Peri or meno?
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Hi ladies I just wondered how long you hv to be without periods to be full on menopausal. I hvnt had a period for 18 months. I wud say i hv bn hvn peri symptons for over 5 yrs. my moods are still up and down but feel not as bad anxiety also a little less im a bit anxious now tho but think that's bcos I was out last i had a few drinks!!🍷🍷 which ususlly sets me off.. also sex drive seems to be on the up😀😀 considering last few years it's bn non existent!! I'm wondering is this the turn for the better or am I just going thru a lucky few weeks thanks in advance
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metamorphed tinaarena.1
tinaarena.1 metamorphed
I will do! I know a while back I had a few good days to the point of being afraid to go asleep in case I woke up feeling awful again😣😣 but I think this is the longest. Here's hoping!🤗🤗🤗 xxx
maria101 tinaarena.1
Hi, I'm still waiting for mine to stop completely hoping it will be next year I will be 55 then
i think you have gone through the you have gone 12 months that's it congratulations over thresh hole at last
you will still get symptoms but I guess with each year less and less
everybody thinks peri is the worst to go through I know it for sure.
tinaarena.1 maria101
Here's hoping!! 💕💕 take care
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
No periods for 22 months - STILL getting hot flushes, aches/pains, mood swings, palpitations etc. etc.
I have a friend in her 70's who is STILL getting the occasional hot flush. When she told me that it REALLY depressed me.
So good to hear some good news on the subject.
tinaarena.1 bobbysgirl
I do feel ur pain😣😣 I feel iv just bn miserable for years! ! I went away for wind last week and was actually excited about bring excited!! How sad is that🙂🙂 take care of urself...hugs💕💕 xx
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
We were the same at the begining of the month. Just two days away - I had looked forward to it for SO long, and it was over SO fast!
Now I have to organise Christmas - or it just won't happen! OH says 'oh don't make a fuss', but if I don't no one will and he'll be the first to complain that the magic Christmas Fairy didn't work her magic this year.
You know, this year, I really can't be axxxd!
Please tell me I'm not alone.
tinaarena.1 bobbysgirl
I really can relate to wht ur saying and it's awful wen u really can't be bothered. Wud ur oh give u a hand if u asked? mayb just let him know ur not going on all cylinders just yet! I was like that last few years and to be truthful done a lot on line also got my daughter to pick up som stuff for me. If he pressure is off u mite feel more in the spirit of Christmas xx
bobbysgirl tinaarena.1
My dear, darling dad started many of our Christmas traditions. When he died we carried on, my sister in her house and me in mine.
Both our OH's are of the opinion that it all just 'happens' and they don't know what all the fuss is about.
Year before last, he asked me what I'd like as a present. I told him I was out of my favourite perfume. He gave me the money for it and told me to buy it as he 'didn't know where they sold it'.
I had to put money towards it and then it spent 3 weeks on top of the wardrobe, unwrapped, before he asked me for some giftwrap (on Christmas Eve!) With THAT attitude - would you want his help?!
I'll pull myself together and get on with it - just for me. Just wanted a whinge!
Jokey bobbysgirl
Hi BG. My husband doesn't buy me a Christmas present he bought
me a bottle of channel as a surprise in the middle of the year.
He doesn't do Christmas presents ( he just goes along with the
whole Christmas thing for me) he says if you want something have
it and gives me the money to buy it!😁. He is romantic but he likes things
to be special at anytime not
set times of the year? that is just his way.
What I am saying is I think a lot of men feel a bit like this, yours
may be the same. Doesn't mean he doesn't care😁😁
bobbysgirl Jokey
Oh, don't get me wrong, he is great in so many ways. It's just that I always hope Christmas would be special again. So much effort .... hey ho!
Jokey tinaarena.1
Yes you deffinatly in menopause. How old are you Tina A?
I am 56 no period 3 years (xmas) and postmenapausal (confirmed).
I am still getting lots of symptoms esp hot flushes. Was feeling a little
better of late but this weekend has been from hell!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have been suffering pretty much
every day for at least 12years😕
Would like to ask you what did you do to revive your sex drive, I started a
discussion on this subject and I would really welcome any advice. Thank you
All the best.
tinaarena.1 Jokey
His jokey, I'm 50 and If am truthful am just going with the flow and enjoying it while it lasts!! That's the point I hvnt actually done anything!! Iv jus felt more loving towards my oh. God love him he doesn't know what's hit him lol!! xx
Jokey tinaarena.1
Wow, glad to hear it Tina, I am happy for you. I would love to give
my husband that particular gift lol😊
I need to not worry about it so much I think!
tinaarena.1 Jokey
Like u, i have an understanding OH. But it is nice to have that closeness. I felt I was avoiding him is going to bed earlier -later as didn't want to give the wrong signal! I still hv all if the symtoms just maybe not as bad and I think the fact I have that closeness at the minute makes it more bearable I think! THE one thing that seems to get worse is my hair receding at front of head so it's all sticking up!! Both sides! any ideas? maybe I shud start another thread xx
Jokey tinaarena.1
Yes Tina, the closeness is good, I just can't feel anything at the
moment, I have been trying and it is nice, but I also have been
running off to bed to avoid "it"lol😀hope it comes back soon
as I love him and want it to be how it was (been together since
16) and never had a problem before this damn menapause!
I am sorry but I haven't a clue about the receding hair, I think you
should start another thread, you are bound to get some ladies
with the same problem.
Thanks for your support Tina, hope you have some luck.
All the best to you??
tinaarena.1 Jokey
💕💕 will keep u posted! ! XX