Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??
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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.
Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.
I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!
However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.
Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!
I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.
I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.
I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !
So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???
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perri28025 goldfinch
Hi Goldfinch
I have just read your thread with great interest as thought I was going mad with my symptoms over the last 10 years. I am 57 and for the last 10 years have been suffering joint & muscle pain first in elbows, then shoulders, hips then knees, all x- rayed & told osteoarthritis related. I also have Heberdens nodes on all of my fingers & thumbs like an 80 year old. I was diagnosed Hypothroid at 52 & was vitamin D deficient & anaemic, still on 75mg Levo and going through Menopause from hell. Day/night sweats crying, muscle ache, constant migraines, which interestingly I also had before I had my 3 grown up sons prior to pregnancy, so must be hormone related. Also feeling like my joy has gone and find it hard to look forward to anything. My GP says it is just my age ( He is a man ) Have appointment next week to check blood levels for Thyroid and I have never been offered HRT, only Citalopram for depression & Diclofenac for joint pain. I also feel like I have aged at least 20 years, as cannot walk very far without having to rest & have to sit down to do things like gargening & cannot kneel any more due to pain. I also have had no periods for just over a year and just before they stopped, were extremely heavy & every 3 weeks.
shari73874 perri28025
I see that your post was from a year ago. I'm also feeling a lot like you are saying. I'm 58 and up until last year had a couple periods here and there. I was also achy most of the time in my joints and muscles from what I've been told was Fibromyalgia, which I've had for 27 years. I had been put on progesterone cream for estrogen dominance which was causing spotting. This year, the periods are finally done but now I am in severe pain in my knees, thighs and hip joints. Everything feels like it is burning and it makes me feel sick. On top of that I don't sleep well at night and have fatigue from the Fibromyalgia everyday, which I basically have to work around each day to get things done. I'm watching my friends and family go on vacations and enjoying outings while I'm here at home because going out hurts too much. My joy is gone too. I feel like I am just trying to get through each day but it is getting harder not easier as they said it would be. They say that exercise is good but when I get on my stationary bike even once a day I wind up with swollen, painful joints that takes days to improve so my plan lose weight through daily gentle exercise has been scrapped. I'm heading back to the doctors again and hoping to get some answers, also wanting to get back on Doclofenac myself. It seemed like the only thing that helped my pain in the past. I hope things improved for you over the past year and that you got better pain relief.
mrs_susan74280 perri28025
MirandaM shari73874
Hi there.. This thread is so old I don’t think you are going to get a response from the original poster. I might wrong however thought I would chime in. It seems that the new, maybe old but no one talked about it, symptoms of menopause are pain EVERYWHERE which is being diagnosed as fibromyalgia which I am wondering if it isn’t the new excuse doctors are using and not really whats going on. One minute we are getting old but doing alright, menopause hits and we are suddenly disabled. I don’t know about you but I went from being a woman who could do just about anything and was looking forward to menopause so I could have some years to not have to worry about bleeding a week out of every month and no more pregnancy scares to old and unable to function hardly at all. I choose not to do HRT because cancer runs in my family but now this. Doctors didn’t want to treat the pain when it started as addiction is now more important then quality of life. As a result I could not kerp up with the exercise that had been so much of my life and weight gain, disabling pain, and loss of life in my opinion. I don’t think the medical community is interested in older women beyond the $$$ that constantly running to the doctor brings them. I so very fustrated. I am looking to unconventional thearapy like CBD oil if I can find a supplier at a reasonable price or learn to make my own
and prayer 🙏
sue93674 MirandaM
Hi Miranda,
Im still here on this thread. I feel for you....I also feel pretty disabled. Pain everywhere as you, and a lack of motivation to do ANYTHING. and I AM on HRT! I come home from work and sit on the couch until its time to go to bed. This has not been me historically. I just feel shot, without any energy at all. I need to address how I eat yet Im so exhausted I dont care enough to address it...I dont have a kick start to do so. I don't want the kick start to be becoming more ill! Im the primary breadwinner so its very concerning if things get worse. I share your frustration!
Good luck to you!
cheryl1958 sue93674
Hi Sue,
I'm new to this forum and haven't read everything so I may be off base replying to you but it may help someone else.
Im 59 and went through almost 10 years of misery, countless doctors and specialists (I'm from the U.S.), various diagnoses including fibro, chronic mono, depressionbreathing at times took to much energy, I wanted to sleep ..forever,life had no joy or happiness. Brutal night sweats, not getting into rem sleep, serve joint pain throughout, weight gain, allergies to everything .... I could not get out of bed, I could barely walk with a cane. Looking back my whole system seemed to be crashing. How many times did I hear I was depressed and needed depression meds which I was allergic to and had other side effects.
Last year things got so bad my GP was going to put me in palliative care. I could not get out of bed. I was so tired and chronic pain. My background high pain tolerance, high energy and a black belt in martial arts (not wimpy).
