Panic in the shower!
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I was taking my shower and for some reason full blown panic wants to attack me. Has anyone else had panic attacks or anxiety taking a shower and you have to fight your way through it. Like total nervous and legs feel like jelly! I took my shower today a little earlier than the the norm thinking okay it won't happen at this time, WRONG! Am I the only one this is happening too? Been having to fight it the whole last 4 to 6 weeks since meno has hit me so dang hard! It like to get through the day I have to try and outsmart my own attacks if that makes any sense at all! Like figure a way to get the daily things done w/symptoms a different way or time or whatever!
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lisa62659 Guest
Hi I have just started to experience the last 4 weeks panic attacks consent crying have not been to work not sure if its. Linked to my concerns around my period I've tried to take my mind of things like going for walk music etc not even a glass of wine is helping lol sorry I know what you are going through at times I feel like I'm going mad if you find anything that helps let me know let's hope it gets better
maria76995 Guest
Hi Crosada, no not in the shower but in shops and walking the street it's awful but it will subside with time..I even had it in my sleep, distraction is good for it, did anyone tell you when it happens to blow inside a brown for relief..anyway only hormones your going to be fine Hugs.
lisa72030 Guest
Yes I can relate 100%. My anxiety is severe, all my coping strategies are really working, I rationally know I'm safe but it still comes with avengance. I have a plastic chair in the shower now as I get wobbly and weak. All I have is faith and hope that it will pass and get through each day and each hour sometimes. You are not alone .
My coping strategies aren't * really working ... I mean.
littleme1969 Guest
lisa72030 littleme1969
That's the same as me. I've been in peri maybe 3 years with irregular periods and mild pms symptoms but then I missed a period for 4 months, like you, and BAM every symptom possible hit me. I was wondering to myself which is the most terrible symptom but I couldn't choose one.
littleme1969 lisa72030
Sally4x littleme1969
littleme1969 Sally4x
emily95972 Guest
Hi!!! I gotta say this is soooo me!! I started having anxiety and panic attacks 2 months after my hysterectomy. The initial attacks were wild! Many times in the shower I thought I was gonna die. Until now I have to fight anxiety in the shower especially when it's time to shampoo my hair! One time I had shampoo all over me and I had the attack. I was out of the shower soooo fast it was funny now that I think of it! Can anyone explain why this is happening? Also when I'm go out of the house. I couldnt stand being around people and the noise around me. Doing things with my family is a struggle.
Hang in there...things will be better...millions of us are having the same thing..until now things are not good for me but there are good days and I'm thankful for those. xoxo
pinkcatfairy emily95972
Dear Emily
I remember the stage of not wanting people around me, it happened when I went swimming once (as I try to do weekly) and I felt overwhelmed by all the people in there and all the noise, I never felt like that before. The shower thing is abit like the car feeling trapped I suppose abit of claustrophobia. I get panicky when I am being served at a till, I almost feel trapped like I want to run out of the shop I suppose it's because I know I cant when i'm being served. I suffer from agoraphobia anyway and this has been intensified in peri/meno x
Sochima822 Guest
Well, I'm glad you came out with the shower episode. I was about to get one when I said, No! Stop! I said it to my body/cells and it went away. Hasn't happened again.
Guest Sochima822
Well that dont work for me! :-( PLUS I'm so sad tonight cried off and on all afternoon my eyes maybe swollen tomorrow! I HATE this rollercoaster I WANT OFF! I had sugar drop and panic attack today all at once! I'm so sick of these non stop panic stuff I get them in my sleep get them waking up and off and on through the day ! We are fooling ourselves I bet this stuff never goes away just gets worse and worse until well you know!
Sochima822 Guest
Why don't ask your doctor for meds, if you're that bad? If anything makes your life difficult to manage on a daily basis why wouldn't you consider taking something to have a better quality of life?
maria76995 Guest
Hi crosado8, glad you mention the panicky feeling in your sleep and waking up so its not only me with this horrible symptom I fight to drop off last night scary feelings I must say it does go away darling I have got a lot better since I became menopsal it's bad when you first start it but with time it gets better I never thought I would ever feel better with some of my symptoms, that panicky feeling went away 2 years ago but yes it has return because I'm late stages of peri and still waiting to tailor off with my periods...fingers cross another 6 months and I will deffo know thank you for mention this never heard anyone with it deffiently picking on me and you Lol.