Perimenapause or something serious please help
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Hi, I'm 47, and periods have been a bit weird ,37 day cycle at Christmas then a 15 day cycle ,had period for 3 days normally longer,then normal period ,then 6 days after finishing started spotting ,2 weeks today been spotting but think started right period couple of days ago,been refereed to gyno but 18 week wait time,so worried ,how you supposed to know if it's normal or not,so scared ,also never been a 37 day cycle in my life,usually 26 about 😢
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Merrymary vanessa13789
vanessa13789 Merrymary
Merrymary vanessa13789
vanessa13789 Merrymary
Merrymary vanessa13789
Ive had a few transvaginal ultrasounds. The last did show cyst, but follow up with gyn aid she didn't feel anything, so it probably resolved itself. That was 2 1/2 yrs ago, so wondering what's gone on since. From what she said, cysts are very common and they usually resolve themselves. You don't know you have them unless you get an US. I also had a uterine biopsy (ouch) in 2008 which checked out ok, may have been a polyp because of this spotting between cycles sometimes. So, all of this after my 40's hit, just seems to be getting a little more symptoms as of late. We just hang in there 😉
vanessa13789 Merrymary
deborah46874 Merrymary
Merrymary vanessa13789
Merrymary deborah46874
im sure I will have another scan 😞
vanessa13789 deborah46874
shaznay96184 deborah46874
I sounded very similar to you when I was around50-52 (now 54, going on 90). I had the Transamic Acid for heavy bleeding for about 4-5yrs and at the time they were my savour. But after forgetting my repeat prescriptions for a couple of months, I just stopped taking them and noticed a real change: less heavy bleeding, less clotting.
Do you have cramps too? I remember I'd have to resort to taking a couple of Ibuprofen for the first heavy day only (hate taking tabs) which really helped. Worse thing of it all was the heaviness of the bleed. Super Tampax + a Hammock, and even then if I coughed within the hour, I'd risk it popping out! Have you ever had to plan a shopping trip around the nearest Loo?!
But there is light at the end of the tunnel, for you as a mere kid of 52, and that is for me the passing of chunks of 'liver' and the really, really heavy bleeds have abatted. Think I only really noticed changes last year with the colour, consistency of a bleed (honestly, its was like a bloody autopsy with me some months, scrutinising everything. Am I just a sicko or does every woman do this?!) and the realisation that I wasn't getting cramps at all. Just that I was, and still am, as regular as a teenager humpfffff!!!
I completely understand your point about 'Going Private'. I often think I'd prefer that we had a US system, and that way I'd get to pay for the healthcare I wanted for ME. Any bets all 'Those in the Know' re: all things Peri/Menopause will only have time to talk about these issues whilst working in the Private Sector !! (Oh blimey, here I go..... sometimes I go off on one and don't even know it! Just getting off my political soapbox now!).
Be interesting to hear how things go with your consultation. Might just be the best £400 you spend! (Remember saying that to a friend years ago, when she had to fork out £700......on her Divorce! Then the silly cow went back and re-married him! We are a strange bunch, us women
gill00147 vanessa13789
vanessa13789 gill00147
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gill00147 vanessa13789