I had been to many specialists including a hormone specialist, endocrinologist, infectious disease, cardiologist, rheumatologist, got 2nd opinions did everything they told me and still got worse. 9 years ago when it started I was on the estrogen patch .05 and progesterone cream, testosterone cream and I gained a lot of weight yet no better and stopped.
Last year, my last Dr visit before palliative care was a gynecologist for a pap smear (I had annual mammograms) since I had a hysterectomy at 42 so I didn't need pap smears as often but I still had ovaries...I thought maybe I had ovarian cancer and that would explain the extreme fatigue. I had to find a Dr office close driving was exhausting. I found one less than 1/2 mile, my final check box ...I promised my husband he was in tears watching me decline I would check all the boxes. When I went in for my visit I could not fill out the paperwork and needed help that's how tired and weak I was. I saw the Dr, I was to exhausted to really explain anything to her nor did I think it was related but I had checked a few boxes and she said she would like to start me on the estrogen patch. I told her I had tried that 9 years ago and it didn't help. She said it really helped her mom and many other women who said they feel like they've been hit with a Mac truck and can not get out of bed or function. She prescribed me .75 ...I said .75 (I had taken .50), she said yes I want it to be strong enough that you get some therapeutic benefits, it may take 3-6 months to see full benefits. I did NOT need progesterone because I did not have uterus (NOTE if you have a outer you MUST take progesterone to protect you from uterine cancer). I did not think it would do any good, but had promised my husband and had nothing at this point to loose. Within an hour of applying the patch, it felt like I had been given an IV of medicine, it was that immediate. Breathing felt easier, as goofy as this sounds felt like my blood was circulating the list could go on. A big difference is the severity of the joint pain was gone, after a period of time the debilitating fatigue left. I tried to lower the dose to .05 and that was a disaster.
What brings me to this forum, past few days both shoulder joints were hurting pretty bad again, my hips, knees & etc. Last night was time to change the patch and I accidentally left the old one on so got a little higher does ...surprising, shoulder pain gone so I started googling the connection. I also can't prove it but strongly feel some patches are not as potent as others. If I rip off and apply a new one I get immediate relief which confirms my suspicion. But they are not cheap and I can't use up my "doses". Fisher been almost a year now. The black hole is gone. For me it turns out I needed a higher does of estrogen for it to be effective. Yet what about all that "estrogen dominance"??? I had all the symptoms ... Yet more estrogen made it go away. I initially gained about 8lbs but that has gone away.
My gynecologist I initially said unfortunately when I go off and at some point we will have to weight the risks against the benefits that all the symptoms would return.
To recap the above HRT did not work for me initially because the dose was NOT strong enough. The right dose helped with many other health issues and for me has a direct impact on joint pain. I hope this will help someone other person!!
lisa02072 cheryl1958
Hi there, I am new to this and feeling very nervous. I have reached the wnd of my tether with not knowing what is wrong with me. I have a long story but need to tak to someone that will listen and not tell me I need referring to a psychiatrist!!!
cheryl1958, your story is 100% a carbon copy of mine. I fell ill in June 2015 with urinary E Coli that was antibiotic resistant, this resulted in me being hospitalised (privately) as NHS said I was fine even though I had become bed bound for 3 months with excruciating abdominal pain and blood in urine. I ended up having urethral dialation surgery and a bladder wash during surgery. I eventually went back to work in Jan 16 for 7 months but during that time started to get awful pain in my left elbow. I took myself to A&E on my way home from work and had an X ray. I thought I had broken it. But no so was sent home. This continued to this day feeling like I have brojen elbows as well as crashing debilitating fatigue, a zombie like state, severe weakness and shakyness in my legs both of which have resulted in me having to quit work in March 17. Things have progressively got worse, dripping in sweat, weight gain, pain, decreased wakefullness, no energy WHATSOEVER. I have seen Rheumatologists, Endocrinologists, gynaecologists, as well as being tested for MS, Rhematoid arthritis, Lyme Disease, Lupus, thyroid problems, heart peoblems, Lyme Disease all of which have come back normal. I have had twenty FBC’s in 22 months. ALL FINE.
I cannot remember anything and my body feels like it is made of lead. I rarely leave the house as I feel so ill!!!!
I now have the most awful metal/rot taste in my mouth that has been there for 7 months.....PLEASE HELP.
I begged my doc for HET (as have a zillion other Peri symptoms) and finally he gave them to me Ellest Duet 1mg. Only 2 months in but not really much difference. I am terrified I have Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Surely no one can feel this bad in Peri, I tell my husband I am ready to go to Dignitas.
I am 46 btw.
