. In desperation i went to a menopause clinic - I still need to work and obviously cant do that competently when i was so anxious some days i couldnt leave the house. The menopause clinic were fantastic. Our female hormones are powerful things, and when they are topsy turvy and out of whack they do cause havoc. Please see a gp and discuss your experiences and what options are available. I only went on a very low dose of estrogen and supplementary progesterone, and within a week i was feeling a gentle improvement. My only other advice is that if your doc isnt sympathetic, keep searching for one who is. My only regret was trusting my original gp who knows my med history, is female, and with whom i had a long relationship. She may have just been having a bad day, but her dismisivness of my symptoms just devastated me and blew our doctor/patient trusting relationship. Im wishing you all the best, and hope you can get the assistance you need to manage what is such a difficult time. X
Guest lydia2311
Hi Lydia, I agree 100% about finding a new doctor if needed. My female gyn who is my age was dismissive of my symptoms and also has a very inefficient office staff. I am looking for a new gyn and wish I had made the change sooner. A GP referred me to her and I thought at first that she cared, but I was wrong. Having that trusting relationship with someone who can really help you is so important! I'm sorry that this happened to you, too. Take care.
lydia2311 Guest
Guest lydia2311
Hi Lydia, it is definitely devastating and really hurts our ability to trust people who could provide care to us. I may have finally found the group I need. As it turns out, there is an OBGYN group with an office close to where I work and they provide urological and menopausal services as well. This is the kind of group I've been hoping to find where maybe everything can be handled in one place. Now, I just have to get up the courage to call and set up an appointment. Like you, I wish I hadn't waited so long to make this change and I am also very sensitive, so I understand what you've been going through. Now, I'm trying to help myself understand that I might actually feel better under the care of the right doctor. I definitely let that last gyn intimidate me. I'm planning to post soon about that experience in case it helps others here.
sarah05599 Guest
Hi Jill
You are definitely not on your own , everyone on here is seeking reassurance and help with there peri hell, I feel like you do the last 2 weeks have been really bad and this week has been hell, crying for most the week hot face, anxiety and general nervous pit in my stomach together with work problems and my partner not being sympathetic I to felt like I can't do this anymore and not the same person I once was for my family.
I hope you you find help with your gp I have yet to, hang in there and hopefully we will all see some light at the end of what seems a very dark tunnel.
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Jill
I'm sorry you are feeling so desperate and hope the GP can help you today but let us know how you get on. I felt exactly the same and I know panic attacks are awful because you end up afraid of everything all of the time. Good luck today, but as all the lovely ladies say... You're not alone xxx
Guest Guest
Hi Jill, you are definitely not alone! I hope that your GP can help you, but if they don't, find a doctor who will. It is so critical to have the care that we need and deserve while going through this! Take care and keep us posted.
Guest Guest
Hi all I have been to the doctors and she has put me back on h r t. Told me I need counselling too. I have woke up again feeling detached and like I can't go on. I'm seriously scared don't think I can do this. My mind feels weird like I've had a breakdown and left feeling lost. How do u carry on as normal? My poor family and my little boy is only 9 . X
sarah05599 Guest
Hi Jill
Yes I felt like that 2 weeks ago I came on 3 days ago and gradually it lifted to feeling near normal again but I still have this fear about the future as it's all scaring me so much what's going to happen if I keep feeling like that all the time and if I have to give up work. My partner isn't very supportive so I can already feel this peri driving a wedge between us because of the way I am. I'm going to docs Monday seeing one not seen before so fingers crossed he's sympathetic.
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Jill, it sure seems you are in the depression part of peri/meno with some anxiety and panic attacks to go along with it.. I had that so bad for about six months straight awful awful it was, it did seem to cycle itself month to month lasting for about 10 days through out each month before finally lifting for me anyways, its all still here so not out of the woods yet, but definitely not as bad that's for sure.. So it does improve, and that's how the pattern of each and every one of these awful symptoms are going for me , crazy monthly patterns of symptoms.. Unfortunately I've read a lot of books on this subject and it does seem to be a time where many many divorces happen because woman come out of all of this menopause crap feeling so much stronger and feeling like the ride they where on that their significant other was just not there for them physically or emotionally and that su#%s they seem to just turn their backs when they're needed the most, and we feel so isolated and alone through out this transition that once we make it through we have a lot of emotional feelings that the person needed the most wasn't there.. Seems a lot of these partners make this journey about themselves and not the one going through the torture chambers.. My advice would be stay strong know that you are NOT alone we all feel the same we all have to go through until hormones settle and they will, and do things to take your mind somewhere else no matter what, read a book, watch a movie go for a walk do some yoga meditate, eat right drink lots of water, and give up the triggers to these symptoms until your body adjusts and your feeling better, like sweets pop coffee caffeine alcohol you know all the fun stuff that the body just can't handle right now, and read read read, get the books from Christine Northrop and Google search Magnolia, both these woman are strong you'll be ok...
teri76755 Guest
Guest teri76755
Hi Teri thanks for your reply. Yes I have considered antidepressants and had a period of going on them but found I felt suicidal so put this down to the tablets and so decided against them. I just hope I can keep my cool through all of this and not overthink things. My thoughts do go very dark and deep and I need to learn to not at them too much attention. I am going to take your advice and exercise more and read to take my mind off how I feel and definitely how I think. I hope you get some answers for how you feel from the doctor too. Xx
Guest sarah05599
Hi Sarah
I'm not even having periods can't remember the last one I had wish I had one so I might feel a bit of relief. I too have this major fear about the future. My partner talks to me about plans for the future and I'm sweating with fear and I just tell him it's my hot sweats. I feel so bad for my family that they have me not feeling 100 percent myself. I look at other people when they are laughing and joking and just feel so lost. Where has the old me gone. My partner wasn't very supportive in the beginning especially when I told him I didn't feel mentally right, in fact I moves to my parents for two weeks to try and sort myself out. I hope you get the support you deserve because I wouldn't wish this upon anybody. I wish you luck at your doctors xx
sarah05599 Guest
Hi Jill
Thanks for the reply, I to look at other people laughing and joking wishing I was like that again 😞 I just hope I have better luck at docs Monday, I'll let you know what he said and I truly hope you feel better soon and get the support you deserve to.
Guest sarah05599
sarah05599 Guest