Peri-menopause & vomitting/anxiety
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I've been vomitting for over a year. I'm 43 but early menopause runs in the family. I get my period every two weeks and the days leading up are awful. I can't eat because I'm so nauseous but then I dry heave for hours. It's violent, the blood vessels around my eyes burst, my ribs ache and then I'm exhausted. I've never been a "napper" but now I can't sleep enough. And as for socializing or going to the market, forget it. I have panic attacks, my hands freeze up and I have to pull over to the side of the road to be safe. I can't take my daughter clothes shopping bc I feel faint or weak. And this has been going on for years but gotten progressively worse this last year. I've lost 65 pounds I didn't need to lose and I fear I'm falling into a depression. Thoughts?
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debbie75601 molly08138
molly08138 debbie75601
jane47249 molly08138
I had the nausea for one year ginger lemon tea and sucking peppermints helps it will pass I feel for you it's awful and doctors create more anxiety by testing for everything
sooverovaries molly08138
It's easy to get depressed when no one is listening to you. But then, if you admit you are depressed they think the rest is in your head!
I started menopause at 14 yrs old & was to all medical professionals I met, the youngest they knew of (was diagnosed at 16).
Today at 35 I am crippled with pain, fatigue & weakness, chronic chest pain, incontinence (due to extreme weakness) + the random vomiting, also migraine...The list goes on.
Went to the drs today. He is just totally sick of me! Guess what? I'm sick of me too!!!! Came out and realised after being on hrt for 20 yrs & feeling so utterly ill, he did not even check my blood pressure.
Good luck for those in the beginning of the nightmare because you will not find anyone who understands or listens or takes proper action to help you or takes your symptoms seriously & doesn't have you down as a neurotic hormonal woman and you will be lucky if you find people that believe you even.
I know I feel utterly alone. I don't care about me but I need my health to care for my elderly mother who has had 2 strokes.
why do we feel so bad & what damage is being done to our bodies in the process???
molly08138 sooverovaries
CCinCal sooverovaries
pinkcatfairy molly08138
molly08138 pinkcatfairy
fiona69095 molly08138
I've been battling with perimenopause for 4 months, back and forth to doctors who all think I'm mad.
I keep telling them it's perimenopause but my doc treats me for anxiety and depression and the cardiologist treats my high blood pressure. They just throw drugs at me.
molly08138 fiona69095
fiona69095 molly08138
molly08138 fiona69095
debbie75601 molly08138
molly08138 debbie75601
renee29891 molly08138
Hi Molly. I was wondering if you've found any relief from your nausea? I too have been suffering with nausea and lack of appetite for the past 5 months with weight loss. I'm 45 years old and have been sent for all kinds of scans, test, etc. When I mentioned could this actually be peri-menopause? My GYN tested my FSH level and said NOPE. I would actually welcome that diagnosis because my primary care is now talking PET scan for possible cancer if I lose anymore weight !! I really hope you are doing better.