Perimenopause 2 years symptoms dairy

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Dear Ladies

I am sharing my two year perimenopause  dairy on this forum. Hopefully it will help some of us ladies shed some  light on our symptoms which I have been noted on my day to day life for over two years.

my symptoms started about three years ago, I am a young 51 years old, when I first talk to my doctor about my symptoms he didn't believe it was perimenopause instead he put it all down to stress.

my symptoms started with bloating, skin itchiness, mood swings, hives, body rash, breast  pains, bone pain, periods every three weeks, body heat.

my symptoms would appear suddenly and after a few days it disappear. 

Each time a new symptoms would come up, to include,( headache, migraine type), tight scalp, leg pain, loss of intimacy, abdominal pain, nipple soreness/tenderness, wrist/elbow pain, ankle pains, 

Lately I have been experiencing, blood pressure fluctuations, burning sensations in my mouth, dry mouth, panick attacks, fear when I'm alone, crashing  fatigue, loss of energy.

Loss of appetite, nausea, gastric problems.

I  Also get flu like symptoms, tiredness, dry eyes, sadness. 

Shoulder pains, thinning hair, 

doctors have done lots of tests and cannot find anything wrong with me. 

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33 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi kadija sounds like your talking about me lol. It’s awful what our body and minds go through at this stage in life. This forum as been a god send to me x
  • Posted

    Kadija & karen me too it’s crazy what we are going through, I really want someone to say it gets better so it would give us some hope! Xx

    • Posted

      Me to Caroline would be lovely very to get back to some sort of normal life xx
  • Posted

    Hi Kadija.

    I'm 42 and been experiencing perimenopause symptoms for a year and a half now.

    I noticed changes in my late 30's but had no idea at the time what it could be. I've never even heard of perimenopause before so rhis all came to me as a big shock.

    This past year has been what I can only describe as a bit of a nightmare.

    I thankfully stumbled across this forum and its been an absolute saviour. Cannot rate it enough.

    I've had blood tests and been told on several occasions that my hormone levels are fine. I have also been told that these tests are not reliable and that doctors go more by symptoms.

    I have had and am experiencing every single textbook symptom imaginable.

    Irregular periods, mood changes, high anxiety, hair loss, heart flutters were the first ones to transpire. It's just escalated from there really.

    I am trying to come to grips with all this as best as I can but it's definitely not easy.

    I'm also a mother to a 3 year old girl so it's been somewhat of a struggle.

    I am however, determined to ride this chapter as best I can. Hopefully finding some natural aids along the way.

    I look forward to reading your diary!

    • Posted

      Hi Dora, I’m 41 and you have described my symptoms exactly! I’m also mummy to a 3 and 5 yr old, so I can totally empathise there too, do you find that symptoms come in waves ? I’ve just been through an awful few months of mood swings, hot and cold flashes, nausea, fatigue, internal tremors and very light periods, which thankfully seem to subsiding a bit at the moment, not hopeful it wil last though..however symptoms that I had at the start of this aren’t so bad now - I had a lot of hair-loss and shoulder pains at the start, but that seems to have gone, really hoping this is the start of the end! But as you say doctors think I’m too young and blood tests aren’t showing anything so it’s so frustrating to not be able to confirm whats happening, going to an early menopause clinic next week, who will hopefully shed some light x
    • Posted

      Hi Karen.

      Yea I find it comes in waves. This current one has been awful..the worst. Severe fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness and jelly legs.

      I've really struggled. Trying to deal with this and keep up with a 3 year old is pretty challenging. I want my old self back!

      Are you in the UK? I haven't heard if early menopause clinics?

      Let me know how you get on and I think I'll look into it aswell. There must be some help out there x

    • Posted

      Yes I’m in the UK, in London and the hospital close to me has an early menopause clinic, so I don’t know if it’s available everywhere, waited months for an appointment, hopefully the specialists there will have a bit more understanding of the symptoms, though I’m a bit apprehensive  about hormone treatment espically at this stage when hormones are so up and down, might be best to just ride it out - I try and excercise a bit everyday and have a hot bath in the evenings to relax, helps enournously, this week I’ve been feeling more balanced but have started with the itchy skin and dry eyes, thought my bed might have had fleas ! But I’ll take that over the anxiety and low mood any day ,which is defbtely the hardest symptom I think x
    • Posted

      Karen, good luck with your appointment!  I am 40 and have had tests show very low estrogen (menopausal levels) and I am seeing a Dr this morning.  Let's keep in touch.  You aren't too young, early ovarian failure or early menopause isn't uncommon.

    • Posted

      Hope your appointment goes well and you get some kind of answers, advice and help for symptoms.

      I struggle with the physical symptoms.. lightheadedness, fluctuating blood pressure, and balance, fatigue...awful. Just when I get to grips with one symptom I'm hit with something else. This last episode literally floored me. I was unable to stand or walk for long periods of time, exercise or do any of my usual day-to-day routine. Didn't feel myself at all.

      I had no idea perimenopause could be so severe.

      If HRT patches relieved this, I would seriously consider taking it. Even though I'm very reluctant and prefer the natural approach, if I got to feel like me again and some kind of normal, then I might trial it.

    • Posted

      Hi Dora

      This perimenopause is really making me so miserable, this afternoon.had to leave work to go to the ER  as my bp was quite high, 170/98 with headaches and all, Even though im on  bp meds.  Im not sure why this happens as my bp is always 110/73 wgile taking my meds and  suddenly just out of the blue it fluctuates to as high as 180/100 and doctor has to give me extra meds. Its so scary going to hospital once a month for bp issues 

    • Posted

      Hi Kadija,

      I really feel for you. It's not nice.

      My NO fluctuates also. Had a case of low bp couple weeks ago and it was horrid! Mine has always been low in 117 region but not in 90's.

      It must be the hormones doing it or possibly medication?

      I had an asthma inhaler which have now stopped using as looking to see if that has caused it. Another symptom which started with all the other perimenopause ones!

      It's best to get checked out but fully sympathise with you that it's not nice going through all this.

      Have you been to see a menopause specialist?

    • Posted

      *bp it should say instead of NO
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      Go for the bio-identicals.  We shouldn't feel this bad for so long.

    • Posted

      Does it feel like anxiety/panic and that makes your reading high?  It might not truly be a blood pressure issue, but mine is always super high when I am having panic/anxiety.  Its not naturally.

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