Perimenopause and extreme anxiety

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Hi Ladies,

Do any of you suffer from extreme anxiety?

Mine has gotten so bad that I'm finding it so difficult to function on a daily basis.

I'm trying to push myself and face my fears but it's still crippling and debilitating.

Currently, I'm unable to go into big shops and anywhere busy.

Struggled to go into my local shopping centre the other day and felt uneasy and panicky. Left after one shop. The rest of the day and night I felt so on edge and anxious. Today that feeling remains and I hate it. I can feel the tension in my throat, back and chest. I woke up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and feeling like I was gasping for breath.

My question Is, has anyone else experienced these extreme symptoms and do they take any medication to ease this?

If Yes, what and are there any side effects?

I've been prescribed Sertraline, but scared to take them having read the side effects.

Any advice and reassurance would be great.

Thank you

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  • Posted

    Hi, Dora,

    Yep! I have some history with anxiety and panic, and I am going through it now. I am 49 and take two psyc meds. I tapered off one, fluvoxamine, a few months ago but have begun taking it again. 

    I use the DARE book (author is Barry McDonagh), app, and Facebook groups and have a therapist. Magnesium supplements are pretty standard recommendations I have gotten, too. 

    The anxiety is awful! I am sending you very best wishes for peace and joy. Hugs!

    • Posted

      HI I am on prozac at moment , not working for my anxiety, how long was you on them for and what mg, I am going to psychiatrist soon, what other med,are you on, I have never felt this bad , I am also menopausel, thank you
    • Posted

      Hi! I have had OCD since childhood. I had my first experience with anxiety and panic at 30, and I took meds for about 15 years until tapering off fluvoxamine 100 mg and Lamictal 150 mg a few months ago. Was preparing to taper off extended release generic Xanax 2 mg daily when a big cycle of panic and anxiety hit and was so debilitating that I returned to the fluvoxamine and have not stopped taking the generic Xanax. 

      It did not occur to me until recently that the return of the anxiety symptoms were likely also related to my perimenopause. I would love to be off meds entirely, but that may have to wait. I am working hard with therapy and DARE to cope. My faith is an immeasurable part of this, too. 

      Wishing you blessings for healing and peace! Hugs!

    • Posted

      Also meant to add that SSRI meds take a while to work and that my understanding is that everyone has a unique response to them. 
    • Posted

      I too have OCD panic anxiety I can remember Having panic attacks as a child then again when I split up with a boyfriend at 27 then again at 41 ..... this time I’ve had it for 11years! I think if you have a history of trauma then the meno and Peri is much much worse.  With the OCD you can’t stop thinking about it ! That’s the BIG PROBLEM 
  • Posted

    Hi Dora, As comforting as it is to read that someone else feels like I do, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Yes, anxiety is a new symptom for me that started in menopause. It’s come on in the year and a half since my last period. And yes, I feel it most acutely in my chest and neck. I understand why it’s so scary - it feels like a heart attack. Except it’s not pain exactly. It’s an odd sensation. The tension travels from my chest, to my throat and neck. My heart races, I get dizzy and my thoughts get panicky and lack focus. I have jolted awake with this feeling too - though usually just as I’m drifting off to sleep.  I have trouble in crowded stores too. Sometimes it hits me when I’m home alone though. If my family is around and everyone is talking, I have to go find a quiet place. Talking is just too much! I’ve been prescribed Lexapro which I have not yet started. Still on the fence about it. These episodes happen less frequently in the last few weeks. Maybe once a week now. I even went to a concert on Friday night. I’ve been taking 250mg magnesium morning and night. I feel better though not sure that’s the reason. I’ve also been exercising more. Maybe I’m finding a better use for Adrenalin! Good luck! 
    • Posted

      Hi Teri.

      Yes I've read that magnesium is great for us during this transition. I did start taking vit B complex ultra which has magnesium, but stopped. Perhaps should try that again.

      I've actually found that my hayfever medication Loratadine has a calming effect and actually helps me sleep a little better.

      Had a better sleep last night.

      Have to say, exercise has always helped me and have always been active. When this hits you though, it's so overwhelming that you feel frozen with fear! If that makes sense.

      It actually stops you from doing all the things that you would like. It's the worse case I've had as it's never before stopped me from going out and doing all the normal things I enjoy.

      I hope it will disappear soon x

    • Posted

      Hi Dora 

      Exercise has helped me too. I’m very much in shape and  have always worked out . When this hit me 3 months ago I literally dragged my self exhausted and dizzy to go run ... it was terrifying and don’t know how I did it. but now think if I can do that I can get through almost anything . Plus I always felt better afterwards and it’s a purpose in this lonely road called menopause. 

  • Posted

    Yes i hade had it!  It’s horrible!  I am currently using essential oils which helps my every symptom!  From Anxiety too hot flashes to bloating to headaches for everything private message me if you want more information. I will refuse to go on medication because of the side effects and the toxins that are in them.
    • Posted

      And by the way I used to be on Xanax every single day but now I don’t take anything because of these oil’s. Xanax would make me so groggy in the morning and when I use the oils on my neck and chest or abdomen or wrists it doesn’t leave me feeling groggy it just helps with each symptom
  • Posted

    Hi Dora 

    Omg I woke up in the night last night unable to breathe ! Hyperventilating in my sleep !

    I’ve had anxiety for 11 years now and although it’s been bad had no idea it was due to Peri ! 

    I don’t drive more than a few miles avoid crowds won’t go in elevators and if I don’t get a sound sleep it’s 10 times worse .

    If you can get on a low dose anti depressant I’d say try it as life is too short and once you get in this rollercoasterit becomes your life ! 

    I’ve tried lexapro 3 days and was vomiting Water ! Recently tried sertraline 2 weeks but the side effects my hands soaking wet and running to bathroom every 5 mins. 

    I have Xanax for emergencies and prefer to take that as the side effects aren’t as bad. 

    It’s horrible watching everybody get on with their normal lives whilst we’re just constantly worried. 

    I’m currently on HRT and doing EMDR therapy which is supposed to be good for anxiety. 

    • Posted

      HI I have been given HRT today , age 58, suffer alsorts from anxiety to depression tryed lexapro 2 months ago, sweating terrible lost all appertight but it did help my thoughts, now prozac not helping thoughts or anxiety, I am suffering internal vibration and buzzing for the last month, how long have you been on HRT, was it patch, have you any side effects at all thank you
  • Posted

    Yes indeed!!I think we all have felt it at some point, in varying degrees. Although I have gotten used to it going and coming, it is no less scary when it hits. Even though I KNOW what it is, it is like it's the first time all over again. Mine has gotten a bit milder since my first attack 5 years ago, but it's still there. The worst is when your heart races n jolts you out of( finally)your sleep! You cant figure out what's happening or why you're afraid!!! Ugh! And your spouse just doesn't get it!! My doctor gave me Valium...10 to be exact. Lowest dosage. I only took them before bed. It helped. Now I just walk it out or do breathing exercises when it hits. I've had every heart test known and all is good, thank God. So I know its anxiety.

  • Posted

    Hi Dora

    Anxiety is crippling and physical symptoms along side the fear can be deliberating.

    Have you tried CBT or hypnotherapy , I have suffered with anxiety for 20 years and over this period of time have had three sessions of three month period to calm these anxiety feelings.

    I have friends that are going through the same anxiety and have tried different HRT but have resorted to homeopathic and therapy .

    Sometimes an anti depressant is a MUSTbecause the symptoms are unbearable  and some of these like diazepam can be taken in short bursts to calm accute attacks.

    I hope all these responses form everyone helps you and your not alone .


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