Peri is HELL!!! First cold sore??? FTW

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Went to dentist to discover thinks have my first ever cold sore (he says minor) deep inside my mouth at 47 and haven't been in a relationship in 10 years. Reading that viral outbreaks get very common during peri and menopause. Add to that giant fibroid, horrible PTSD and anxiety, weight gain, TMJ, sleep issues, WTFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! Am I the only one falling apart in my 40s????? Is there no cure????? I tried birth control but it didn't stop my progesterone from dropping to almost nothing and when I took extra I gained EVEN more weight and fibroid grew even more. Is this it for me? Esp being single? Who wants this hot mess? And I hear it only gets worse in actual menopause? Should I just jump in the ocean now????????? Cold sore??? What the EFFFFF?????

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    I've found lysine to be very good for treating and preventing cold sores. It just means you are run down more than anything. Try and keep your immune system healthy with lots of leafy veg and vit c etc.

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      If you are already taking a preventative dose it's time to increase it since it didn't work. It will sort it out in not time and help you feel much better. Good luck!

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    this is me right now sakura. same thoughts i am having. i am 47 too! i just started with the TMJ too. Trying to ignore it since it seems the least of my problems. I am laying in bed this morning with steristrips all over my stomach from gallbladder surgery tuesday, and sweating from my hot flash i had that just woke me up. . and yea this immune system crap i was googling yesterday...trying to figure out what to do. i decided to take an ativan last night so i could sleep. trying to start fresh today and handle it as it comes. I am so sorry you are going through this crap too. ((hugs))

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      oh girl, God bless you, I had mine removed a few years ago. I’m assuming you had a laparoscopy? You have to remember this, and I can’t stress it enough, because it’s not the major major surgery, meaning, they don’t cut from front to back, like it was years ago, we tend to think we can jump right back in and do things. Don’t do that, it is a trauma to your body having the surgery, so go slow, and I mean go slow for a few months. we think because there’s tiny cuts, it isn’t as serious, but it is. Also if the doctor gave you pain meds, see if you have any hot flashes on the pain meds. My doctor gave me, I think it was called Hydrocodeine at rhat time, and I never had one hot flash. please take it easy and give your body the rest it needs, it takes a few months to feel normal 😉 healing thoughts your way 😃

    • Posted

      Thank you for making me feel not so alone! I have gallbladder issues too! But no surgery though may need surgery for fibroid that has grown like crazy in peri. Every week it's some new pain and PTSD is so bad I've blacked out and hurt myself. And everyone says menopause is worse. And I'm alone no supportive family etc. And I want to find a partner and not die alone, and broke (hello no retirement and student loans). Let me know if you find any immune stuff. Feel free to private message me. I am looking for info too but it's so hard to find a doctor who truly understands and and cares about female hormones and all the devastating issues they cause from peri on. And naturopaths are crazy expensive in CA. In the UK they even have menopause leave now. HUGS to you too!

    • Posted

      I also have had shingles twice since I hit 40 and you're not supposed to get it until 60 and it's possible the mouth thing is shingles since for a 3rd time. WHAT THE HELL IMMUNE SYSTEM? I know men aren't dealing with this.

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      thank you lisa. yes it was laparoscopic. i am doing pretty good 6 days out now. the first 3 days weren't much fun.

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      oh and i had thrush twice!! TWICE! what the heck??

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      2chr...Glad to hear you’re doing well, but again please be careful because it’s still major surgery and those little incisions can fool us 😉 isn’t Thrush basically an over abundance of yeast? Do you eat a lot of sugar, completely cut back on the sugar and try taking a couple shots of apple cider vinegar each day, "with the mother”, it’s got to say “with mother“ to do any good, something to do with the enzymes. i’ve heard that Thrush is common at this time. Ofcourse it is 😉 because every symptom under the sun is 😃 i’m sure we’re going to start growing beards as another symptom ! did you have thrush directly after the surgery and also do you take a probiotic ? i’m sorry if I’ve asked this question before, everything becomes such a blur during this time! please take care and hugs to you 😃

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      no i had the thrush a couple years ago. i was having some silent reflux type issues where my throat was hurting everyday and so i was stopping and getting slushies to make it feel better LoL! so yea sugar took me a while to figure out what caused it. haha i juice a few times a week and i always put acv in my juice. i wish i could be more disciplined with all the healthy stuff but i just cant.

    • Posted

      you are not alone, I was much better in perimenopause menopause I’ve gone off the rails completely 😉 Oh Lord, there is such a thing a silent reflux, I must’ve had that because I was having a sore throat thing for no reason also for like two weeks. Ummm! Slushies sound good 😃 have a good night and peaceful dreams.

