Perimenopause and body pain?!? need some help
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Hi again this is Jennifer, I am 50 yrs old and have written before about the complex horror of Perimenopause. Has anyone ever experienced low or upper back pain that radiates to the waist and absominals? It's a terrible feeling, I feel like my whole body aches. From my feet to my shoulders. I don't know if sometimes it has to do with ovulation at mid cycle. I went to a neurologist who said I do not have Fibromyalgia. I just don't know what is causing the aching. Sometimes my lower back hurts and I can feel it in my abdominals. Can someone please shed some light on this for me it's giving me bad anxiety. Thank u
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renee_26767 jennifer85396
I feel this way sometimes too. I have low bad pain but sometimes it's in the middle . Then my left side hurts .... hardly ever my right side. But it really doesn't hurt as much as it feels like a cramp in my side .and sometimes a feeling that I'm so tired and a sick feeling will rush over me sometimes like I'm coming down with a cold or flu ....and then I'm fine . I have had so many different things over the last year and a half. Too many to name .. but I do feel better now more than 6 months ago. So good to read that I'm not the only one with these symptoms
nordia28228 jennifer85396
I need your help, I am a 38 years old and I don't know what is happening to me. Perhaps someone is having similar symptoms i am having, I don't know what to do. My husband doesn't understand what I am going through. I have been having severe body heat whenever i am going through ovulation and when it gets close to my period, apart from being very hot I experience radical body pains, it is so severe that I thought I was having heart attack I had to be rushed to A&E. My shoulders feels like i am old and cranky and it happens all over the body including my back. Since last month the heart started to race and again I had to see a doctor who sent me to do an ECG which was ok. My mouth feels burn and funny, and my smell is different, every month the symptoms are different but some months its more severe than others, I have insomnia, tiredness, headache, faint spells, gas passing wind regularly and diarrhea and even depression. Can someone please help me, please I am going out of my mind. The gynecologist told me she cant find my complain, she even referred me to an internist. planning to go back to the doctor tomorrow because the symptoms have started since yesterday.
Guest nordia28228
patty_06547 jennifer85396
Hi my name is patti I just turned 50 a month ago and haven't had a good day since ! I stumbled upon this page while googling my symptoms and couldn't believe that there are other people feeling the same way ..I missed 4 periods and it's been about 2 months that I'm having horrible upper back pain rt in between my shoulder blinds and down my spine feel like I'm dying my Dr can't understand me so I asked him for an MRI which I had done this week should have results Monday but until then is there anything I can do to relieve the pain I tried stretching don't work even laying down hurts 😔
amy341731 patty_06547
peggy10685 patty_06547
Patti, hi, I'm 49 and haven't had a normal day in 6 mos! Hit me totally out of the blue! I was working out 5x week, happy, energetic...then boom... after my October period my system went totally haywire. I call it a perpetual I just got stuck...bloating, irritability, major breast and underarm pain, bloating, tummy problems, fatigue, back pain and weird left sided rib pain! Then I made the mistake of googling symptoms and launched into a level of anxiety I've never had before in my life. I was literally sobbing everyday thinking I was dying. Ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, name it, I've diagnosed myself with it over the past 6 mos. I've had a normal Pap smear, mammogram, pelvic ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, chest X-ray, and complete blood count. My symptoms have lessened over the 6 mos to the point where I can now get a walk in everyday and function fairly normally, but the back pain and rib pain persist. I continue to google symptoms way too much which has basically given me severe health anxiety and stolen my joy. I just want my old self back!
amy341731 peggy10685
peggy10685 amy341731
Thank you, Amy
Just reading these posts, including yours just now, has already helped to lessen my anxiety a bit! I really have no one to talk to about any of this. My Mom is gone and none of my friends my age seem to be having these issues
It's all gotten me so depressed, but good to know I really am not alone.
lynn44042 peggy10685
peggy10685 jennifer85396
Hi Jennifer... I have back pain that stretches from lower to upper back from time to time. I also have left sided rib pain. Mine seems to get worse after ovulation until my period. But it seems to always be there since about 6 mos ago
I'm 49. I'm also getting really bad migraines during the week leading up to my period and sometimes almost feel like I'm getting the flu. Then it's gone the next day. I, too, now have serious health anxiety and am convinced I must be dying of some type of cancer. I'm just so fed up with all of this! And three doctors have refused to test my hormones because they tell me if I'm still getting a period the test results won't really prove anything! But I know how my body feels, and I know my hormones aren't balanced!!
amy341731 peggy10685
karyn41741 jennifer85396
Daylilie222 jennifer85396
This sounds so close to what I'm going through, but not. My last period was in March. It was replaced with amazing hot flashes and pain. Omg..the pain. Every morning I wake up 4-5 am and every inch of me hurts. My joints.. my skin like I have a fever. It eases as the day goes on but never completely goes away. I feel 80 not 48. Nothing helps either. Advil..nope. Aleve..nope. Taking hemp oil pills with undetermined results. Side note..cant go to the dr at this moment.. in between insurance. Also side note, I also suffered from PMDD my entire life, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this??
peggy10685 Daylilie222
nordia28228 jennifer85396
The last doctor I have been to is not convenience it's pre-menopause, I am not a doctor but I know what am experiencing, I don't look forward to to ovulation not my period cause that's when my system turns upside down, but I will keep you all in my prays while you do the same for me, it's not getting any easier, but the truth is we can't escape it there unless we take hormonal therapy. I wish not to go to that route cause to me that's not the best option, but let's go through this with the help of our saviour