Perimenopause and body pain?!? need some help
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Hi again this is Jennifer, I am 50 yrs old and have written before about the complex horror of Perimenopause. Has anyone ever experienced low or upper back pain that radiates to the waist and absominals? It's a terrible feeling, I feel like my whole body aches. From my feet to my shoulders. I don't know if sometimes it has to do with ovulation at mid cycle. I went to a neurologist who said I do not have Fibromyalgia. I just don't know what is causing the aching. Sometimes my lower back hurts and I can feel it in my abdominals. Can someone please shed some light on this for me it's giving me bad anxiety. Thank u
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lisa72030 jennifer85396
Hi Jennifer. I have been aching on of off for the last 4 years, I'm 48. It's horrible. I get it in my feet, my lower back, my thighs and upper middle back and my shoulders and neck. It comes intense and I am in bed in pain and feel terrible and then it can disappear for a few months and I feel ok again. my cycles are three, four and five months apart so it's hard to track.
jennifer85396 lisa72030
Wow! thank you for your reply.. thats how I feel exactly. Almost like I have arthritis all over my body. My fingers and my wrists even hurt then it goes away. Not happy your suffering to but it's nice to know I'm not alone.
ImagineOneDay jennifer85396
lisa72030 ImagineOneDay
That sounds like that could be a digestive issue Celebi, intestines maybe be a bit inflamed from a food allergy. I had that and I cut out all wheat as I did have an allergy. After a few weeks the pains stopped. Just an idea 😊
ImagineOneDay lisa72030
lisa72030 ImagineOneDay
Your GP should be able to give you an allergy test, mine did, ask for it because they don't offer things most of the time haha. When we enter peri we can get all kinds of allergy or worsen an existing one. Yes I agree with you GPs don't really help with these matters. Keep posting and searching this site as we seem to be a great support and informative resource for all things peri!! My symptoms keep changing , this month the worst ever for me,, I've been hit with the internal shake, anxiety through the roof and not interested in anything. It's like we just have to hold on and we will get through 😊
ImagineOneDay lisa72030
Guest jennifer85396
I had intense pain in my upper back left next to my shoulder blade. That was one of my first symptoms. Then it felt like my ribs were being squeezed. It was hard to breathe in. Then I got frozen shoulder, which was sheer torture. Now my pain seems to be across the whole upper back. My shoulder is still frozen but the painful freezing stage is over.
I've had many MRI's, including thoracic, spine, neck, brain. All normal. X-rays of chest. Abdominal ultrasounds. Except for the bad gall bladder nothing ever shows up. So it really must be a hormonal thing.
jennifer85396 Guest
I can't believe you said that about your ribs! that is exactly how I feel at times, it's crazy. Did any doctor ever tell you what could be causing that feeling?
lisa72030 jennifer85396
Guest jennifer85396
Not one doctor can give me an answer to any of my crazy symptoms. My gyn's response, as she's shaking her head, some women just have a very hard time with perimeno. So I'm assuming she at least thinks all my issues are related to that. My gp took pleasure in letting me know that there isn't anything wrong with me. The only reason I can even believe it might be perimeno is from some of the responses here and that all the tests I've had are normal.
And the fact that I'm 52 and my periods are getting funky.
ImagineOneDay Guest
It is so frustrating when GPs and gyno are not helping us by saying all normal. Obviously all is not normal. There must be something they can do to help. Why should women suffer in slience thinking all the symptoms are due to peri!? I wish I trained as a gynaecologist and done big research on women's issues.
Guest ImagineOneDay
My gyn's answer was bc pills. My gyn's answer was a psychologist. Just so frustrating. I've thought about going to an integrative/functional doctor but my medical bills this year have been out the roof. Logic tells me that if I had something really bad it would've showed up. But. Ant help always thinking they missed something.
I had Lyme in the 90s, my friend (she's got the same symptoms and is 51) said that as your hormones drop from peri so does your immune system, so any existing problem gets worse. She's on 4 different meds for chronic Lyme and she's still not better. It could just be perimeno symptoms.
lisa72030 Guest
Your friend is right. Any existing condition, physical, emotional or spiritual will be be like soneone turned up the volume! The drop in hormones effects everything, changes the way our bodies cope. Where once the hormones were supporting certain body systems, when they drop, oh my everything can go haywire. I have been taking a vit b and iron liquid, vitamin c, magnesium spray, protein foods, no sugar, no tea or coffee, no wheat and staying home most days as I have just experienced the most intense of symptoms 2 months ago, I was so scared but they are easing now feeling a bit better but I'm still feeling very off most days. I am a single mum and its been tough.
