Panic Attacks
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Hello again,I just wondered if anyone had any tips on how to handle panic attacks, I am getting about 3 a day and they re wearing me out,i start to feel very anxious to point of feeling faint I guess it's those lovely hormones causing them,I do guided meditation to help the panic but this means I m laid on the sofa for half an hour 3 times a day,I m sure my husband is starting to think I m just lazy lol.they just come out of no where. Xx
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linda45130 Fudgeybear1
brendababy linda45130
I've been suffering from dizziness since March, had scans all sorts of tests done. Dr told my estrogen levels very low and prescribed HRT, on my third HRT now as I am very sensitive to side effects which makes me panic
I'm on livial - tibolone now, not supposed to take this until no periods for 12 months, think my last bleeding without it being caused by HRT was December last year
Anyway, been taking this HRT for 1 month, don't feel any better, emotions all over the place, never really had any hot flushes more mental problems
ENT told me I may have vistibular migraine which causes dizziness and prescribed me low dose anti depressant which is used as a migraine preventative - nortriptyline 10 mg
Took the first one at 1am this morning had been trying to pluck up the courage for hours before taking it, don't know if panicking when I got up has made me more dizzy or if it's the tablet
I know what all you ladies mean when you talk about the anxiety & depression I feel trapped with it all and wondering how I'm going to get past these symptoms and stop worrying
I'm worried now that I won't take the anti depressant again tonight through fear and also worried that it may have helped and I've not given it a chance
Sorry for the rant had to get this out, my husband looks really fed up with all this today as he thinks I could deal with symptoms a bit better
If be grateful for any reassurance you can offer Linda or any of the ladies suffering from similar problems xx
michelle50768 brendababy
Stay strong hope you feel better soon xx
brendababy michelle50768
I'm sure you'll enjoy your relatives visiting hopefully ill take your mind if symptoms for a while
I'm always worried I won't be able to turn this around cause I let it get the better of me through fear, this dizziness and balance problem is growing arms and legs because I'm feeding it but I feel powerless it's rediculous
Thanks again, speak soon x
Glitzy brendababy
brendababy Glitzy
I know what you mean about the unsteadiness & wooziness I have that really bad and it gets me into a right state of panic which makes it worse
I'm scared if everything just now going out staying in tablets the lot 🙈🙉 I've had ME a couple of years ago which goes hand in hand with anxiety, they think that the symptoms of ME are caused by s dysfunctional hypothalamus and if course this regulates the hormones, my GPs theory is I'm really sensitive to the symptoms of meno because if this
I don't know glitzy but I'll never forget this time in my life as long as I live
It's such s nice day today and I want to go out but even the motion of the car affects me 😳
I hope we can feel better soon, take care and enjoy the rest of your day x
Fudgeybear1 brendababy
brendababy Fudgeybear1
Do you think it will clear up when we get through to post meno? X
linda45130 brendababy
brendababy linda45130
I'm feeling very lightheaded and inner shakiness today, I'm trying to get on with things and trying not to panic but it's so difficult
I keep hearing other woman saying they feel much better on HRT to be honest I've been taking tibolone for 35 days and don't feel any better
I'm prone to anxiety and was recovering from ME when this hit me, my GP has told me if you have any underlying problems they will be much worse in peri
My estrogen levels were very low last bloods I had done so GP gave me the HRT to help with the symptoms, I don't get hot flushes really my symptoms are mainly dizziness, anxiety, low mood, insomnia
Sometimes I feel I'm going to be left like this and end up hysterical crying, it's terrible, I've had to give my job up and feel really isolated when my husbands at work, sons at uni etc
Sorry for going on but it helps to get it all out, thanks for reading
Take care x
michelle50768 brendababy
linda45130 brendababy
I used to feel isolated when my husband was at work, but menopause comes as a package, with every symptom affecting every part of a womens body. So, the anxiety you feel when you`re alone, is probably bringing on the dizziness. You won`t be a hysterical crying wreck at the end of it. One day soon you`ll be be normal. Hope this helps brenda. Keep talking on this site. We all know what you`re going through.
Take care x
susan21149 linda45130
I am on a new antidepressant paxil a low dose starting out at 5mg and ativan for my anxieties.
