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Hi all you lovely ladies.
Ok so I think I'm peri menopausal due to my periods being all over the place and been on cerezette mini pill for a couple of years. Occasional hot flush lots of anxiety, low mood etc but anxiety is through the roof today as I thought my period ( that's been on and off for a couple of weeks) was finally coming to the end but I'm getting cramps and the feeling you get when you are due on. Anyone else had this towards end of period?? I'm 43 but my mum went through it at my age oh and I had ultrasound scans last yr due to a really heavy period and that was normal apart from small fibroid.
Thanks in advance for any responses.
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chrisann144 sharon73515
Hi Sharon
Well I'm going to be 49 have been in peri for about five years I always had cramps all of my life but the cramps have gotten worse even when I skip a month of not getting a period I get cramps but nothing also when my period ends I can get cramps on and off all month crazy I know! It's so annoying and I can say it's normal my cycles have been crazy too I had gone seventy days then got my period then got it twenty days after that one I wear a pad all the time cause you just never know I can't wait till this is over hope this helps
sharon73515 chrisann144
Hi chris,
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry to hear you've had a similar experience to me, it's horrible being a woman sometimes isn't it.
When I say cramps I mean cramps and dull ache around the lower part of my back. But I also have suspected IBS so I'm wondering if it this could contribute and don't always get the cramps so I really feel for you.
chrisann144 sharon73515
Hey Sharon,
I also noticed some women get ibs at this time as well or if they have had ibs it gets worse! I could be a combo of both! Things that were normal become so abnormal in peri I noticed my symptoms came on very subtle...I was a hospice nurse at the time and used a period tracker so I noticed in the beginning I was skipping a period twice a year and of course at that time I was taking pregnancy tests too to just make sure ya know I have three kids and wasn't looking for a surprise 4th lol the last two years my periods have been all over my primary who I worked with is great so open minded even tho my blood work is semi Normal he goes by all the symptoms and reminds me that the bloodwork is a snapshot I sat talked with him for over a hour....we talked about how in school they never talked about perimenopause it was just menopause Drs need to be educated more on the subject and also with death and dying they get a few hours for that imagine!!!!! I have learned so much on these boards my dr also had me taking vitamin e and coq10 for the cramps so I just started them so not sure if they are working or not but I will continue to take them! Hopefully you feel better soon and know your not alone
sharon73515 chrisann144
Hi chris,
Thank you so much for your advice and comments they have helped me.. yes i do agree more need to be educated as I didn't even know about peri till a friend mentioned it last yr..
Sorry to have rambled on all day it's just because I have health anxiety ( which I'm seeing someone for and has helped) but this morning I had a setback and was back on dr google which I know is a big no no haha but because this achey cramp feeling has surfaced ( and been all day) and I do think it could be a combo of ibs/ Peri.. my anxiety got the better of me. But thanks it does help to know that I'm not alone. Tho I wish none of us had to go through it x
chrisann144 sharon73515
Just think I'm a nurse so my anxiety can go thru the roof for sure! It's hard not to Google I do it too hahha when I'm not sure if it's cramps or gas pains I take ibuprofen and if the pain goes away I know it's cramping! I can get cramps on and off where I never had cramps like this before it's so annoying and it's like almost everyday a new pain or ache pops up and I'm like wth seriously lol I sometimes have good days sometimes all month long I struggle I just try and push myself thru this and tellmyself this won't last forever or I hope it won't lol
sharon73515 chrisann144
Oh no yeah I can imagine your anxiety can get high being a nurse and seeing the things that you do..