Guest lisa72030
Just be careful not to lose too much weight. I went off gluten, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, then even meat. I lost 30 pounds very fast and everything got totally worse and I hit rock bottom. So now I'm back to eating most things but no caffeine and minimal wine. Seemed like it was totally worse the healthier I tried to live.
I never had anxiety issues, but wondering if some of my symptoms were/are anxiety related because of fluctuating hormones. Sure seems like every symptom is listed on the anxiety website, so hard to know. Psychiatrist said I wasn't depressed or had anxiety. Frustrating
lisa72030 Guest
Yes I'm still on the dairy, eggs, fish and chicken too. My appetite is poor though 😔 omg anxiety for me hit an intensity 2 months ago very quickly that was so scary. I had to quit University and work. It was hard to determine what symptom was from what issue ,, but I guess everything effects and overlaps when hormones are involved. But we will get through. I am not depressed either but these symptoms sure are depressing!
Guest lisa72030
I'm lucky my kids are grown and I don't have to work. There is no way I could've done either. Completely been side lined.
And the psychiatrist is wrong because like you, I'm depressed from going thru so much and I've got anxiety because I'm afraid I've got something worse.
amy341731 lisa72030
Oh my goodness, yes!! It’s at times worse when I wake up..but comes and goes though the day. Truly thought I was dying..what a load of garbage this perimenopause is!!! So many my age I see are running marathons, doing yoga, etc and I’m over here trying to function in normal life 🙁 Take care and know me and so many others are here, you’re not alone!!!👍💕
jazzy77001 Guest
Oh my goodness, this is exactly what is happening to me! Started in left shoulder blade area, and now I also have frozen shoulder (right). But my whole upper body hurts especially my neck and the headaches are torture! I also have extreme anxiety with it. I have seen so many drs, specialists and therapists and none can tell me what's going on. The next step is the rheumatologist. It is so depressing, did you ever figure it out? I've been like this for two years now....
Guest jazzy77001
I saw every specialist you can imagine, the rheumatologist won't find anything either, trust me. Acupuncture helped a little bit with frozen shoulder, at the time I couldn't take advil because of gastritis, so I just had to suffer. It was really awful. The acupuncturist, a chinese man, told me that in China they call frozen shoulder 50's shoulder because it happens to women when they are in perimeno and it's caused by hormones. I think it's been about 2 years now and once in the while I still have pains in my right shoulder, and I still don't have full range of motion, not sure if it will ever be 100%?
I still get that nagging pain in my left back, but not like it was, now it usually coincides with my left foot burning. My neck was killing me this week, and headaches too. I know, I feel like you do, like I'm just falling apart, like I grew old over night, and it is very depressing. I'm so tired of feeling achy and ill every day.
mrs_susan74280 jazzy77001
jazzy77001 mrs_susan74280
No, I was put on a couple but they didn't work (supposed to help with the fibromyalgia pain). I also tried acupuncture but found that it gave me awful headaches and I generally felt a lot worse for about two day after each session. I also can't take nsai's as I have an autoimmune kidney disease. Yes this is all so tiring and really gets me down. There seems no end and like no one really wants to try get to the bottom of it.
jazzy77001 Guest
I didn't have any luck with acupuncture. Unfortunately it made me feel worse for about two days following every session. I also can't take nsai's as I have an autoimmune kidney disease. I'm going to try a Bowen therapist next....I don't know I'm desperate.
chris03884 jazzy77001
What is a Bowen Therapist?
This past cycle my body is acting like I'm getting a period, the cramping, had breast tenderness, but it went away. That's usually when I get my period. I'm hoping this is the beginning of all this craziness to stop. I've actually had a good 2 weeks of exercising. Upper shoulders are still a little stiff. But that could be from the low grade anxiety. I'm told it gets better when we get done with the perimenopause stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
jazzy77001 chris03884
Yeah I'm actually cramping right now 😕, two days late but that happens with me a lot so probably get them tomorrow. I kind of wish they would start becoming more irregular, at least then I would be more inclined to think it was Peri and not get so anxious that I have some other awful disease. Bowen therepy is kind of like massage from what I have read. I have a friend who had great success with a knee injury using it. I have also read success stories of using it for fibromyalgia. So fingers crossed. Probably best googling it for a more detailed explanation.