Pelvic ultrasound
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I am waiting on results. In the meantime, I figured I would ask if this scenario sounds familiar to anyone. For the past 6-7 months my periods have become increasingly painful. Pelvic pain, lower abdominal pain, pain in my hip joints, groin area and upper thighs. It really feels like labor pains. And then a couple of weeks before my last period, I had a sudden sharp pain on the right side. So bad it scared me, but was quick. It happened 2 more times that day and then just ached a little and then gone. I'm thinking ovarian cyst burst? Some endometriosis possibly? Do either one of these go hand in hand with peri? Do they usually resolve after peri? I know endo doesn't usually show up on US unless it's pretty bad, but she said we had to start there. Thanks for any info.
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karen47058 2chr2015
2chr2015 karen47058
Hi Karen. I do have some small clotting. I looked up the symptoms, some I have but most I didn't. Thanks
maria_03422 2chr2015
Hi again..
i just had a pelvic ultrasound last Friday with the same symptoms and special the sharp pain on the right and horrible lower back pain that i've been getting the past few months before my period.
My doctor said everything was normal no systs or anything ubnormal.
He said thats all part of the change we are going through..I was so scared but don't worry everything will be fine..I know how you feel, my periods got a bid heavier then i use to get them, some cloting but that's not the worst part the cramping is!!
Let us know how when you get the results back
I will keep you in my prayers
Tammy123 maria_03422
maria_03422 Tammy123
Hi Tammy
Don't worry everything will be ok..I use to be like that last year my periods got very irregular and I had spotting at times..
If you are nervous about the procedure is nothing it takes a few minutes and is pain free. Everything will be ok
2chr2015 maria_03422
Hey Maria! Thank you for telling me that. Makes me feel better. My periods are a little beaver but nothing major and I have small clots when I used to not have any. So I'm sure there are some changing going on.
Hopefully I will hear something back monday
maria_03422 2chr2015
You will be fine
the good thing with my dr is they tell you right there the results and so with my mammogram also so I don't have to go through this crazy waiting.. you will see monday they will call you and everything will be good! Right now I have to drive to a friends house and I'm getting anxious getting out of my house LOL it doesn't stop!!
2chr2015 maria_03422
maria_03422 2chr2015
Where are you? What country?
wish some of us will be close by!!
2chr2015 maria_03422
maria_03422 2chr2015
Me toooo! I'm in Florida.
2chr2015 maria_03422
What part? I'm in ga
maria_03422 2chr2015
I'm in Sarasota fl.
2chr2015 maria_03422
susan43259 2chr2015