MirandaM cheryl1958
MirandaM lisa02072
angela53572 MirandaM
Hello MirandaM, I am so glad to find others experiencing this pain. After I stopped taking birth control pills in December I immediately went into menopause mode. No hot flashes, No menstrual cycle since I stopped the birth control pills however the joint pain and stiffness is unbearable some days. I'm experiencing pain in both shoulders, both elbows, my fingers, my wrists, my hips and my knees. I awake in the mornings stiff as a board. I try walking but still lots of pain. If I sit for more than 5 minutes My knees and hips are in painful when I stand up. I also experience stiffness on the right side of my upper jaw. It's painful to open my mouth to brush my teeth. I have to do slow moving exercises to get it open. I went to see my nurse practitioner and did a battery of test even checked for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Everything was good. My vitamin D levels were good as well as iron level. She gave me steroids to take fro 5 days. It did give me so much relief but I just can't see myself taking them on a continuous basis. I have had some hair loss which I'm thinking it's because of the steroids. It seems the more I move around the stiffer my joints become. Just standing in place for a couple of minutes stiffens up my joints. I also experience vaginal dryness and mood swings. I am researching natural remedies for my joint pain. I'm disappointed that the nurse I was seeing couldn't help me. She didn't even recognize that it could be menopause arthritis. I discovered this by researching on my own. I'm just so glad that I'm not alone in this. My mom had both her knees replaced because of osteoarthritis but she never experience joint pain on any other part of her body. I feel alone with this. None of my friends or family members are experiencing or have experienced extreme joint pain like me. Anyway I just wanted to share. I was so excited to see this post has been kept current.
debbie36807 angela53572
jeannecatlover angela53572
I have experienced much the same. Doctors claim there is no such thing as "menopausal arthritis" and say I have PMR, but the timing for me feels like menopause caused it. If you don't know the book FLYING UP THE STAIRS by Phyllis Rickel-Wong, it's all about menopausal arthritis and has some advice about what to do.
debbie36807 jeannecatlover
sue93674 jeannecatlover
I am so grateful you all are here. The foot thing scared me....I have to walk! I’m so worried that these things won’t pass, meaning these menopause related symptoms are here to stay. I try to be more positive but that foot thing!
julie49892 sue93674
connie72847 sue93674
Hi Sue,
I want to respond to your foot pain. First I too am going thru alot of what is being said here, but I am not experiencing anything like is being said. Thankgod. I have the aches and pains, and I am 52. I have been a fitness instructor for 20 years. (pilates, personal trainer, yoga instructor, and health coach.) I specialize in bio mechanics of the body. One thing that works SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO well is a tennis ball. Place the arch of the foot on it and roll very slowly. This will hurt and feel good. The arch of the foot tends to collect a ton of pain, so be careful when you start to roll. You will find pockets of tightness, and when you do stay on it and hold and breathe for 30 seconds. Continue to roll out the foot daily. If the pain is too painful--back off on the amount of pressure that you are appling. You want to feel pain that hurts but feels good. I call that Sweetpain. Roll for about 3-5 mins. Then stand on both feet with weight evenly, and notice the difference in sensation between both legs~ it will feel like you want to lean to the side you just rolled out. I teach myofascial release (ball rolling) and this is wonderful, and yes too the arch supports are wonderful. You can roll whenever you want.
My only reply to everyone that has writen in -- yes this is horrible, and yes my mom too did not have it so bad, so what is going on here that is new? Its a crazy part of our live. I did start some great vitamins, and I had a hysterectomy in 2012, so I have NO idea when menapause is happening. I know working out is huge for me. I am taking the Maca powder that was suggested here a long time ago, and I love it. It seems to take away the sweatie part of the hot flashes. I only get them at nite. I am taking vitamins that were recommended by a friend of mine who too went thru this. I am taking Garden of Life Oceans 3 healthy hormones, Garden of Life Mood +, and New Chapter (brand) Everyday womans 40+. I started with these and the maca powder, and so far I am seeing and feeling a difference. I hope I don't get the pain like all of you are having. I do have aches and pains in all these joints but not so badly. I hope this info helps you Sue. The tennis ball is a miracle thing. I have helped tons of people in my profession with this. Good luck!
Eralc1968 sue93674
rebecca_18760 angela53572
I just read you thread and it could have been me writing . I have all the same symptoms stopped the pill in Feb and am now in Menopause. I can hardly walk and it doesn’t go away. I’m struggling to get up hills and stairs. I have just been put on HRT by by Gynocolegist who said it will help with the joint pain. He stayed the joint pain was directly related to menopause. I’m only 48 and feel like I’m an old lady. I am also taking Tumeric, Magnesium and have started making Bone Broth. I also have Plantar Fasciatis. I would love to hear any other suggestions on what to do. This is seriously taking a toll on my life just getting around is horrible.
connie72847 Eralc1968
sue93674 connie72847
Guest rebecca_18760
What I am curious about is the high number of people that stopped the pill, as I did and were thrown into this whirlwind of pain. This July 2018 will mark 3 full years. It all started with me with not being able to get out of the car easily. I wrote it off to the long car ride. Not to bore people with the details it started as "get some PT for your hips", then the upper arm, shoulder pain in right arm started [calcific tendonitis > frozen shoulder]. MRI's and blood work perfect. I wonder what pill everyone was on. I was on the generic form of Yaz for 15 years and stopped the pill at age 50 and it was like getting the rug pulled out from under me.
