Perimenopause and extreme anxiety

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Hi Ladies,

Do any of you suffer from extreme anxiety?

Mine has gotten so bad that I'm finding it so difficult to function on a daily basis.

I'm trying to push myself and face my fears but it's still crippling and debilitating.

Currently, I'm unable to go into big shops and anywhere busy.

Struggled to go into my local shopping centre the other day and felt uneasy and panicky. Left after one shop. The rest of the day and night I felt so on edge and anxious. Today that feeling remains and I hate it. I can feel the tension in my throat, back and chest. I woke up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and feeling like I was gasping for breath.

My question Is, has anyone else experienced these extreme symptoms and do they take any medication to ease this?

If Yes, what and are there any side effects?

I've been prescribed Sertraline, but scared to take them having read the side effects.

Any advice and reassurance would be great.

Thank you

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49 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dora I have had bad anxiety for all of my adult life although it has gotten much worse with peri menapause, it is difficult for me to go any kind of places like grocery shopping or daily errands alone, I don't even drive anymore alone but I can do lol these things with no problem with someone with me I have take antidepressants my whole life but I do need to change them as I have been on same one for 14 years and it has stopped working , I just dread the withdrawals coming off the medication so I have put if off for much too long, I'm not sure what your medication was since that's generic for something ? Was it Prozac or Zoloft?  If it's Prozac , it was a miracle drug for me with no side effects I just took it for so long it stopped working and there were no withdrawals from Prozac for me either, hopes this helps, yes if you read every side effect online etc, we would never take meds I try not to read those because if I do then u can bet I'll have every side effect written on there😝

  • Posted

    Hi Dora... Yes for the past few days... My bowel all over the place and feeling overwhelmed with life but I know it will pass... It's awful at the time but what helps me is exercise.. Without it I notice how anxious I am... I am moving house and relocating so this has me stressed I'm on hrt patch but still get anxious... Speak to your GP to see if they can help... Anxiety is so common through the change so know you are not alone... Keep active if you can and tell yourself that you will get through it... Keep checking I here and look after yourself by going to see your GP to see if he can give you something to help you get through this rough patch.. Big hug... You ain't alone xx ck

  • Posted

    Hi Dora

    I'm sorry you are suffering at the moment. Anxiety seems to be the hardest symptom and there have been loads of threads along the same lines. My anxiety was crippling in April, and as you said .... I felt like I couldn't function, shopping was like an expedition, school run was terrifying and I just wanted to turn and run. I've been on bhrt for 4 months and it's helped a lot. Its still there, but it's manageable and I'm able to control it making it a lot less scary. I tried amitriptyline a few weeks ago, just to get rid of the residual anxiety, but I found it made it worse. So now, I don't take anything for it but I use over the counter things like kalms, rescue remedies etc. I go to see a homeopath and use holistic remedies such as argnit. I am working on being more active cycling, walking, yoga, swimming and mindful meditation......... And if all else fails, I have a prescription for 2 mg of diazepan which I have only taken once in the past 3 weeks. Its not easy to manage I know, and it is so life limiting but it really is the hormones and it helps to believe that it will pass. Good luck xxx

    • Posted

      Are you in the UK? Is the bhrt available here as I was told not on nhs.

      I'm willing to try it to see if it relieves some of these horrid symptoms!

      Bach remedy I've tried and didn't find it helped. Kalms I was told make you this true?

      I'm sure I took these many years ago during my exams.

      Exercise used to be a big part of my life..walking, gym, running and yoga.

      Always found they helped everything.

      When anxiety and panic attacks strike, it's crippling. I never ever would have thought this possible.

  • Posted

    Has the anxiety gotten worse in the pasrt month ortwo? FFor me it is related to allergies, that I now have. They cause severe tension in my head, neck, throat, bacjk, chest etc. Palpitations and fatigue. Sleep problems.Especially molds-now is the season.


    • Posted

      Hi Anetta. Yes mine seems to have got alot worse this past couple of months.

      Interesting you mention allergies, as I do get hayfever now. It doesn't feel like It's connected though. This is definitely anxiety/panic attacks. Possibly worsened by allergies. It's horrid!

