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Hi i am posting as at 46 i believe i am perimenopausal. I am having periods but for the past 2 years they have gone from 28 cycle to 22 day, 42 days then normal again at 28 days. My shins have become so itchy at times i could scratch them off. I don't have night sweats or hot flashes but nearly daily i get hot say after drinking a cup of tea, and wake up sweaty between boobs most mornings.Anxiety seems to be my major concern, i have developed a burning throat and tip of my tongue since june this year. I am worried sick about it i even feel the burning in my nose some evenings. This burning i am told by my gp is due to anxiety, but it is making me anxious. is anyone else like this and is this peri???
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chrisann144 amanda59745
amanda59745 chrisann144
carmen_22574 chrisann144
Yes this should be taught in school. Perimenopause is for the birds. My mom had a hysterectomy early so I don't know if she went through this. Also she passed in 2009 so we really never talked about this she also was a nurse. She would tell me she was having hot flashes but that was about it. For a year and a half I went through he'll. ER, all kind of test I thought I was going crazy. Still get symptoms but not as bad knock on wood. And yes if men had to go through this they wouldn't survive lol
chrisann144 amanda59745
It’s weird with the burning tongue I think it’s from my mouth almost being dried out at night I have allergies so I’m often clogged which then doesn’t help things I thought it was the weirdest thing when it first started to happen it goes away and comes back I did hospice with my gp he is younger and smart so I knew he would be open minded he was even reluctant to do blood work which came back normal he said you have all the symptoms and the blood work is just a snapshot it’s not 100% reliable when it comes to hormones! He sat for a hour listening to me! Poor him I also diagnosed with arthritis in my knees as well have had arthritis in my spine for years! If your gp is open minded he won’t think your nuts im very open with my dr about everything he even mentioned antidepressant and I said I don’t think I’m at that point yet I take a Xanax when I need too but magnesium does have a calming effect too which I take that as well I had hope when I didn’t get my period that it was done and I actually had tons of hot flashes in August which didn’t bother me too much but I actually didn’t feel too bad symptom wise beside that now I’m a hot mess! How long do you think you have been in peri? I think I have been for at least six years my gp said it could go on for ten years where Asians it’s much quicker which makes me think it’s there diet that makes it quicker for them well I’m here if you need to vent we all are
gailannie amanda59745
It helps to ask and share this with other women.
2chr2015 amanda59745
Hi Amanda. I'm a nurse too! Lol. What is it with us? Haha. I'm 45. My cycles are just like yours. I have terrible itchy shins!! Epsom salt soaks seem to help a little with that. I wake up with sweat between boobs also. Other than that, no hot flashes yet. I constantly think I'm dying of some horrible illness. I'm having gallbladder issues, which is common with these hormone changes. But I don't want surgery and I don't want a CT,. I swear I'm in liver failure🙄. I am the worst patient lol. So far through all of this the past 2 years, the health anxiety is the worst for me and I avoid going to doctor if at all possible bc every time I go I cry the whole time. I'm on sertraline (which apparently isn't helping much). One day at a time. We will come out on the other side. My husband had a cold last week and asked me if I thought he should go to the doctor.
chrisann144 2chr2015
2chr2015 chrisann144
chrisann144 2chr2015
Now that sucks I have had cramps since I had my period I think I was 11 when I got it! Idk where you live but I get the little heating pads that helps and ibuprofen which doesn’t do much for me the nurses in hospice used to say you need morphine and Ativan iv hahah that’s how bad! Funny thing in nursing school wasn’t taught much about Peri learned about menopause even my dr said it was the same for him! It’s so crazy because everything is so unpredictable day to day perimenopause is like puberty and pregnancy the symptoms I just keep hoping it will end soon
amanda59745 chrisann144
chrisann144 amanda59745
I think it’s all related to Peri I get these weird pains all over the other day I had pain near my heart and thought I’m having a heart attack turns out I had a muscle spasms which I have tons of them that was causing that pain I of course was thinking the worst! I have no idea if or when I ovulate I did notice this month I had a clear discharge before my period like ovulation tho in August and September didn’t have that! I have seen other women complaining of back pain with ovulation pain I would just monitor and see where it goes these symptoms are soooo annoying my god! I have been going thru this since I would say 2011 it started very subtle and the last couple of years you just don’t know what your going to get everyday yesterday I felt weird took my bp it was 170/68 wtf is that I usually run 130/70 I will check it later when I saw that anxiety went up I know someday this will all be behind us my memory is horrid then I think I could have early dementia trust me I get it I see my gp Tuesday for a check up so I will tell him about that I almost text him like a crackhead yesterday and I thought calm down lol thank god we have this site I’m sure my husband looks at me like where did my wife go and who are you? Lmao
amanda59745 chrisann144
amanda59745 2chr2015
2chr2015 chrisann144
I was 11 too! Ibuprofen doesn't work for me either, but Tylenol does. And all I learned was you stopped having a period at meno.
2chr2015 amanda59745
Hi Amanda. I have had a couple of ultrasounds because of sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I have functional ovarian cysts that come and go. They are very common. When mine flare up it causes hip, groin, and low back pain. Hope that helps a little. I am 45 and started with all this crap when I was 43. That was when I had the first ultrasound. I was a basket case. We were on vacation and I kept spotting after my period ended. Started googling And told my husband I was probably dying. 🙄 No joke. I was so serious. Shortly after that I had to learn to not google every little pain and I even stayed off of fb because I would always see sad stuff. I also mute any commercials on tv or the radio. Maybe that sounds a little drastic but my health anxiety was out of control and I didn't know what else to do. I also pretty much stick to old tv shows now too.