I went on HRT for 6 months and felt better, somewhat but the whole cancer thing scared me. I went on a 6 day steroid dose pack for a flare up of neck pain and I have to say I went from 10 on the pain scale down to a 2 or 3.
I am getting a new MRI and new blood work to rule out any rotator cuff tear. I doubt that is it because a year into this mess I got the same sort of pain in the left shoulder but not as bad. Then I get the wrist aches, thigh aches, elbow pain come and go. This tells me something else is going on. I even had blood work done to ensure I wasn't allergic to wheat. I will say, if I keep my Aleve level up, I feel ok. Night time and turning over is the worst.
I am going to find a new OB. The one I have been seeing for since I was 21 doesn't believe in testing hormones and just gave me the generic patch and progesterone pills. There has to be an answer. I seem to fit all the Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) symptoms however in 2015 my blood markers were fine however I read that you can still have PMR and have clean labs. I hear you all loud and clear out there! When it started in 2015 I thought I was dying. It really takes a toll on your psyche and it makes you depressed too. I even went for ultrasound targeted cortisone injections for the "calcium in the shoulders" and all that is gone with recent x-rays. I would feel good for a couple of months and the pain just came back which means SOMETHING is causing the INFLAMMATION. So if the calcium is gone and the pain is still there, all my injections and rounds of PT for frozen shoulder seem like I was barking up the wrong tree.
lindajft lisa02072
im curious, did you ever figure out you metal/rot taste in your mouth. I’ve been getting that periodically for over 4 years now and my doctor n dentist have no answers. My best guess is too much acid in my tummy.
im curious to hear your experience
jane34982 Guest
monique_93857 jane34982
Wish I had seen this post a while ago just to share with you my doctor told me it's bad to get on any pill for menopause because once you get off of it it comes back ten times worse with Revenge so I chose not to take anything it's been a living nightmare but it's better than going through hell after coming off of a pill I hope and pray you feel better and it gets better for you I was just speaking with another lady about all my symptoms it was horrible in the beginning hot flashes burning tongue crawly skin aching joints protect leave my hands my wrist dry mouth dry eyes nose and of course my allergies kicked up really bad since menopause also I had tummy flops which everyone else cause them stomach twitches lower back pain my feet hurt sometimes like you say the joints just ache really bad a lot have subsided or either I just don't think about him anymore I've been in since 47 I am now 53 hang in there for a while I was getting nauseous in the mornings I felt like I wanted to tip over when I was walking it is so much we go through
rose98598 cheryl1958
Thank you for posting!!! I think you just helped me figure out what is wrong with me. I can’t believe you have suffered for 10 yrs with this. I was 44 when my symptoms started -3 yrs ago now. My symptoms first started with sinuses and headaches that turned to nausea-nervousness-that didn’t last long but I never had sinus problems ever. I then started to have severe PMS and rage with horrible cramps-then the joint and body aches came. I had severe joint pain and popping-rt knee severely affected-chrushing fatigue-some days I couldn’t get my pelvis to straighten out to stand up straight-muscle/bone burning-it would burn to extend my arm out to try to make a cup of coffee/weight gain as I wanted to eat all the time. I would have to shuffle and hobble to walk into my kitchen a few feet away. It was like I had nothing to give and mentally I had lost all desire for life. I didn’t care about anything. Trying to even call to make a Drs. appointment was a struggle. I had went to 3 gynos within a years time and thank God the 3rd one said I needed hormones even though my labs were fine for estrogen. I even had a dr. tell me he would not have put me hormones as my labs didn’t show I needed it. I was like you-my whole system was shutting down and I couldn’t even pull myself up to sit up straight in the bed. Mentally-I was close to the edge as you could get. I was looking to have myself committed as I didn’t know where to turn for help and I couldn’t go on any longer like that. I had feelings of despair and it was bad!!
When I took my first estrogen pill-the nasty uterine cramps had started to subside within 2 hours and by the 3rd day I was up out of my bed walking around and mentally-the joy was coming back and I started to care about things again. Within 8 months I had felt better than I had in years. I stupidly started taking my estrogen every other day then I quit. I ended back in bed for 3 weeks-as the estrogen had to get back in my system. I told my husband that I was the tin man and the estrogen is my oil. But I never felt that good again as I did in April when I foolishly stopped taking my estrogen. I immediately started back on them and I will feel good most of the time but would go through spells of the joint and body pain and but lately it’s getting where I’m having more of the joint and body pain and less of the days where I’m feeling good. And let me tell you that the decreased mental desire-loss of joy is accompanied with the body pains-and it’s like I have nothing to give physically or mentally.
