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Does anyone have dry mouth with this crazy peri crap?!!

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40 Replies

  • Posted

    I sure do! I'm experiencing that right now. So frustrating having to clear my throat and drink something or chew gum to relieve this.
  • Posted

    Yes, I do, wow, never knew it was apart of peri
  • Posted

    Yeah my mouth gets dry and it's just a added bonus with everything els!!

    Oh and I'm going stop looking up on line every symptom because my anxiety goes up..!!

    • Posted

      STOP googling every symptom, I was doing that and it led me to having MAJOR anxiety and sleeplessness, worry and panic attacks, It just makes everything worse, if something keeps happening I talk to the dr. For example, I had a lumpy think on my arm and in other spots I was freaking out he told me it was a lipidema basically fat puffed up. Its nothing, if I lose a lot of weight it will go away, but its an example of if I googled it, it would have scared the crap out of me with all the different ailments.
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      Your right, I'm just going to have ride the STORM!!

  • Posted

    Hey Chelo

    Have you tried an over the counter mouth wash called Biotene mouth wash.  It seems to help .

    Sometimes reading on the internet can be very overwhelmening.

    Take care and all the best.


    • Posted

      Hi Dianna20043

      Yes I have tried Biotene it taste weird but it does help.

      Thanks and yes the Internet is off limits, it's too much and your right overwhelming!

      I can't sleep as it is..

    • Posted

      Hey Chelo

      Everything will pass in time...but its the days that I think we all struggle with and my hot flushes they are draining me. Who said being a woman is easy....but I love it.  Stay happy thats all I can advise you.

    • Posted

      Thank you! I get myself all worked up then I feel worse and it certainly doesn't help the digestive issues..
    • Posted

      Its just finding that wonder drug to suite us with our problems...and that is not easy...
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      I sure like a glass of wine! Lol

      But my stomach is too anxious and gurgley

    • Posted

      Forgive me for being so needy but have you or anyone felt like a cold sweat down your neck? Oh and GI issues?

      Thx promise that's it for tonight! Damn anxiety and imsomea

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      Have you seen a Specialist.  No I havent experienced any of them.


    • Posted

      No not a specialist but my digestive issues are recent and the sweating is off and on
    • Posted

      Maybe chat with your doctor again and request to see a Specialist...GP's sometimes are not fully up to speed on Menopause or Other Body related disorders.  xx
    • Posted

      A glass of wine may help you...go on and try a small glass. Hahahaha
    • Posted

      Haha it would be nice... I just reread the 66 peri symptoms and damn it I think I have 65 of them!! Lol

      Including the stomach issues, but mainly I think my anxiety brings on more intense problems

    • Posted

      Have you had a blood test to see at what stage of Menopause you are at...blood tells the story.  Also just a thought have you considered a mild Anti depressant for your anxiety...BTW how old are you: I am 57.
    • Posted

      Oh u are not...

      Nothing last forever you just have to stay on top of it all and not let it get to can do more harm if you get uptight...Chat to your family doctor ..

    • Posted

      Will do.. Thx for your support today/tonight! Much appreciated. 😉
    • Posted

      I think I experienced at least one of these symptoms daily today was the worst with my shoulder and elbow pain it's horrible it's raining and it makes me feel like crawling under a bed somewhere has any of you ladies experience the shoulder and elbow pain oh don't forget the wrist lol the breast pain back aches teeth sensitive etc etc etc etc
    • Posted

      Yes, yes and unfortunately yes.. I just started taking methyl B12 to help the nerve's and tiredness. Along with a quality Multi Women Vitaman

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