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Has anyone felt like you are numb to any feelings around you while you are in perimenopause and don't want to do anything like you have to really push yourself to work or clean and even then you don't want to?  Has anyone taken birthcontrol my doctor seems to think it will help me, but I am afraid of gaining weight and having opposite mood swings.  If anyone can offer any insight please.



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39 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kathe... yes, I feel this way frequently... I have all these things I want to do and can even picture myself getting them done, like cleaning my home, hobbies I enjoy, etc., but my mind is in such a fog about it all that I don't actually do any of it.  I feel like I am not myself.  Everything is an effort.  I go home in the evenings after work and do mostly nothing... I hardly cook meals anymore.  It feels like someone has stolen me from myself.
    • Posted

      I know for a while I would not pick up a pan either I try and exercise then I got frustrated because the scale kept creeping up and then it just deflates me.  I want to feel happy and motivated and someone else just suggested Rhodiola or organic soy have you tried these?
    • Posted

      I haven't tried them but definitely need to find a solution soon, at least some healthy way to think more clearly and feel like myself again.
    • Posted

      I agree are you ok with dieting or don't you have a plan?  I would really like it if I had a partner who could keep me on track and help me when I want to indulge and just remiknd me of why I don't want to over eat
    • Posted

      I use an app on my phone from My fitness pal called calorie counter. It helps me keep track of everything I eat. I realized so fast that I wasnt eating enough to keep a normal weight. It will help you keep calories down as well. It's become my best friend. I get no help from anyone at home with this, they are all too busy and just kept yelling at me that I wasn't eating. Now I can show them how many calories and how much food I took in. Thank goodness for this app because I started to get anxiety that I wasn't taking in enough calories and freaking myself out that I was starving myself to death. Oh that peri can be ugly for your anxiety.
    • Posted

      I have been struggling for a long time with overindulging, especially where sugar is concerned, and tend to beat myself up a lot over failed dieting attempts, complicated by the fact that I also have Crohn's disease.  I'm not sure about a plan yet.  Dieting doesn't work for me because I just end up feeling guilty all the time, so I hope to figure out an alternative.
  • Posted

    Hi Kathe, 

    I responded but it didn't post. If you see 2 of the same from me, my apologies. But yes, I feel this way as well. Your description of numb is so dead on. It sure feels that way. I don't know about birth control, as many women have good results but many have bad as well. Im going to ask my doctor, but scared to death about it making things worse! Oh I really don't need that. I did read that non GMO organic soy is good (dont' use any other kind) as well as Rhodiola Rosea to perk you up and lift your mood. Im going to see if these 2 work out for me. I need some relief and fast. This peri is the pits 

    • Posted

      ok well have you tried Rhodiola there is so many brands out there.  I just hate it because i have a company and don't feel like taking care of it and I am scared that I don't care I don't want to loose anything due to this non emotional rollercoaster you know
    • Posted

      If you Google it on Amazon, you can read the reviews for the different brands. I will be trying a brand from our store here called Sprouts. Not sure if you have that store where you are at, but the Amazon website will be a good place to review the different brands. I don't know of it works, but read so many positive reviews, I am willing to try it. I am that desperate. Good luck
    • Posted

      ok I am looking it up now and yea I feel desperate too.  Part of me gets so mad at myself wanting to start a diet and everyday I just fail completely I want to get eating fruits and veg for lunch and don't any suggestions on how not to keep sabotaging myself?
    • Posted

      I've learned the hard way not to be too hard on myself and still need to be reminded. This perimenopause can beat you down to the core. I lost so much weight from the anxiety and loss of appetite I look ill. Now I get on myself when I don't take in enough calories. I'm told the weight will come back and then I will have a hard time loosing it. What an awful thing this does to you.
    • Posted

      Same here, I am constantly rough on myself and it just seems to be getting worse.  I've gained weight from overeating, weigh myself daily, and am embarrassed by my poor diet.  I just stuff myself with whatever I want.  My family has been going through a really rough time over the last year in tandem with my peri taking hold and overeating, especially carbs and desserts, has become a coping mechanism.  It hurts to talk about it, honestly.  I know I have to stop because it's getting out of control.  I think about food all the time.
    • Posted

      Right I go to Tim HOrton's and order double frosted 4 cin buns on  a regular basis and eat them all hidiing in my office what is wrong with me
    • Posted

      I'm so sorry Elizabeth, I know how hard it can be. Hugs to you. Just know there is no judgements here. We are struggling and need all the compassion we can get.
    • Posted

      Oh gosh, with me it's doughnuts, either glazed, chocolate, or a combination of the two.  I can buy a box of a half-dozen and take them home and just eat them all.  I live very close to a grocery store and go there so often that they know me.  Terrible.
    • Posted

      Thanks, Snowbell... hugs to you, too... it is very comforting to be able to talk about this and not feel judged.
    • Posted

      No judgments here. We are here for each to help and support in any way we can.
    • Posted

      Sure thing. I appreciate you as well. ((Hugs))
    • Posted

      I had the same thing happen to me in the very beg of my perimenopause back in Sept, I had the anxiety, no appetite and I looked so bad.  My face looked like it was sunk/drawn in.  After a few months when I started feeling better and started to eat I got better.  I try to eat as healthy as I can.  It does make a difference and I havent had too much weight gain.  Hope this helps..

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