Peri is HELL!!! First cold sore??? FTW

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Went to dentist to discover thinks have my first ever cold sore (he says minor) deep inside my mouth at 47 and haven't been in a relationship in 10 years. Reading that viral outbreaks get very common during peri and menopause. Add to that giant fibroid, horrible PTSD and anxiety, weight gain, TMJ, sleep issues, WTFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! Am I the only one falling apart in my 40s????? Is there no cure????? I tried birth control but it didn't stop my progesterone from dropping to almost nothing and when I took extra I gained EVEN more weight and fibroid grew even more. Is this it for me? Esp being single? Who wants this hot mess? And I hear it only gets worse in actual menopause? Should I just jump in the ocean now????????? Cold sore??? What the EFFFFF?????

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi - Canker sores and cold sores are not the same thing. Cold sores happen on the exterior (around the mouth/lips) and canker sores are inside the mouth. Canker sores are not caused by the herpes virus, but cold sores are. My husband has had terrible cancer sores for years, and what worked for him was cutting out wheat. That may not be your trigger - I am sure it has something to do with peri - but you could maybe try it? He also eats lots of blueberries (after reading that it was helpful) and made sure his toothpaste doesn't have SLS in it. Canker sores can be so awful, and I'm sorry you are dealing with them on top of all this other peri nonsense! Try to take care of yourself and really celebrate the times when you are feeling somewhat human. That's what I've tried to do over these last several years. Whenever I am feeling okay I really take advantage of it and do things that make me feel good/productive like exercising, getting things organized, and spending time with friends. Because as soon as all the symptoms come back (which they always do) I find it hard to do anything. Sending you support and empathy!

    • Posted

      Thanks for the support Mel! My dentist seemed to think it was cold sore but now I feel worse and found another hidden spot so suspecting shingles. šŸ˜¦ I had them twice since I hit 40 and they keep popping up in new places. Hormones ruin everything. And I've been gluten and wheat-free since 16. But I think my first shingles attack was from wheat!! I had ordered a gluten-free pizza and the restaurant screwed up. I just feel like every week it's something new and the PTSD doesn't help or the knowledge that it's all down hill from here with menopause and I haven't found a good doctor after trying many. šŸ˜¦

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      Hey Sakura, my goodness, I am very sorry to hear that, thatā€™s very young to have shingles isnā€™t it? But of course with hormones anything is possible. Have you gotten the vaccine or are you able to get it once youā€™ve had shingles? that was some really good information that Mel gave. I have used natural toothpaste for years. I was diagnosed with perrioral dermatitis, if thatā€™s even what I really had, and it turned out fluoride in toothpaste instigates breakouts and hormonal changes. of course the doctor didnā€™t tell me that, he told me he didnā€™t know what caused it, so I googled it and someone who has a high school diploma told me! Stopped using regular toothpaste and never had another break out. iā€™m telling you this thing with wheat is so concerning, but you said youā€™re gluten-free, but still Mel said that thatā€™s what caused her husbands, thatā€™s just terrible. itā€™s like Mel said ...try to celebrate when you are feeling well. I was actually on a rant today as my frozen shoulder came back but now itā€™s feeling a little better so Iā€™m off my rant šŸ˜‰ Iā€™m really sorry you have this. Have you ever looked into holistic measures for your shingles. sending you blessings and hug;)

    • Posted

      That's the thing about shingles. It has nothing to do with age, but a lot to do with the immune system. Older people get it because they often have weaker immune systems. I've had shingles twice (under 50) and so really had to step up on healing my gut to get my immune system healthy. It's pretty common to have cold sores if you're prone to shingles outbreaks. It's your body telling you to step up on building the immune system which from my experience always starts in the gut. Always.

    • Posted

      Hey Sabrina, Iā€™m very sorry to hear that you have had them as well. But I am happy to hear that you believe the same thing as me, that all of our health starts in our ā€œgutā€. We get PBS and WTTW which are fabulous TV stations. They always have lectures from doctors on gut health and theyā€™re really good. Sometimes I think though, that no matter what we do, these hormones control so much. As I had mentioned earlier, I had terrible bouts with cold Cold Sores in periMenopause. I was getting one every two weeks. There is a prescription I had and they were huge dark blue pills. They helped, but you know how you have to keep making an appointment constantly to keep a script. my friends father had shingles and I know that he was taking apple cider vinegar every day and it helped. Sorry guys, I didnā€™t mean to label elder age with shingles. I just always had it in my head people were older because my aunt waa older and had them when I was younger. Sabrina if you donā€™t mind me asking, what do you do to boost your immune systwm, besides gut health. And to boost your gut health, do you take a probiotic alone. I know here in the states our food is so messed up, I think thatā€™s why we all have so many autoimmune conditions šŸ˜¦ also Sabrina do you have the vaccine or are you not able to get the vaccine for shingles after youā€™ve had it? Iā€™ve always been very curious about that when I see the commercials. thank you for reaching out, have a great day šŸ˜ƒ

