Perimenapause and dry mouth
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies,
Has anyone experience dry mouth every day with perimenapause,
Please reply need all the information I can get.
1 like, 38 replies
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies,
Has anyone experience dry mouth every day with perimenapause,
Please reply need all the information I can get.
1 like, 38 replies
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ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
maria76995 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 maria76995
I have it all day
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Hi yes awful in the middle of night and all night long! I keep 2 bottles of water on my night stand , and need both of them all through the night, and then I'm up peeing every hour on the hour just about, but if I don't drink the water my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth lol... Oh how bad we all have it yuck.. Sick of all this 😒
ImagineOneDay Gypsy014
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy,
Do you think it's related to perimenapause I also developed a rash under neath my eye braw
Could it be the fluctuating hormones
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
Gypsy014 ImagineOneDay
Lol! I know I should try small sips and you know what I'm going to tonight, it just goes down so well when I'm so thirsty and dry, its a vicious cycle..but don't like the bathroom business every hour..
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Yes I've read that it is, and I've never been dry in the mouth before all this began.. And my eyes are just as dry as the mouth its awful.. I don't have the dry eye lids but my sister did for 2 years , they were itchy dry flaky and red, she use to rub the anti itchy cream on it and that helped.. Eventually it stopped, and her eye lids are normal again.
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
It is but I drink during the day so I don't notice it much I guess
tina00239 jacqueline06286
maria76995 tina00239
Hi Tina I still have mine it's really bad no matter what I do it wouldn't shift what can you do though just waiting to see if it will get better
jacqueline06286 tina00239
Are you in perimenapause is this even a perimenapause symtom I never had this before, also I biggest thing is fatigue although yesterday evening I felt so good didn't have fatigue so I managed to pick up the house a little it felt really good. But today is a different story
tina00239 jacqueline06286
I'm not in peri my ovaries have died so I'm in full. Not all peri symptoms go away when you hit full meno and chronic fatigue is part of it so dont worry its nothing new. XXX
tina00239 maria76995
jacqueline06286 tina00239
jacqueline06286 tina00239
tina00239 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 tina00239
Hi tina,
I feel that I'm in a bubble with this brain fog I think my vision also change tried on my glasses the other day and I see blurry with my rx glasses these hormones are really bad
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Yes hun, they most certainly are! I've had all my primary 5 senses altered since this began. Been on hrt and various vitamins and diazepam since it began 3 months ago but I believe I 've been in peri for maybe 7 or 8 years without realising it. Ovaries finally died last December after a very sad and stressful period for me, so this damn thing can throw us a curve ball at anytime! XXX
jacqueline06286 tina00239
How are you feeling now I'm still having fatigue also sometimes I feel weak I'm not on hrt yet hoping soon has it help you alote
tina00239 jacqueline06286
It has helped alot, but it is not an overnight miricle. You have to persevere with it and be patient, and back it up with vitamin supplements too. I still get alot of symptoms and am seeing an endocrinologist for something else but getting him to check out all my hormones and whether or not I'm on correct type of hrt. Keep your chin up and let me know how you get on with your hrt. XXX
jacqueline06286 tina00239
Did you feel like you had the flu with this perimenopause, I am also having pain in my right breast that radiate to my arm is this normal.
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Yes hun its all part and parcel of this lovely process! Lack of even one hormone never mind 2 or 3 can make you feel like s**t both in body and in mind. Just dont let it get to you unless you feel really unwell then go and see your dr who I'm certain will reassure you that you are perfectly ok just menopausing! XXX