  • Posted

    Dora, mine got SO bad for 3 straight months I was NOT able to function good at all in fact I had to fight like crazy before I flipped out and was deemed crazy it was the scariest thing ever I was a walking mess when I could walk it affected everything I had to make and fight myself to bathe and everyday things was almost impossible that went on for 3 long straight months I thought I would go crazy and the panic and anxiety almost had me totally bed ridden I pray it never comes back like that!!!! I'm pretty much ham,ebound now but function much better! I will be starting online counseling from referral from Tapp's I hope it helps since death of my husband and Meno I haven't even gotten my upper plate done no eye exam in 4 years or anything else important! I am trying to fight for a norm in my life is there is such a thing anymore, the scary part is I just turned 61 and convinced myself I'm old fat and ugly whats the use and with two special needs kids and a husband on life support and completely paralyzed and unable le to move, speak or eat for 3 longs years he passed Jan 2015 I just can't find anything to hope for to look forward too I dug myself a huge hole and threw the dirt on. myself . My son won't let me see my grandkids in over two years because I adopted my husband grandson when he was a baby and he has hated my guts for that and thats his payback, Jacob the one I adopted has autism but I love him so MUCH! Anyway's  my life has gotten so out of control I just  gave up well at least 95% so this 5% left I'm trying to reach out and pull myself out this black hole;e if I can I been homebound for a long time now I even order food online :-( No friends lots them all when my husband  came down with ALS. Well I didn't mean to write a book but yes I have a do suffer what you said as we speak I'm waiting to hear from the online counseling lady either today or tomorrow and start some sessions my very first time. I hope I can carry through with it cause I hate having to even doing it BUT I can see I can no longer pull myself out my life is a mess! Meno HAS NOT DID ME ANY FAVORS EITHER I have had the worst MENO ever all 66 symptoms they say however, I have 101 a few not listed! 

    • Posted

      Hi.. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through such difficult times.

      You've had so much stress in your life, which I know just contributes to the horrible peri/meno symptoms you're experiencing.

      I'm the exact same. When I have more stress I feel a hundred times worse!

      It makes it so difficult to function.

      I didn't know you could get online counselling sessions. Let me know how that goes. It sounds good and a positive step in the right direction!

      I sincerely hope that it helps you and brings you some kind of relief.

      Talking definitely helps.

      Take care x

  • Posted


    I'm so sorry you are feeling ill. I can tell you i have never suffered from anxiety or depression until now with perimenopause.  It was an overnight thing with real physical symptoms, nausea, panic , racing heart... I had it 5 years ago, at which point I didnt know it was anxiety and thought I was going crazy and now again in April.  With a life time vacation planned to Israel, I went and although I wasn't in my same mind, I tried to enjoy it- it was hard. 

    I started taking St. Johns wort, iron, and melatonin, sleepytime tea with valerian, exercising,prayer and now in July, I feel a little better.  I have not had my period for 2 months, so maybe???. 

    Stay strong, pray,  you'll get through this .  I have checked this forum daily, hourly it was the only thing that kept me sane.  I will pray for you, you are not alone this is a wild time.

  • Posted

    Hi Dora yes I had extreme anxiety about 4 months ago, I was prescribed sertraline 50mg, and initially it got worse, but I knew this and was expecting it, after a few rough weeks it did start to get better but only really started feeling better after about 2 months, I've now been on them for over 4 months and they have given me my life/sanity back, I feel 90 percent back to my old self, my doc said they get better the longer your on them, and he was right, still have nervous days now and again but nothing like before, but I know it's my hormones that's causing it, my advice to u is please be patient with the sertraline, it does work but just takes some time, I feel pretty great now, i can go into busy shops and travel on public transport and go out with friends, hope this helps x

    • Posted

      Thanks Hayley.

      I've heard the Sertraline causes racing heart and other unpleasant side effects.. has it for you?

    • Posted

      Hi Dora the only side affects I had were a bit of nausea for first week and heightened anxiety, I was already having bad palpations before I took these so didn't notice, however I stopped drinking caffeine and my racing heart calmed down a lot x

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      The heightened anxiety on Sertraline scares me the most as mine is already bad at the momwnt.
    • Posted

      Yes it did me Hun bit I knew it would only be temporary, 4 months on I'm so glad I stuck with it, at the time I thought well it's already bad so can't really get much worse so I rode the storm for a few weeks then it started to subside very slowly and now it's nearly gone x

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