I again am wondering if I have some underlying condition that is causing this. I can’t figure out how to regulate my hormones as I would double up on my estrogen pills or skip them thinking I had too much estrogen or is it the progesterone as I hate to take it because the first month of starting biht-when I had to start taking the progesterone-I started to get the same body pains and they lowered my dose of progesterone. I barely take it now but do every so often to have a period. So I think to myself-is it low estrogen, or does it happen if I have high estrogen or low progesterone or high progesterone. Or I have low vit. D. Could that be causing it with the hormones. Within the last couple of months my symptoms are again unbearable and I stopped into a urgent care as I couldn’t take it and my arms just burned laying on my lap holding the steering wheel. When I had to fill out the paperwork I could barely write or hold the pen....just like you. The guy at the compounding pharmacy where I get my pills said I was on the lowest dose of estrogen and maybe it needed to increase. I just started taking the higher estrogen this week but really haven’t noticed the difference but I will take more to see if it helps.
I know I will be on hrt for the rest of my life and am reading a book by “menopause Barbie” that she says estrogen is like insulin-we need it and why would you take that away and we are bathed in it from birth so why would not need it any longer and it’s a huge misconception to think our bodies don’t need it just because we turn a certain age. She’s really good. If a doctor told me I could no longer have it-I wouldn’t go on as there is quality of life without it!!!! I still want to know why we are affected with the joint and body pain and others are not-is there some connection to low estrogen and something else that causes this with us?? I couldn’t believe that there is so little knowledge on hormones and menopause and how crappy we get treated from the Drs-it’s barbaric!! I also do not believe in “Estrogen Dominance” and if I read an article where they mention it-I’ll quit reading it as they don’t know what they are talking about. And to the people who say exercise and diet—I am telling you that nothing helped as I physically and mentally had nothing to give!! It’s almost indescribable and the only thing was having estrogen back in my system. I am going to up my dose and see if I can get the relief I need so thank you for sharing your story!! But if anybody wants to contact to me to see if we can figure out why this is happening to us-please do!! As I said my labs come back fine except for vitamin D-I am trying to fix that now too and my test for inflammation was perfect. My testosterone was lower 3 years ago but higher now and I don’t even take testosterone. I do have a low libido and a couple of months ago I had an extremely bad time with ovulation that I almost went to the ER with horrible uterine cramps and dizziness and all my body and joint pain came with it. I felt like I had been beaten up for three days after the episode. What hormones would causes that?? I just wish I could find a Dr. to give me these answers. Praying for us all as this is a nightmare!!
jgo jane34982
jgo rose98598
I’m on a 3 month protocol with progesterone ( 200mg untrogestan) as the prob makes me feel crap but got to take it to keep womb lining thin .
Everything I’ve read says gel plus micronised progesterone is the best choice as it’s most natural. I developed this myself - dr knew nothing.
I said exactly the same to my mother and husband , my joints made me feel like the tin man and now I can move - I out on 7 stone since this started age 44, after 6 months oestrogen I have lost ( now able to diet and excercise ) over 50 pounds and so much fitter.
I felt like I was dying , now I have my life back , and another year and I will have my weight and health back x
jgo jane34982
jgo Guest
Mine started with not being able to get out if the car too!!! Even a ten minute trip felt like hours . Don’t even go there in plane journeys!!
All my problems totally solved after some very good advice
Oestrogen gel daily ( 1 pump ) and progesterone for two weeks every three months .
I’ve researched a lot , a very lot and new data coming out says that basically if you start hormones early, Eg as not when you’re 60, the risks as fractially higher , like a hairs breadth higher , and you can take it into your 70s. I don’t jntend to stop, I was disabled with low oestrogen before and now I’m back to normal , and I only really suffered from joints, no hot flushes at night etc
jgo rebecca_18760
rose98598 jgo
I have been on .3mg em4 biest capsules for about 2 yrs. I just switched -at first I upped my dose of the biest capsules for a week then totally switched to the vivelle dot .5 patch. It’s hard enough just to find a doctor to prescribe Hrt and to get what you need.