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      What do you take for your gut? I have already been taking glutamine or Zinc-carnosine every day for the last 24 years. And I don't eat sugar, wheat, grains etc. I actually had a test for celiac recently and was told it had gone away and I was negative.

    • Posted

      Shingles: Nope, I would never get the vaccine.

      Cold sores: I found a very nice lip balm with lysine in that works quite well along with added lysine supplements at any sign of an outbreak.

      Gut Health: I work with my ND who is also my GP. First off I was self prescribing way too many supplements for myself and so that all had to start with a clean slate. I also have Hashimoto's, so yes, autoimmune conditions don't help! The more 'supplements' I can get from a healthy diet, the better.

      I follow the usual NO gluten/grain/dairy/soy/sugar diet with absolutely no cheats. If I cheat or unexpectedly consume any of them it can set me back to zero and six+ months of healing again.

      Probiotics I take in the form of varied fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi. Anti inflammatories like garlic, tumeric, and ginger are also important so I cook with those often. Bone broth has been difficult to consume daily, but once I get into the routine it helps immensely.

      The usual exercise but nothing extreme, sleep, sleep, sleep, and stress reduction. If I am stressed I can literally feel my goiter and neck swell so I know I need to step back. Of course doing those three things can be difficult with peri on top.

      My ND doesn't advocate a lot of supplements unless a particular ailments pops up or she does mega dosing at certain times of the year depending on how I am feeling. She follows my copper levels to make sure I am not under or over methylated. Balancing methylation has been crucial to getting everything including my gut into better shape. So every four months or so I will mega dose with C, zinc, A, betaine, magnesium, B12, B6, molybdenum, and I few others I can't remember without looking at all my bottles. She absolutely does not advocate taking vitamin D unless there is a very deep deficiency due to it affecting copper and magnesium levels which in turn leads to inflammation, leads to poor gut health yadda yadda.

      Does all of the above work? No, not 100% of the time. I'm human and have a stressful life like most people. But it helps, for sure.

      If you live in a state where ND are licensed to be your MD (22 so far) try them out. Even better if they have been trained with the Walsh institute!

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      See above if you can bear to read it. šŸ˜‰

      I take very little for my gut in terms of supplements, but I do wonder if betaine would help you with some absorption issues. If you already take it, maybe try and find a doctor who will help you reset your body and cut back on all the expensive supplements and look for dietary changes to help you along the way. I know it's a horrendous fight to find the right doctor, especially if insurance issues get in the way. šŸ˜•

    • Posted

      Good Morning Sabrina, You are very on the ball and your ND sounds incredible. That was a lot of excellent and interesting information... food for thought. Thank you for the knowledge on the vitamin D, as I have a lot of inflammation, and I consume D3 supplements daily. I get quality supplements from my pharmacist that compounds them. But I would rather go the healthy food route. I have bad food habits to break and a long way to go though. Thank you again šŸ˜ƒ

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      Your Lysine lip balm is not the brand Lypsyt, (spelled correctly?), by chance, is it ? I really enjoyed reading your response, that was a lot of great information šŸ˜‰

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      hi sabrina. i agree with Lisa, you provided a lot of great info. i keep reminding myself what you said sleep sleep sleep bc i know that is one of my biggest struggles to help my immune system. i do take D bc my labs show low. i wonder how bad she thinks it needs to be to take it. Do you know anything about gelatin? or does the bone broth cover that?

  • Posted

    I am 44 and I am having all these symptoms including burning skin itching I have terrible night sweats dry mouth I get sores at side of my mouth it's just horrendous I am anaemic and trying to get in doctors is a joke

  • Posted

    You can try some over-the-counter preparations that contain a drying agentthat can speed up the healing of cold sores, such as alcohol etc.

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