Perimenopause and low blood sugar

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Hello, do any of you feel like since perimenopause started that you get low blood sugar as well? I feel like if I dont eat first thing in the morning or little things throughout the day I get the jelly legs, shaky, weird head etc.....then the anxiety of course. Has anyone else felt this way?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi yes I get that feeling too feel shaky inside an fainty like my sugar is low but when I test it it's normal all hormones...... an as soon as I feel funny I get anxiety which is just the body responding to nt feeling normal..... I've learnt to just calm myself down and deep breath tell myself nothings wrong it's all fm hormones..... its really hortible

    • Posted

      Thank you Michelle Im glad that someone else has experienced this during the hormone dance. I definitely start getting anxious when this happens. I guess I need to practice calming instead of anxiety right away. Thank you for your response smile

  • Posted

    No I have never had that - I am hypoglycemic so I make sure I stay low carb at all times and eat plenty of protein 
    • Posted

      Hello, I might need to also pay attention to my eating. Thank you for your response smile

  • Posted

    Yes,!!! Low blood sugar is a REAL issue with me I keep gluclose gel and tablets all around my house and in my purse! Some months  are worse than others and some attacks of it is worse than others. I hate to hit rock bottom with it and our hormones does cause that! I had this in my pregnancy and ALL through perimenopause from the beginning and I still deal with it! 
    • Posted

      Hello, Im going to have to get some glucose tablets then. It is so scary when your legs and your head dont want to work together ugh! Thank you so much for the information and thank you for your response smile

    • Posted

      walmart and walgreens sells them just ask or look for "Gluclose Tablets" They give you that quick lift in bringing up your blood sugar and low cal . You can just use them as often as you like throughout the day. I keep them by my bed in case I wake and need them. But at night time I eat a high protien plain greek yogurt it gets me through the night AND helps with sleep!  I drink 4 oz of WHOLE milk which keeps my sugar up longer . It's aslo good to eat 6 small meals a day with 3 of them been in between healthy snacks like nuts, whole cheese, and peanutbutter does wonders! Protien helps keep sugar balanced longer. I GAINED so much weight from this low blood suagr nightmare NOT at the time realizing it was hormones dropping it. I could share horror stories on this! I now know how to handle it and what to do and it no longer controls me! 

    • Posted

      Thank you Im definitely going to start eating some of these snacks that you mentioned and get the glucose tablets. Im so glad that we can come on here and get information. Thanks again!
    • Posted

      Hi i just wondered did u crave sugar? I also hv gained weight and no matter hw I try to watch what I am eating always hungry I never feel filled to the point I'm constantly thinking abt my nx meal. Iv tried nearly starving myself as well..

      I just feel so low iv lost interest in my other half as well and feel bad abt that cos he really is a dote I feel i just want to be on my own all the time and I was never like that always so outgoing and bubbly.

    • Posted

      Hi Tina no I didnt crave sugar and I dont ever crave sugar. I used to love cookies, chocolate and ice cream now I dont want any of that. I miss it. I know how you feel about being so low. I get that way too. Try and remember that how you feel right now is hormone related and eventually it will change. You will have days where you are bubbly again. I will be praying for you. Thank you for your response.
  • Posted

    I get this too it's a really shaky feeling inside and feels horrible now I just try to tell myself that it's only hormones but it's really hard to focus on that sometimes .

    • Posted

      Hi it is a horrible feeling. This happened at the gym before and I had to run out of class and get to my car. I thought I was going to pass out. The shaking is scary....we go through so much with this peri business. Cant wait until its over and we can all feel normal again. Thank you for your response smile

    • Posted

      My heart goes out to you my dear - I have never gotten that low - I have been hypoglycemic for many many years - I stay low carb, carry low carb snack food - eat small amounts every 2 hours - no caffeine, no sweets, carry almond butter and a spoon - buy gluten free stuff when I see something I like  - I like pancakes so I buy gluten free waffles, use a very small amount of real butter and use a low carb syrup - I find the brand Cary's doesn't bother me but you do have to try them and see which works best for you 

    • Posted

      Hello, We have to rearrange everything with this peri stuff. Hopefully one day we can go back to eating some things without worry. Thank you for the response smile

  • Posted

    Hi there!  I'm not sure if it is low blood sugar but due to feeling sluggish and tired I find I need to eat more often. This of course leads to taking in extra calories than I'm used to and voila, weight gain! My anxiety seems to centre mostly on all the weird physical symptoms I'm experiencing for the first time. 

    • Posted

      Reach for veggies  there are also low carb protein drinks and eat oatmeal mixed with chopped apple slices and a bit of cinnamon - try some trail mix - hard boil eggs and keep them in the fridge - a quick grab and go - 
    • Posted

      Hello we cant win with to stay less fatigued and active.....but gain weight because of the dang feelings of fatigue. Dang hormones! Hoping it all gets better for all of us soon. Thank you for your response smile

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