I agree with you about HRTs because with the risk of HRTs they can cause strokes heart attacks and with having anxieties and panic attacks your blood pressure is already up and so is your heart rate and HRTs will make it worse
I suggest antidepressants myself she just has to find the right one thats right fo her
I have hypothyroidism, diabetes, sleep apnea and i also have had fast heart rate and blood pressure problems and HRTs is not meant for my because of these reasons i also have sleep apnea
Its a great thing you are doing well on an antidepressant
i am 47 and i just pray that my moods and anxietiy levels go down with the paxil my doctor is going to raise it slowly right now its at 5mg
susan21149 brendababy
I would stick to the antidepressant, please do not be like me and go off meds with out giving it a try. The headaches could be caused by your HRTs because they can give a side effect with giving a person migrains that is a side effect of HRTs and your moods and anxieties being all over the place that is a side effect of the HRTs
I would get off the HRTs and just do an antidepressant to help with your anxieties and moods
When i was on HRTs for two weeks i felt great than my anxieties went up and so did my blood pressure and heart rate plus with the nurontin and trazodone i had to stop the HRTs due to bleeding and i had to stop the nurontin due to the fact that it made me weak and feel like i was going to fall out i also had to stop the trazodone right now i am trying an antidepressant paxil at 5mg to get it in my body slowly so i do not have side effects and i am on ativan for my anxiety issues
But i have been really restless and not sleeping right the night before and last night i had a really good nights sleep
linda45130 susan21149
I`m on Sertraline 150mg and it is a high dose but it does work for me. When I was 47 I was having a real bad time with peri but now Iv`e found something that works, I`ll stay with it till menopause ends. I`m 55 soon so I`m hoping I won`t have to suffer it much longer. Hope you do ok on Paxil 50mg. Don`t be afraid if you have to raise the dose even more. If you get relief from it, then do as your doctor says.
Take care x
Fudgeybear1 brendababy
brendababy linda45130
I resigned from my job in 2011 due to burning out with stress/anxiety, I worked in a busy court dealing with people who were facing the threat of homelessness
I was recovering from this and feeling a lot better when peri hit me. The biggest mistake I made was going back to the same company that I had worked for in January, It was a less demanding job but it caused me so much anxiety, I was worrying all the time incase I got sick and had to phone in etc , I wasen't sleeping and really just causing my own grief
I struggled on for a while at work, took the dizziness in March and had to resign from my job again in June.
The last bloods the gp done showed my estrogen levels very low and gave me HRT to help with the symptoms, been on it now for 35 days
Been to different specialist, neurologist, gyno and also ENT the only thing ENT has diagnosed vistibular migraine and prescribed me low dose anti depressant - 10 mg nortriptyline as a preventative, only been taking it for four days
I was really lightheaded and diden't feel great yesterday but my mood was better and I managed to go out to the shops for a while with my husband
This morning has been a nightmare !! When I got up I was off balance but the anxiety/panic and feelings of doom I had caused a massive panic attack, I was hysterical crying and pacing up and down, could not settle, I was phoning my husband at work putting him under pressure to help me. I can't believe that the menopause can make you feel as low as this, feeling you cannot cope another minute, I just feel trapped with it all and worried I'm not going to feel better
This forum does help because unless you've suffered from these symptoms you defo woulden't understand.
Thank you so much for trying to help me
Take care
Brenda x
brendababy michelle50768
michelle50768 brendababy
Feeling very unwell due to aneamia. Just spoke to my doctor and he explained that the new iron tabs are very slow acting due to stomach issues I had with other iron. Came home from work and cried im so exhausted. So back on the sofa and waiting it out hoping the iron kicks in soon. Its seems its one thing after another.
Really hope ur doing better xx
linda45130 brendababy
Take care
Linda x
brendababy linda45130
I know what you mean by the feeling your going to have a period I've had that since yesterday with some light spotting but never establishes into a proper bleed, wondering if that's what's making me feel so dizzy and panicky
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day I hate being stuck at home I feel so isolated if I wasen't dizzy I'd go out for walks or visit family etc, Al need to find a hobby I can do at home for now to occupy me and distract me from focusing on symptoms
Enjoy the rest of your evening
Brenda x
brendababy Fudgeybear1
I'm really looking forward to the day I come on here and tell all the lovely ladies IM NOT DIZZY TODAY YEAGH !!
michelle50768 Fudgeybear1
Its me again. I know this has nothing to do with the thread but has anyone tried floradix iron tonic for aneamia.
The iron pills are giving me stomach pain and im really worried im just exhausted. Of course being in perimenopause im thinking the worst. Im even scared to go out duecto palpitations and tiredness. I have been diagnosed aneamic but I feel so unwell. Oh by the way my period is a week late also. Any suggestions. Im miserable x
Fudgeybear1 brendababy