I’m not doing good and am spiraling down. I was hoping to get immediate results with the patch but think it might have been too high as I had a I lowered the dose but-I’m having an array of symptoms and feel like I’m going downhill☹️☹️ If I don’t get any relief -I’m thinking that I will quit all together and then start over. I’m at my wits end again and feel like I cannot cope with this any more. I’m glad I have found you guys because I was wondering again if -it’s just me and I have a low pain tolerance or if this is truly debilitating and painful and life altering??
stella-z Guest
Hi tls12 and everyone in this thread, I know I'm joining the conversation very late here but I'm astounded by all the similarities. I'm 48 and I'm sure I'm perimenopausal (extremely heavy periods started a few years ago; in past 6 months, started arriving every 3 weeks, and they're strange). Last year I started having severe facial pain (story for another thread). Then this past summer I started having extreme stiffness in my hip joints, my upper legs have been aching deeply, then my upper left arm, then left shoulder, then both shoulders, both thumbs, both feet, and more recently both ankles. In addition to all of this, increasing fatigue and feeling zoned out. My gums have been receding a lot too. :\
I've had positive ANA (antinuclear antibody; possible marker for autoimmune disease; all other tests normal) for at least 20 years but never had pains until now. I'm also terrified it might be something like polymalgia or polymyositis or lupus or something even worse. So far a rheumatologist has told me she doesn't think I have connective tissue disease (like those I listed or rheumatoid arthritis) and I'm going back for follow-up next week. Tonight I'm reading so many stories of pains and stiffness similar to mine and I'm beginning to wonder if it's related to hormones and perimenopause. Thank you all for sharing your stories. If you're still around, can you post an update on how you're doing and/or whether anything has helped?
Thanks so much.
Forgot to add -- my other bloodwork result showed I'm low on Vitamin D and iron. I have wondered if that is also causing this deep pain everywhere.
rose98598 stella-z
HI Stella-z & Jgo,
I haven't posted in a while because i couldn't remember my log-in and when your not feeling well-it's the last thing you feel like doing.
I've changed my medication about 5 weeks ago to Jgo's recommendation -compounded biest (estrogen) cream twice a day. It has taken the entire time to fully get into my system and I'm improving. I still feel like my energy level could improve but at least my joint pains are better and I am getting out of bed more and doing things. I don't know if I will ever be the same again as I am still in pain some days even with the medication and I've been very bitchy. I can tell if I missed a dose or late putting my dose on as I can feel the burn-heaviness in my legs and arms start to return-I'll put my cream on but it takes a few hours or more to get rid of the burning-heaviness pain. It's my indicator that this is all from low estrogen-even if Drs. don't believe me. I am to the point with these Drs. that I can't stand any of them and I hate the fact that I have to beg for estrogen!! I also have a new development of Planter Faciatis and I believe that is also from low estrogen-Even though I have been on estrogen for 3 years-the dose was getting too low and I feel that it has damaged my ligaments and I pray that this heel pain will go away like the joint pain did with the increase of estrogen.
It is my belief that every woman who starts to have crazy symptoms in their 40's should go on estrogen and give it a couple of months to see if the symptoms start to disapate.
My advise to you Stella is to get on some estrogen and give it a few months because it takes that long to settle into your system-I improved immediately when I first started on a very low dose 3 years ago-that it was amazing. That tells me how sensitive my body is to the decline of estrogen because the dose was so small almost the lowest dose out there but as I got older the dose was not enough and it has been a long battle (a painful one) to get that delicate balance. See what happens and if your symptoms go away and then you will know if it is low estrogen or not. PS.I too have receding gums bad now too.
sasa67 cheryl1958
Hi, thank you for the interesting input. Could you let me know what product you are using? The patch?
jgo rose98598
i take oestrogel - one pump every night, thats the min dose. im on a very long cycle and only take utrogestan 200mg for 14 days every 3 months. i have no breakthrough bleeding and will pay for an annual scan, the utrogestan ( any progesterone) makes me feel soooo tired i cant take it every other two weeks - as im on min dose eistrogen this is ok.
i too have plantar fasciatus, was falsely diagnosed with osteo arthritus in every joint of my body - funny that , cured in 2 weeks!! this enabled me to lose 7 stone as i can ow excercise. my life is totally changed in a year .
