Perimenopause and body pain?!? need some help
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Hi again this is Jennifer, I am 50 yrs old and have written before about the complex horror of Perimenopause. Has anyone ever experienced low or upper back pain that radiates to the waist and absominals? It's a terrible feeling, I feel like my whole body aches. From my feet to my shoulders. I don't know if sometimes it has to do with ovulation at mid cycle. I went to a neurologist who said I do not have Fibromyalgia. I just don't know what is causing the aching. Sometimes my lower back hurts and I can feel it in my abdominals. Can someone please shed some light on this for me it's giving me bad anxiety. Thank u
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didi0613 jennifer85396
aimee1970 jennifer85396
We are in the same boat. I'm was doing ok until I hit 45 yrs and I have been having back , neck , shoulder, heart palpitations like is stepping a beat that I have to cough, pain on my mid left quadrant down and up below the breast, itching all over my body off and on, headaches, I have dry eyes. My PA test me for everything and came back normal, MRI from abdominal, Shoulder, Head CT amd is all normal. I'm 47 now and the itch is better and it seems it occur before and after periods but it feels all the time I wonder if is perimenopause. I'm not taking anything for it I'm going to have a Pap smear next week and see . Also I have a 3cm cyst .
lisa72030 aimee1970
aimee1970 lisa72030
lisa72030 aimee1970
aimee1970 lisa72030
amy341731 aimee1970
Wow, i also feel like I fell apart at 45! big deal, feeling good..then 45, I had to have appendix out, hernia fixed, and have never felt the same..anxiety being absolute worst symptom but more than I can count. And i can’t believe you have the itching and dry eyes..that to me, was most random yet weird and annoying symptoms..i practically scratched my legs raw while I was sleeping! Terrible..glad I’m not alone, and i wish you a wonderful, healthy 2018! 🎉
jazzy77001 aimee1970
littleme1969 jennifer85396
Guest littleme1969
Chronic gastritis
Bad gall bladder
Sore/dry throat
Lump in throat/trouble swallowing
Pain in upper back next to shoulder blade
Trouble breathing in
Flu like illness feeling in head/body
Tight ribs
Pelvic/leg pain probably from ovarian cysts
Health anxiety
High heart rate
Low temperature
Heart palps
Frozen shoulder
Neck pain
Leg pain
Burning foot
Adrenaline rushes
Fibrocystic breasts
Eye issues/blurry/flashes
Itchy crawly skin
Jelly legs possibly from anxiety attacks
Not sure I even listed every symptom. Some have come and gone, some are persistent and some new.
lisa72030 littleme1969
aimee1970 Guest
Guest aimee1970
Omg, thank you Aimee. I'm sorry for you but it makes me feel less crazy knowing you've been going through the same things as me. I'm def not the same person I used to be. I long for the day to feel normal again.
aimee1970 Guest
Is like my body has a mind of his own and is attacking me. Oh and before I start going to my doctor I went to a therapist first at 45 and he send me to a doctor he said to make sure is nothing physical going on and then come to him so I'm still trying to figure it out on my own. Doctors don't listen.
Guest aimee1970
You wouldn't believe all the doctors I've seen, and none of them have a clue about all these symptoms. For me, I just felt I needed to keep ruling really bad things out.
When I had the mammogram which showed the huge cysts, the radiologist said 'there's something really wrong with you, you should see a doctor'. At that point I couldn't even think of any more doctors to see!
ImagineOneDay Guest
gailannie littleme1969
Right on littleme! Your description is completely on target. And I agree 100% that the loss of self is the worst part. It comes on slowly, but it's what I miss most........ME.
jennifer85396 littleme1969
Thank you, you have explained things better than the doctors. Including my Gyno. I was out with my best friend last night for dinner, the biggest topic we discussed was Peri and all it's miseries. Sore joints in the hands and feet, she threw in teeth pain and sensativity. Neck pain radiating to the base of the skull. Only women could indure all this and still function, working, taking care of family, bills, pets, ect... the only light I guess is the eventually this curse will stop! sooner than later I hope! 😟
aimee1970 jennifer85396
I'm glad myself I found this site because I though I was dying of something. This morning I was in hip and knee pain no reason. I'm not alone and I feel better and hope this ends soon.
amy602 littleme1969
Thanks so much for writting this. I know we all would love not to have any of these "issues" but I am so happy when I start reading posts and its not just me. Just like you said its amazing what your hormones do to certain things in your body. I would have never put the 2 together. I think all of us here should be doctors in peri, since we are the only ones that understand everything.
didi0613 amy602
littleme1969 Guest
jennifer85396 littleme1969
OMG! Hello littleme...I just read your posts again and I can't believe how it describes every single symptom that I feel. When you talk about your feet hurting, Oh boy I just got up before and couldn't believe how much the bottom of my feet hurt, my palms of my hands, my fingers, my ribs, my pelvic area...NO doctor explains this in detail of what to suspect. Hot flashes, and mood swings are just the tip of the iceburg.. we are proof this goes a lot deeper. Thank you again for your honesty
amy341731 jennifer85396
I’ve been reading this thread as my anxiety is through the roof and I’m so glad I found it!i also thought perimenopause was just mood swings and hot flashes, but I guess that’s all people want to talk about, since it’s such a hush hush type of subject! (Except on here which is awesome) I’ve had more aches, pains, anxiety, meltdowns, and just random annoying or painful symptoms than I can even count. I’m 46 and it hit me like a bomb exactly one year ago..ruined that Christmas thinking i was dying, and this one was pretty stressful too..i feel awful for my husband and kids who have no clue what this is all about. They do the best they can but so much of the time I’d rather be left alone or at least have some real quiet time every day..which clearly is the middle of the night before i can get some peace and time to relax...and by relax, I mean google horrific symptoms 🙄 I am sorry to hear you’re feeling this way but glad to know we can stick together and not suffer alone. Take care and have a happy healthy 2018! 😊