Peri menopausal melt down can I get hormone blood test on NHS?
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Like so many posts I've read on here I am getting horrendous symptoms in the 2 week run up to whenever my period decides to show, this is what's happening to me.
I am 47 always been regular every 28 days
I had one very late period 4 months ago then another on my next due day now it comes on day 32 up to day 38.
So in the 2 weeks leading up to my bleed I am anxious, weepy, angry, shaking, I have no worth, I'm filled with dread and doom. It builds up to the point of me feeling like I'm having a breakdown.
I could never get on with the contraceptive pill, it made my pmt too bad.
I am going to force myself to the nurse ( the nurse who did my smear advised me to see a nurse practitioner rather than a GP) this week. I would like to know if I can request a hormone level blood test on the NHS? I know my visit will result in me in tears and struggling to explain myself.
I'm scared to death of HRT but I can't go on like this. I prefer the natural route and don't really take anything other than pain relief but I'm already dreading work next month and feel I need to run away and live in a cave alone.
Any advice on what to ask for? or should I go private? will that cost the earth?
Sorry for the ramblings, wit's end and all that xxx
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Azzumi Planet_girl
I completely understand the mood swings. Mine were horrific and I was slowly or maybe quickly becoming unhinged. Mine would go from severe frustration to anger and uncontrollable crying. Dark obsessive thinking that drove me crazy along with the usual hot flashes, exhaustion, nausea etc but it was the moods that I couldn't live with. I decided to go on bio identical hormones and found a doctor who specializes in them. He used my blood work plus my symptoms to work out what I need and I have mine as a troche made by a compound pharmacist. I live in Australia so can't advise you about cost where you are but I pay about $120 per consultation and my hormones work out to be about $7.00 per week so great value and I don't have private cover. I'v been on BHRT for 8 months and its made a huge difference. I feel pretty much normal again.
Planet_girl Azzumi
Thanks so much for you reply. I'm so pleased you're feeling more like your normal self it's very encouraging for people like me who are just starting on this nightmare journey.
I'm really hoping someone on here in the UK can point me in the right direction towards this treatment, in the meantime thanks for you help and I'll see what Google tells me.
Best wishes to you x
mandy08432 Planet_girl
tracy02319 Planet_girl
I've recently experienced the same symptoms, but no anxiety which seems to be a blessing.
I have currently stopped caffeine and for a few days now alchol as this seems to make the flushes worse.
I am also taking sage capsuals /MenoCool Black Cohosh and primrose oil .
Fingers crossed I have only mild symptoms as many of these poor ladies are going through hell, here's hoping mine don't get worse.
Hope you get it sorted one way or another.
mandy08432 Planet_girl
Thanks for your replies ladies.
Can anyone give me first hand knowledge/ experience on how to begin to obtain bio identical hormone treatment in the UK?
I'm new to the forum do not sure how to search yet?
jude84900 Planet_girl
Planet girl,
I see in your above posting you are afraid to death of HRT. There are many very good books and videos written by very good doctors on bio identicals. After reading some good information you won't be afraid to take bio identicals anymore. You will be glad you are. You have made the right choice right from the start by looking for bio identicals hormone treatment over synthetic. Now find a good dr that knows their stuff in this field where you are that will run the right blood work and treat you accordingly. I am 57. Been in menopause for over two years and got on bio identical creams right away. I feel great. The right dr you find should test for lots of things including your testosterone level. Women needs this too. You would be surprised how much better you can feel just getting your testosterone level up. The right bio identicals and the right doctor and change your life. Good luck
Planet_girl jude84900
Thanks Jude, I have been reading up on it all day and must say I am feeling very confident in going down the bio identical route rather than conventional HRT.
It's locating a Dr that's my current struggle.
Are you in England?
The sooner I start this the better as my life is falling apart around me. X
jude84900 Planet_girl
No I am in the states. I am sure you can do web searches and find the right doctor in your area too. You may have to go the holistic or alternative doctor route in order to get the right dr on board that knows what their doing. Initially it can be pricey. My insurance doesn't pay for holistic but after all the testing the hormones are very reasonable to use. Money well spent for your health and happiness. Good luck on your new journey to happiness and health.
Suki_girl Planet_girl
Planet_girl Suki_girl
Thank you I have read most of it but it's very doubtful my GP will be forthcoming on bio identicals. As I mentioned I will visit the recommended nurse but my faith in the NHS is slightly .
Guest Planet_girl
I live in the U.S. but would say do whatever you have to do to get the bloodwork. I had lots of bloodwork last year prior to having an ovary removed, but it did not include everything that I personally needed to have checked. Now that I've spent another year being completely miserable, I've been this past week to the gyn and thought I would melt down, too, but I just went in and explained and she ordered what I wanted and then some. It is all worth checking out if you feel like you can't put one foot in front of the other anymore. I have no idea what mine will really cost after insurance processing, but it will be worth it to know what's going on. I hope you find a way to make this happen with NHS and get what you need. Best of luck.
joanne29680 Planet_girl
sprohop Planet_girl
Yes you can ask for blood test I dud and mine came back negative. But I was definitely peri memo. It's now been about 4 years without a period and I did it cold turkey as was worried about taking hrt , I took Busy Bee and Magnesium from Holland & Barrett.
Seems too good to be true but I have found a natural health clinic close to me offering bio identicals who seem to be charging North of England prices! I am surprised as I am far from any big cities and miles from London.
I think I will call them and skip the GP altogether, let me know what you think xxx
Azzumi Planet_girl
The clinic you found sounds excellent as most GP's dont deal with BHRT as its a very specialized field. Really interested to hear how you go. Please keep me posted.
jude84900 Planet_girl
Planet girl,
Your story sounds very similar to mine. I searched my area on the web and found a holistic dr. very close to my home. My original plans and thinking were at least a 3 hour drive to get to one. I was willing to do the drive if I had to because just like Azzumi stated, most GPs don't do bio identicals. Most don't have the knowledge of hormones therapy anyway. I think you have made a good decision for yourself. Good luck.
Stevo100 Planet_girl
Hi planetgirl
I've just read your post and would be interested to know where the natural health clinic is x I live in Leicester but would consider the drive x
Planet_girl Stevo100
Hi Stevo,
It's near Grimsby so not too far for you xx
Stevo100 Planet_girl