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      me tonight trying to be healthy:walking to my desk green tea in one hand, water in the other...take a sip of the tea, goes down the wrong way...start coughing...spit it back in my cup so it won't get on my carpet, it splashes in my eye, try to get to the bathroom so i can sit them down but omg wait i can't stomach hurts! ( post gallbladder sx) make it to counter to sit glasses down...still coughing, face wet, trying to splint my stomach and make it to the toilet because now i'm peeing on myself! freak show right here tonight!!!

  • Posted

    Hello Sakura, this one can be a real bugger, I had terrible bouts with these when I was in Peri. I specifically remember because I had a friend in the city, I was going to visit and I constantly had to cancel because I had them every two weeks. Start taking the supplement Lysine and don’t take it sporadically, take it faithfully every day. Also selenium helps to boost the immune system. Are you on other supplements, you have to keep your immune system healthy 😃 stress brings them on like crazy 😦 Cut out sugar as it causes yeast and that forms a breeding ground for them. Also nuts and alcohol for some reason bring them on bad. also wouldn’t it be a canker sore, not a cold sore, cold sores are on the outside of the mouth and canker sores on the inside? at least that’s how it was described to me years ago. i’m telling you ...during this time I’ve had some things happen that I’ve never even discussed with anybody, because it’s so freaky. I mean go through midlife ...but what happens... they a convertible and start messing around w/ 20-year-olds 😉 I think I would take that over this any day and also don’t be embarrassed by the canker/Cold Sore, they are as common as the common cold, nothing to be ashamed of, like 80% of the population has them and the other 20 have it in their system but never have symptoms. also the sun can bring them on and I think excessive doses of vitamin C, at least with me it’s the vitamin C, excess. hang in there ...things will get better … And then will get worse… And then they’ll get better 😉

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      Thanks so much for the support! How much selenium and Vit C do you take? I'm bumping my Lysine up to 3000mg a day. I was taking 1000.

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      I take 1000 of the Lysine a day, I put it in with my vitamin pill holder. The selenium I ran out of, so I forgot how much it is, but I’ll check next time. I don’t take vitamin C as vitamin C seems to be what can instigate mine at times 😃

      I have notes in my phone on Cold Sore’s because they were so bad years ago when I went through perimenopause. also watch what you eat you want to stay away from Foods that contain arginine. they also say to throw away your toothbrush after a cold sore. EAT foods rich in Lysine:

      Yogurt, Kefir Yogurt Drink, Sauerkraut



      'Cold sore Prevention:

      Of all these causes of cold sores, you can see that it boils down to your pH balance, proper nutrient intake and starving the cold sore virus.

      The good news – your cells cannot create herpes virus with lysine protein. Increasing your intake of lysine saturates your cells and forces out excess arginine. This, in effect, starves the herpes virus and sends it back into hiding.'

      also I heard that Bactine gets rid of a cold sore. if you mix witch hazel and Bactine put it on a cotton ball car with a cold sore and put a Band-Aid over it overnight, it’s supposed to basically be gone. they are such buggers, I hope this helps:)

    • Posted

      Thanks Lisa. I assume toss your toothbrush after the cold sore's gone right? I assume while you still have it there's no point?

    • Posted

      Sakura, Good morning to you, I would assume that but Google it to check 😉 On another, is everyone having a problems with this forum? I used to be able to sign in once, now I have to continually sign in and it’s going back to telling me my password is wrong, when it’s not, like two or three times ....grrrr Going back to the cold sore subject, to be honest most the time I never even threw my toothbrush away, I probably forgot because of Meno 😉 lol. it’s like the smallest of things at this time I can’t even be bothered with. I have one of those beautiful clear make up organizers with five drawers and one of the drawers has facemasks, really good ones, and honestly I can’t even be bothered to open the package and put it on my face lol. Even though I see all the wrinkles settling in from my estrogen dropping. oh well, what can I do 😉 hope you have a great day !

    • Posted

      I hear you. I need more cash for fillers and things, so expensive. But so I bought a microneedle tool on amazon to help with collagen etc for cheap and every night I look at it, and I know my face is sagging and I also am getting weird "wisdom warts" according to doc, not really warts just sebaceous gland age things that are like $100 to remove one!! So anyway I look at the micro tool every night and I'm so tired and hopeless I'm just like eff it and go to sleep, 😦

    • Posted

      oh thats what those things are called! i have 2 of them on my face.

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      2? Since I hit 40 I have like 5 pop up at a time. 😦 I can't believe how much dermatologists want to charge to remove just one!! I need to find a way to burn them off myself lol. Old people barnacles.

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