jgo stella-z
what hapoened , my story the same as yours . i too have tmj face pain from low eostrogen, thiugh of course this was poo pood by dental consultant, just as osteo consuktant falsely disgnosed me with osteo
elizabeth96074 cheryl1958
Hi Cheryl, I'm 49 and having a horrendous time with peri- and what appears to be 'almost' menopause (no menses going on 6 months). You described me to a tee, at least, what I am going through right now. No joy, no motivation, and am a career woman who is now on the brink of losing her job and livelihood. For a few weeks now I've been sleeping 10+ hours and still feel fatigued, shoulder pain, can't easily wake up, etc. It's a miserable time after years of easy menses and energy. Have run 6 marathons in my life and can't even walk a mile. So, I went to my gyno and was prescribed prometrium. Initially felt better yet quickly went back to no energy. Enter estrogen supplementation. My gyno would not prescribe it "yet" since I haven't gone a full year without a period so I took matters into my own hands and found various bi-est formulations on Amazon. The lowest dose perked me up a bit but I had to double or triple it to get myself back to feeling somewhat normal. The problem is, with the re-order, the second bottle either didn't contain enough bi-est or none. Not regulated so not sure. Back to no energy. I am going to my regular MD with the data from this blog and asking for a .75 patch. I want my life back. For what it is worth, when peri symptoms first started I found all the estrogen dominance (pro-progesterone) web sites and went down the road of progesterone only supplementation. In fact overdid it with the cream and ended up with severe anxiety that took months to correct. I was a mess. Truly believe no woman should fear estrogen supplementation whether HRT or BHRT, whatever works. Just of course stay on top of it if you have a family history of breast cancer. Regular exams to monitor. Will continue to post here, share what works, what doesn't, etc. Our mommies, or at least mine, suffered in silence. Thank heavens we don't have to. The fact is look at how many of us are on this site. Too many of us ARE suffering. We need to fix the health care system (insurance in particular to cover regular testing and adjustments) and also, the workplace (same amount of time off for menopausal hormone correction just as is done for pregnancy). Well. Fingers crossed I find the answer and thank you everyone here for sharing your journey. We WILL figure this out.
rose98598 elizabeth96074
HI Cheryl,
I am learning that it is actually-mast cell activation syndrome. I am going to save you a ton of pain and heartache in your life-unlike me--what I thought was a bad menopause is really mast cell activation syndrome. My symptoms were first relieved by estrogen but as time went on only to chase my dose and not get any better. It’s actually an intense allergic reaction going on in your body. I don’t understand why estrogen helps but it made me believe for the last five years that it has been female hormone menopause related when actually it is not. try and take an H1 and an H2 blocker such as Zyrtec and Zantac at the same exact time to see if your symptoms get better. If they do then you know that it is mass cell activation syndrome. even take this dose twice a day to see if your symptoms get better and read what you can on mass cell activation syndrome. I believe that my symptoms are from an infection in my dental work somewhere maybe an allergic reaction in my dental work. Somewhere -somehow at our age something happens maybe our cells cannot detoxify properly anymore and our burden of heavy metals & allergies build up maybe with the loss of estrogen--it stresses our immune system and our bodies can no longer detoxify these things that burden our bodies and we become sick leaving us to severe fatigue and all sorts of crazy symptoms-let me know if this helps. I have suffered greatly for 5 years and every Doctor thinks I am crazy:( Hate that we suffer like this!!
whoops-this is to Elizabeth-who just posted.
glenys01549 elizabeth96074
I've been using volterol on my joints and it does ease the pain. if I am awake at night I sometimes take co-codamol which knocks me out. Although its addictive, so can only be taken for short spells occasionally it does seem to help.
elizabeth96074 rose98598
Hi Rose, Thank you so much for taking time to share your experience. You know, it is entirely possible. Not ruling ANYTHING out right now. In fact, and come to think of it, it was after I had mercury fillings removed/replaced w porcelain, in the new state we moved to, that I soon thereafter had allergies for the first time in my life. I was in my early 30's then. I chalked it up to new allergens in the state we moved to vs. anything dental related. Allergies have never been severe enough to go to an allergist and be tested so not sure on that end. Will definitely research this. Along these lines, were your allergies improved or worsened when you added estrogen (or progesterone) supplementation? Does anything stand out to you that led you to link the two around the time of menopause? Do you still use any kind of BHRT or did Zyrtec etc. take care of everything?It's a shame MD's can't spend more time with patients and be more body as a system vs. symptom oriented, especially when it comes to such a delicate balance re: hormones. MD's in the USA are now virtually all in a managed care structure (reduce cost model) and have to see so many patients each day. I have no aversion to Western medicine, believe in a balance between Western/holistic/complementary, etc. My MD does as well yet she has to abide by the health system rules and cannot prescribe anything except whatever is on the formulary. I blame the insurance companies for that since they are the ones developing and managing formularies for health systems. Don't get me started!!! 😉 Will report back. Last question for you: can you share your specific symptoms that were alleviated by taking Zyrtec? Want to compare and see if we have a treatment "match"! Take care ~
elizabeth96074 glenys01549
Hi Glenys, Thank you for sharing. I'll look into both if this gets much worse. Just trying to find answers. Did you ever try estrogen supplementation and did that work for you?
