Perimenopause and extreme anxiety

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Hi Ladies,

Do any of you suffer from extreme anxiety?

Mine has gotten so bad that I'm finding it so difficult to function on a daily basis.

I'm trying to push myself and face my fears but it's still crippling and debilitating.

Currently, I'm unable to go into big shops and anywhere busy.

Struggled to go into my local shopping centre the other day and felt uneasy and panicky. Left after one shop. The rest of the day and night I felt so on edge and anxious. Today that feeling remains and I hate it. I can feel the tension in my throat, back and chest. I woke up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and feeling like I was gasping for breath.

My question Is, has anyone else experienced these extreme symptoms and do they take any medication to ease this?

If Yes, what and are there any side effects?

I've been prescribed Sertraline, but scared to take them having read the side effects.

Any advice and reassurance would be great.

Thank you

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  • Posted

    Hi lovely ladies I too have suffered from anxiety attacks panic attacks they are horrible I still get them I've been in menopause since I was 47 I am now 53 they will get so bad that I didn't want to go to work I want to stay in the house even though I still have them I go to work my job keeps me busy I've been through so much with this I have become immune to all the other symptoms that I have experienced crawly skin dry eyes stomach flops ears aching joints my allergies have been through the roof I deal with that on a daily basis I am that one who will take medicine I spoke with the doctor and he said taking medicine for menopause just prolongs it so far he's right a lot of the symptoms have went away the anxiety however does pop up every so often but I have learned to get up and get it moving the more you move the less you think about it I think so far this is the worst one after dealing with the sleepless nights at one point I was feeling depressed doomed fear of everything is going to go wrong or fear that something is wrong with me last year it got really bad when I lost my sister in July two months later of September lost my brother I stayed room bound but then I had my sister's two little girls that I have to raise so I had to Shake It Off and get up and get moving I think these girls keep me moving I still suffer with the aching joints a lot dry eyes stuffy nose all the time now I just pray for all of us that it gets better it does get easier ladies to deal with hang in there God bless you all

    • Posted

      Hi Monique...I am so sorry for your losses. Hugs from afar!! I can empathize as I lost my mom at the end of April and sis in law 2 weeks after mom. So I know exactly why your anxiety was exacerbated. The girls will bring you much joy. They are a much better focus than these crappy peri and meno shenanigans! Take care!
  • Posted

    hi Dora im on sertraline for depression and anxiety and have been for years try not reading the side affects as all have some .Iwas worried about taken them at first they do take about 3-4 weeks to nottice the difference.

     They do work as i was diagnosed with depression hope this reassures you xx


  • Posted

    Yes! I am suffering with horrible anxiety. It has gotten to the point of panic a few times. I had the first real "freak out" a few months ago it started with the feeling of tingles allover my body and strange creepy crawly like feeling under my skin. I had no idea what was going on, but I felt fine the next day and never had a problem again until about a month ago and for the week after I was feeling anxiety every night until I finally went to the ER. They could find nothing wrong with me and told me to follow up with my regular doctor. I had blood drawn and again they found nothing wrong. My doctor concluded it must just be anxiety and prescribed me with .25 mg of alprazolam for panic attacks. I've only taken 7 since getting the meds and it has helped me from going into a panic state,

  • Posted

    Hi dora- I have the worst anxiety and it came out of nowhere. Everything started June 19 and ive been on a roller coaster since that day. Been to ER twice and they told me it was anxiety. it is debilitating. it keeps me awake all night and the attacks are horrendous. I am completely miserable and cry all the time. Nights are worst as I get zero sleep. are you sleeping ok? That's my biggest issue. Hugs.

    • Posted

      I have the worst anxiety at night as well! It is absolutely awful. the anxiety has gotten so bad that I have had a few panic attacks. I was prescribed a low dose of Alprazolam(.25mg) almost a month ago. I have only needed to take 7 since June 27th. I try my best to think positively and not let my anxiety get the best of me. I can usually keep busy enough during the day that I barely feel anxious at all, but at night and on some early mornings I can't stop the anxiety from coming on. I read an earlier thread that said holding something frozen in one hand helps when your anxiety starts coming on. Haven't tried it yet, but it sounds easy enough so I'll try it. Hope you are feeling more like yourself soon <3 hugs

  • Posted

    We are in a similar place, as far as new medication goes. My anxiety isn't severe but it rears its head more frequently than it used to. My doc just gave me Clonazepam .5mg. I got it a week ago, but am afraid to take one. He said I could break it in half for .25 which I would rather do. Has anyone tried this Clonazepam to help calm? I just want to sleep! Dora, I think this is a couple of days old, have you tried one yet? I hope it helped you. Sleep is so healing and things are so much worse, tired sad

  • Posted

    We are in a similar place, as far as new medication goes. My anxiety isn't severe but it rears its head more frequently than it used to. My doc just gave me Clonazepam .5mg. I got it a week ago, but am afraid to take one. He said I could break it in half for .25 which I would rather do. Has anyone tried this Clonazepam to help calm? I just want to sleep! Dora, I think this is a couple of days old, have you tried one yet? I hope it helped you. Sleep is so healing and things are so much worse, tired sad

    • Posted

      I have been prescribed just about every anxiety drug there is at one time or another throughout the years. The only drawback is that they're very addicting. Withdrawals from them are severe. But they are wonderful for sleep especially. I felt numb after a while. My gp currently prescribes Buspar. It helps the anxiety, is not addictive, but not nearly as affective. Hope this helps. Have you started taking Clonazepam yet?

    • Posted

      I think I had that prescribed (buspar) years ago but didn’t take it . How long did it take to work ? And did it help with your general mood ? 
    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer , I take that one same mg I break the half in half and it's usually enough for me a whole .5 mg would choke a horse !!🤣🤣that would make me sleep for 3 days straight although I do take half if my anxiety is in full gear for days one end

    • Posted

      Don't remember cuz it's been several years. I think it works fairly quickly. Yes. Definately notice when I miss a dose, just not like Xanax or Ativan, etc. as far as the helping sleep. Mood is slightly better. xo

  • Posted

    Hi Dora, I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember.  I don’t take anything for it.  Sometimes, I have panic attacks.  It’s never gotten to the point where I can’t work or go out, but it’s worse in peri and I definitely drive less and struggle some with apathy.  Lately, I’ve been reaching out more, understanding that I can’t get through this alone.  Keeping a sense of community and reminding myself that I’ve gotten through times before helps me feel better.  Strengthening relationships with people close to me has become very important.  Deep breathing and refocusing help with the panic attacks.  Hope this helps.  🌸💕

  • Posted

    Hi ladies I to suffer with anxiety and panic attacks I don't take anything I just pray and keep it moving sometimes when you harp on anxiety or what's going on it gets worse sometimes it helps when you stop thinking about it and start doing something maybe in the yard or around the house it does help trust me I've been through it all things ID is the worst part of it as I explained to the other ladies I went through starting at age 47 I am now 53 crawling skin itchy dry eyes anxiety aches and pains in my shoulders my joints stomach tumbling sleepless nights Waking with fast heart beats dry nose you name it then I got to the point my ears were bothering me my teeth aches in my jaw from my ears it's definitely been a roller coaster it was hard for me at first but I just keep pushing I don't like medicines besides the fact that the doctor told me taking anything for menopause just prolongs menopause so far so good I still get symptoms but I tell myself it's just the menopause my hormones I pray that you all get through this along with me cuz it's an ugly thing but we can do this God bless you all

    • Posted

      Yes Monique I have the teeth pain and jaw pain and ear pain clogged ears u name it I have it

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