Pelvic ultrasound

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I am waiting on results. In the meantime, I figured I would ask if this scenario sounds familiar to anyone. For the past 6-7 months my periods have become increasingly painful. Pelvic pain, lower abdominal pain, pain in my hip joints, groin area and upper thighs. It really feels like labor pains. And then a couple of weeks before my last period, I had a sudden sharp pain on the right side. So bad it scared me, but was quick. It happened 2 more times that day and then just ached a little and then gone. I'm thinking ovarian cyst burst? Some endometriosis possibly? Do either one of these go hand in hand with peri? Do they usually resolve after peri? I know endo doesn't usually show up on US unless it's pretty bad, but she said we had to start there. Thanks for any info.

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    Does anyone else get the hip pain and thigh pain?
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      I've had the same symptoms on and off for a number of years. I did have a large ovarian cyst but also had nausea, vomiting and extreme bloating with my cyst. I had the cyst aspired over a year ago and it hung around for another 4 months until it went. I do get the stabbing pains in my ovaries too and have had more scans that were normal. Cysts are common in Peri due to fluctuating hormones and in particular low progesterone and an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone. I've also had spotting and light bleeding for a number of weeks too in the past. My progesterone levels are low and testosterone too. I found b complex helped my cyst to go and vitamin c, zinc and b6 can help with low progesterone too as well as vitex which I unfortunately can't tolerate. My understanding is that when your post meno this should rectify itself with very low chance of cyst formation. Take care x

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      Thank you for telling me that. I haven't researched it, but that's interesting about the B complex and the cyst and the other stuff that helps with low progesterone. Did you find that out with research online? Also how can you tell the vitamins help with the low progesterone? I have a closet full of vitamins. I quit taking all but D and E bc I got tired of swallowing so many pills. But, if I know there are vitamins that will help with the prog. I will try it. I tried the prog cream and couldn't tolerate that.

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      Hi there so sorry am only getting back to you now. My husband is unwell and my mother is in hospital so it's all go here. I actually went to a clinic specialising in hormone problems as I'd had my gallbladder removed and the symptoms got worse after that. I also had a large cyst on my ovary. I went to the clinic looking for answers as I wanted to find out what was causing all my symptoms. They did saliva tests over the course of a cycle and told me I was perimenopausal and wasn't ovulating. My progesterone and testosterone levels were extremely low and my estrogen levels were very high at times and low at other times. They recommended I get my fsh and lh levels tested and both were elevated and in the mid thirties which they said meant I was near meno. They explained a lot about hormones and perimenopausal and recommended supplements. They explained that b complex and b 6 in particular and vitamin c was vital during peri and meno as the body is under stress with the fluctuation of hormones and explained the estrogen to progesterone imbalance was causing my symptoms including the cyst and gallstones. They said that b6 and vitamin c and agnus castus can increase progesterone. They said the liver becomes overloaded with the excess estrogen and recommended a liver support too. I was taking a multivitamin at the time but they said it was junk and recommended taking organic supplements.I took the b complex for months along with b 6 and a multi and vitamin c and felt good. I stupidly stopped the b 6 and vitamin c and took herbs and a multivitamin and now I think I have another cyst. I've started back on both in the last few days and am starting to feel better already. I've tried lots of herbs but they all seem to work for a while and then stop. I believe I'm 8 years in peri as I was on steroids for a long time and started having symptoms 8 years ago. I just hope the end is near although I'm still having periods so this looks like it's going to continue. I'm sorry to hear you have a cyst. Hopefully it will resolve itself over your next few cycles. I haven't tried progesterone cream as I don't seem to respond well to hormones but the vitamin c and b6 and b complex are worth trying. Take care x

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      Thank you ace Johnston for the great info. I have gall bladder problems as well. All makes sense. I will try the vitamins.
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    ive had pelc pain for over four years

    doc see my US and tell me to come again after six months after anouther US

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    I have endometriosis my as come on during peri menepause everything you describe is what i get an its awful during ovulation too i start utovlan for 6 months this month to see if these help,i will let you know if they help 🙂

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      Thank you deb! I'm sorry you are going through this too. Please keep me updated if that med works. Were they able to see yours on the ultrasound?

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      Hi 2chr2015 🙂

      I guess so because i had a transvaginal an ultra sound scans i also saw gynie too he said its quite common in women in peri menepause an theres a few options im to try before he goes down the laparoscopy route 😖He said he didnt want to jump in an do that because it normally goes away for some women once menepause was its a kind of take the tablets hope they do the trick i just use heat pads an pain killers at the moment welcome to the lovely world of peri menepause hey 😫 I hope you feel better soon an get some answers good luck i will keep you posted.

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      Thank you again!! I use heating pad and Tylenol. For some reason ibuprofen doesn't touch it. Do you have pain in your hips and thighs?

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      Yes also in also in lower back all in pelvic area pain worse during ovulation an period feeling tired painful when i go to toilet an ya right ibuprofen does absolutely nothing im using paracetamol/codeine when its really bad but they give you constipation 😫😫 lol endo is no fun really 😢 I hope we find some relief soon i start the utovlan on tuesday thats when i should get my period the gynie told me to start them on the first day of the bleed so fingers crossed hopefully it will help i hope so i cant take no more 😖

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    Update. I do have a cyst on my right ovary, but it appears like a normal ovulatory one. I haven't had any more pain like that, so we will just monitor it for now. Thank you Lord!

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      hi.  did they say anything about these horrible pains   i have a cyst right ovary also but the pain 2 weeks ago was severe during a period.  did they say that this pain is normal with these type of cysts?  I have no pain now, but dread if it happens again
    • Posted

      That is EXACTLY me! The pain during my period is excruciating. She said that could be some endometriosis. The ovary pain is sudden and sharp...and then just feels sore for a couple of days.
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      they weren't concerned about my cyst, just to come back in a couple of months, but wondering if it causes such intense pain, do you just ignore it? They have suggested I get a mirena coil inserted, to keep them at bay, because of the progesterone in it, but the thoughts of the procedure puts me off.  I may ask if there is anything else I could have with progesterone, maybe suppositories. I am none the wiser.  Did they suggest anything to you?

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      No suggestions. She just said follow up with gyn if I kept having problems. I started my period today and I am bracing myself for tomorrow. Getting the heating pad and Tylenol ready!
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      it's awful isn't it.  I am dreading the next one, end of next week!  I may get a heating pad ready too.  I can imagine that this is what having surgery without anaesthetic feels like!!  Let me know how you get on..

    • Posted

      Well, I went to bed with a heating pad on my abdomen. It was probably half as intense as it has been in the past few months. I was relieved. I woke up at 2 in the morning and wasn't hurting, so hopefully I'm good this monthsmile

    • Posted

      ah, that's great news. hopefully it is the same for me!  I think that some months will be worse than others.  I just really want a break from the agony this month, so fingers crossed!

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