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Im hoping that some of you ladies will be able to shed some light on my situation.

Im 37 and have been experiencing almost every symptom of perimenopause. The worst ones being, anxiety, insomnia, night sweats, hot flushes, periods areso unpredictable. I have suffered with pcos but know how that affects my periods etc. My periods have never been this far apart.... Ever! They have also become lighter and shorter in duration. I have mood swings constantly and feel irritable but this could be due to the sleep deprivation. I have been backwards and forwards to my gp. He did some blood tests on my hormones which have came back within normla I right in saying that blood tests are normal during perimenopause??

My mum seems to think im heading for the menopause as she got similar symptoms, she was only 39 when her periods completely stopped.

I really dont know where to go from here. Cant seem to convince the drs this is hormones

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42 Replies

  • Posted


    I'm 38 and your symptoms are the same as mines. I too have had bloods done that came back normal. My cycles are shorter and lighter as well. As long as you have been cleared of any other health issues, it's safe to say you are perimenopausal. Bloods aren't always reliable at this stage because of the constant fluctuation of hormones. But you certainly sound peri to me.

    • Posted

      Nope. The docs will not say it's peri. They keep telling me it's anxiety and common in women my age. Its like I'm totally ignored when I tell them my symptoms and my cycles have changed. I have been to countless docs appointments, several ER trips, all kinds of tests and scans, and told nothing but in anemic (from several years prior with heavy bleeds and clotting) and borderline hypertension. My Gun said it could possibly be peri but doubt it because of my age and still having cycles. I know it's more than just anxiety which I have never dealt with before and it is out of control now.
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      Ive had anxiety all my life too Jamie and its considerably alot worse than that. How do we get thesedrs to listen to us. I feel almost agitated with this anxiety its awful. Im getting alot of brain fog and fuzzy head too. My blood pressure is borderline hypertensive too. Has your Dr suggested anything?
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      I have been put on a blood pressure pill, iron tablet, folic acid tablet, and a Vit D tablet. That's it. I've been prescribed lorezapam and busiperone for anxiety but have only tried the busiperone. My anxiety has gotten to a bad place so I did try the meds. Don't like the way make me feel. I've been tackling this thing on my own, just changed my diet and cut out caffeine and some sugar. Try to keep busy when I'm feeling crazy, and when the panic attacks happen, I try to take control of my breathing and talk myself through it. I just listen to my body and do what I feel works. When the symptoms get to me, I just go with it and tell myself that it will stop. Of it's really unbearable I get it checked out just to be on the safe side. I have racing heart, crushing fatigue, wobbly legs, internal tremors, woozy off balance, twitching muscles, brain fog, weird head pressure, anxiety, excessive gas and indigestion, and laundry list of other symptoms. Not all of them I feel is related to peri, but majority if them are especially when everything comes back normal.
  • Posted

    Your blood tests will come back normal because it has to be 1 year without a cycle to really test. That's a red flag for me with a doctor if they run a blood test.( to check hormone levels) My doctor (went yesterday) again told cannot run a blood test to see if your perimenopasual. They can see if you need iron ect...So, I would find someone else. My doctor listens and says your hormones do all of these crazy syptoms. I balanced out alot by taking maca daily. and I have changed my diet. less carbs, more fruit. I still can feel some of the symptoms, but not like before..they were extreme. I also...try to relax as best I can when I feel any of them coming on. You will not convince doctors. You need a different one. I hope I helped you.
  • Posted

    I completely agree with Marisa about the blood tests! I worked with an Ob/Gyn Dr for many years and women in peri-menopause have daily fluctuations in their hormones so blood tests only tell you whats going on the day you have them done. They're a waste! Google 66 menopause symptoms. Its a complete list of possible symptoms. Peri-menopause is definitely possible at 38 yrs old.....not alot of women start till the 40's but some DO start earlier! For the anxiety and foggy brain try taking B6 100mg-150mg a day! I took 100mg and it helped! There are alot of natural things to try instead of all the anti anxiety drugs that Drs, who have no clue whats going on with you, push on you!
    • Posted

      Hi Pat

      What other natural things do you suggest for peri? I'm sure I'm in the throes of it.

      I've heard maca helps and I've started on sage tea.

      I just wondered if you had any other natural tips?

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      When I had numerous peri symptoms, I decided to go and see a nutritionist and she was fantastic. Try and eat organic, cut back on sugar as this peaks hormones as does caffeine. She also recommended supplements but ones I have to order, probiotics, liver support etc and I must admit the symptoms have reduced or disappeared.

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      Thanks nic, I've cut right back on caffeine and mainly drink lemon and water or herbal teas. Will cut back on sugar.

      I have some probiotics so will start taking these again

      Thanks very much

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    • Posted

      Not forgetting the best foods for hormone balance are the foods that are good to the liver. Onions, garlic, broccoli, sprouts and all the leafy veg. If you eat fruit, stick to fruit grown in UK, apples, pears, berries as they are the ones with less sugar. Tropical fruits have more sugar due to the constant sun exposure. Or and plenty of eggs!
  • Posted

    Thoses tests go up and down. I went thru that during peri. At first. The period do whatever they want for years. Im in menapause now and im reading they still can do what they want. Just always get your exams and be sure everything is ok. I took nothing. Just rode it out with nature and still am. I cant and dont even know half the time if im having hormone issues or anxiety. My family all go thru peri young (late thirties early forties) the late forties it finally stopped. I remember my Mother warning me when i was young as i gave done the same with my kids. Its gentic.
  • Posted

    Doctors are not always right, and often, test results are read quickly, or inaccurately, our med system in the US will give us an X-ray diagnosis, and the next put day tell us, there is no problem at all.Get a second opinion at the very least, and follow you and your moms instincts, we all know our own bodies far better than the doctor sometimes,we need to be a bit more pushy. I believe you are in peri menopause.For now, find methods you can use at home, look online too. Things you can do yourself without the doc until, you get real help for your feelings of despair.Love Stella42
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    Have any of you ladies read the book 'what your dr might not tell you about menopause ' by Dr Jon lee?? Ive recently purchased it and waiting for it to be delievered.
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      I checked out library book called, " Is it hot in here, or is it me?The complete guide to Menopause." Due to ADHD, have yet to read it!Stella42
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      You will have to let us know if theres anything interesting in it Stella :-)
    • Posted

      oh heavin forbid i mentioned a drs name and i get moderated... anyway... i asked if that book you mentioned is about progesterone suppelmentation?

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