Ok I would try that and take some ibuprofen but I've started a glass of wine ( helps numb my anxiety ) so prob best I don't take any tablets at the same time.. but thinking about is I have felt a bit "windy" today too but had a bm this morning :-( sorry about the too much info hahaa
And I'm like you, I think I'm free for a couple of days without any anxiety and then boom something throws me off again.. will there ever be any let up from it all.. arrgghh lol so I so feel for you x
chrisann144 sharon73515
Hello again lol
My dr gave me Xanax which I take at bedtime during the day I take magnesium it helps with palpitations another wonderful symptom lol and my anxiety if it's that bad I take a half! I can say that with the anxiety symptom I would have them from time to time but I noticed how often the attacks come being in peri! I have been sober for almost 23 years so no wine for me but I do remember what a glass of wine would do unfortunately I thought a whole bottle was better then a glass lol! A lot of the ladies give up sugar caffeine alcohol but the only thing I do is caffeine and I'm not about to give it up tho I watch my intake of it cause I can be a crackhead with that too hahah!!!!!! When I asked my mother how hers was she was like well I skipped periods and had to wear a liner I lived with her at the time I remember telling her to take a happy pill lol but she really didn't have night sweats hot flashes cramps her friends did have the bad hot flashes and night sweats as I read more and more perimenopause is soooo subjective but I think even tho we may not have a symptom that someone else had we can sympathize which I know I can!!!! I starting telling my 15 yr old so she knows that she could go thru this or breeze thru it!
sharon73515 chrisann144
Hi chris.
I'm in sertraline for the anxiety/ depression. Not sure if I want to go back and ask for anything more as I also have ms so I'm on drugs for that too lol but well done on being sober for 23 yrs!
It's good that we can share experiences in here and not feel quite so alone so thank you even if there are differences between us all. X
sharon73515 chrisann144
Hi chris,
Me again !!
Another quick question but don't know if you have any advice.
Ok so I think my period has finally gone ( or very end of it ) but I'm still getting the dull aching feeling around my lower back and feeling like I need to have a bm although I went yesterday.( again sorry for the too much info) little bit gassy.. so I'm just wandering if to go back to docs again and possibly waste their time or just put it down to ibs again as my anxiety still high, can ibs be ibs without all the usual symptoms ?? Or possibly peri ?? What is your opinion ??
Thanks in advance and sorry to bother you hope you're well :-) x
chrisann144 sharon73515
Don't feel like your bothering me !!!! Not at all!!!! Exactly where is the ache in your back? Yes your ibs can certainly be acting up I know sometimes I get cramps with a backache and gas all at the same time! I think to have peace of mind to go to the dr then I think it could help with the anxiety as well!!! All the symptoms suck I tell ya I can't wait for feel Normal again I feel like I'm ninety sometimes and I'm only 48 lol
sharon73515 chrisann144
Thanks chris,
It's in my lower back region, just feels like I'm coming on but as I've just finished I wanted an opinion.
Glad I'm not being a pain and yep I know exactly what you mean.
sharon73515 chrisann144
Forgot to say that I went to the docs last week about the lengthy period ( which she says can be down to the mini pill and poss peri and wasn't concerned as I've had an ultrasound just a few months ago) I have had a really bad time with anxiety tho for a few months and even more so in the last couple of weeks so I know I'm prob hyper sensitive to every ache and pain.. just can't decide if it's a hormone/peri symptom or ibs or combo of both.. really fed up of constantly going to the docs and feeling so anxious every time I have a niggle. Sorry to ramble and hope you're having a good week x
chrisann144 sharon73515
I would say it's both I know every ache and pain and it sends your mind into a panic some days my anxiety is no issue some days I feel like I'm getting my period again I went 70 days a couple of months ago then got it 20 days now I'm at my 24 day I think next week is 28 days I just wish the periods would end hope you feel better soon
sharon73515 chrisann144
Thank you Chris for your opinion..
so you have had a period for 20 days you mean ? Mine to was a long one like that but not always and yep like you I never know wether I'm coming or going.. apparently peri can also affect your anxiety and of course hormones so is it any wonder our minds are all over the place.. haveva good weekend and take care.. thanks again
chrisann144 sharon73515
It came twenty days later from my last period but I have had months where I had spotting for twenty days too it's so annoying I tell you! Try and take it easy and I will be around all weekend if you need to vent
sharon73515 chrisann144
X s