Panic Attack Fear

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Hi All

I had a panic attack some years ago and feel I have never fully recovered from this.  I am seeking some reassurance that this is because of the peri/menopause and not me just been scared.  I am going to see my GP today and speak to them about how I feel.  I cry all the time, feel fearful all the time and am so tired with not sleeping properly.  I also have hot sweats.  I have lost all my confidence and I feel I cannot give my family what they deserve because of the way I feel.  I don't know how much more I can take of feeling like this, I did tell my partner this morning that if this does not stop soon I don't know what I will do.  I told my partner this and he said he can't take it no more and to get help.   Does anyone else feel like I do or is this just all in my head? xx

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    I’m have this feeling that my skin is getting dry and tight specially in my lower leg does anyone have same symptoms ?

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