Perimenopausal and Anxiety
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Hi, I am 52 and perimenopausal. I have been having a feeling of dread / anxiety / forboding for the last nine months. I have nothing to worry about in my life, no children and a great husband. Last Friday I felt like my heart was going to explode it was beating so fast on my way home from work. I normally have low blood pressure, but that night it was very high. Over the weekend it has come down. My worse time to get these symptoms is when I get into bed at night to sleep. Its like I am expecting something bad to happen. I have read anxiety is a symptom in the menopause. Please can you let me know I am not losing the plot. Thanks.
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julie7525 josey1964
jeny86397 julie7525
Sally4x julie7525
josey1964 julie7525
maria76995 Sally4x
Hi Sally, I only just saw your post, I've been through exactly the same but one thing I will tell you for sure it does subside you will not know when it stop just keep going...the awful feeling like something is going to happen I know that symptom to well and still I get it now again
i have been house bound and now trying to get back out and mix with people which still is a little problem but I'm getting there again, it does get better with time I hope since you put your post up you are doing ok (((((((HUGS))))))
Sally4x maria76995
maria76995 Sally4x
Hi Sally, you will be fine, I'm still going through it these symptoms are just hormones messing around with us nothing more then that...but I know how you feel god bless
jeny86397 josey1964
Hi josey , your so not losing the plot, but that doesn't stop you feeling like you are, all these symptoms are peri and horribley normal, I feel like I'm on the edge on a daily basis and that I'm going over, it's a daily mental and physical challenge for us peri ladies, I'm new to this and can't really give u much advice as Im learning each day, just keep in touch with all on this forum as there is some lovely ladies with some great advice, thinking of you,x
josey1964 jeny86397
Sooze70 jeny86397
Hi Jenny and all the other ladies. Yes, I am just starting with all the symptoms of panic etc.
I am 46 and think my symptoms started a year ago. Can't stop the vicious cycle of worrying & something awful will happen to me. Heart racing,
Feeling out of control, etc. I had panic attacks years ago but had it under control upto now. But there back with a vengeance. Along with all the hot flushes, cold chills,
foggy head, can't think straight,feeling cross at the littlest things that wouldn't normally bother me, and feeling I could hit someone, then bursting into tears.
I didn't realise there were so many symptoms of perimenopause, just thought there was something wrong with me. I am making a list of my symptoms. I agree, it is a daily mental battle. Had a bad day with the panic feelings today.
Started feeling scared to go out as worried I will have a panic attack when I am out. It's silly, as I've been here before, read the books, had the therapy.
But, ended up controlling it my self with a lot of positive thinking etc. But, feeling a bit better as I've just joined this forum today.
Thanks ladies, knowing I am not alone with my feelings, thoughts and symptoms is very comforting. Sooze x
josey1964 Sooze70
rhonda49651 Sooze70
beth86610 josey1964
Yes hormones can give you anxiety. I think most women on this forum have had it. Take magnesium. It works! Drop caffiene and excess sugar. Exercise to get rid of the anxious feeling. Anxiety can be delt with effectively. Don't let it mess with you.
jeny86397 beth86610
I agree, goin to gym 3 to 4'times a week, I do get abit panicky knowing that I have to face the world but once I'm out and there i feel great,I've suffered horrible from panic attacks in the past way before I became perimenopousal so know how it can take over your life.
josey1964 beth86610
Sally4x beth86610