rose98598 elizabeth96074
Hi Elizabeth,
I never really had any allergies all my life. I did have some metal sensitivity but never full blown allergies. My symptoms started in 2014 -with severe uterine cramps and PMS on steroids. I then got a virus that I had a hard time recovering from and my symptoms from there morphed into the bone pain, joint pain, fatigue, muscle burn and I laid in bed for most of a year before a doctor put me on estrogen. From the moment I started taking my bi-est- I was up out of bed walking within three days and the uterine cramps almost immediately subsided. I also like you kept trying to increase my dose with no luck from the doctors (estrogen is like gold) and my symptoms waxed and waned. I did have glimpses of normalcy and periods of when my symptoms would come back and trying to up my dose I finally ordered my biest off of Amazon and got a script for 2.5 mg and I was able to increase my dose only to realize that I plateaued out I never really got better so I do not know how estrogen helps but it did!! In the beginning of this year-with my increasing of biest-I was getting worse-and that led me to keep looking for answers. I started looking over all my symptoms again and uterine cramps are a sign of anaphalaxsis allergy-so is bloating. The mast cell is a severe allergy inside your body and uterine cramps, bone pain, joint pain are symptoms of the histamine cells that sends out different mediators-prograstinlanes is the one responsible for the uterine cramps. Somehow my immune system is so stressed that I now have new allergies or intolerance is that I have never had before such as aluminum and that is causing me nausea as there is a lot of aluminum in our food and tea -I know this sounds crazy I am just learning all of this myself. So, I am just starting to heal as I just took a round of amoxicillin for my teeth but-I am wondering if it was all just a bad sinus infection. The First time I did Benadryl and a Zantac with vitamin C and P -5-P It is a form of vit B6 and all of my symptoms melted away even the planter fasciitis that I started getting this year it was amazing!! I still take my estrogen because I love my estrogen. But everything was mass cell related from some allergy and my body-my immune system not working good maybe because of the estrogen loss and actually I thought maybe I was allergic to progesterone and maybe that’s why I was getting all of this allergy stuff because I thought maybe it was a progesterone allergy. Anyway-try vit c with vit b6- h1 blocker and h2 blocker and see if you can get some relief-If you do you know it was from the mast cell syndrome. Then you have to try and figure out what the source of the allergy is internally could it be dental problem-sinus infection, heavy metals may be a combination of everything and with the loss of estrogen made this happens to us it is horrible!! Let me know how it goes.
ps. typing on my phone to this website is ridiculously hard So sorry for many typos LOL
jola24118 rose98598
Finally, I went to an asthma doc, and she prescribed the leukotriene inhibitor as an experiment because all my allergy tests were negative. After that, I improved and was able to breathe. Then I realized this has something to do with being allergic, even though I have no allergies and hormones. I start researching this and came across mast cells and also histamines. Basically, when hormones are out of balance and you have more estrogen and not enough of progesterone, you can have histamine intolerance symptoms, including breathing problems and muscle pain and joint pain (I will soon explain that). At that time, I experimented with taking other antihistamine staff, such as Claritin (H2 blocker), and it worked as I start feeling better. I also went on HRT.
Most recently, I developed saver muscle pains and joint paint to the point that I could not sleep and do anything. After several visits to doctors and no remedies, I start analyzing what has changed and attributed this to change in the ration of estrogen to progesterone as I increased estrogen without increasing progesterone. The other change was that I have been eating a lot of diaries, milk, etc. Then I read your post and recalled my own experience from 4 years ago. I decided to take Claritin (H2) blocker and Pepcid (H1 blocker) for my burning stomach (I think I started developing gastritis again), and it seemed to work. I start feeling better after the first dose of both (Claritin and Pepcid) as my burning muscle, joint pain, and stomach pain decreased. After the second dose, the pain was almost gone. In my case, the unbalanced hormones too much estrogen with relation to progestereon creates an infamation. Here is a blog that may explain better
So my take away is to balance the progesterone to estrogen ration and stay on the antihistamine diet. So ladies try at least the antihistamine diet and try H2 and H1 blockers and see if you feel better.
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jgo jola24118
hi Jola,
Thank you for your post, I find it all incredibly interesting. I’m on Eastrogel every day and I take progesterone for two weeks every three months to thin my womb lining . before taking the oestrogen I had dreadful pain in my ligaments which I thought was joint pain. It was his considerably with hormone treatment however in the last year it has come back with a vengeance, I feel tired after a few hours of being awake. I’ve always been very allergic to cats dogs dust other animals et cetera, so I’m wondering if I To have a mast cell issue. Are the symptoms of chronic TMJ, acid reflux, disturb sleep, very stiff hips, painful knees and massive weight gain. Would be interested to know your thoughts and if you could PM me a link for the histamine diet that would be great
malina55946 goldfinch
hello! i am in a terrible situation for the last couple of days, my joints, muscles and tendons are in fire. i cannot move or sleep properly. done all possible tests and nothing. i have all the peri shmptoms and i am almost 40 in a couple of months. any advices of how you managed to deal with you aches? i cannot live anymore. my left shoulder, arm, elbow, breast and fingers on the left part of my body are killing me. any tests i can do to find out the best treatment? thank you!
churchy1 malina55946
I have written before, the BEST cure for severe menopausal joint pain, night sweats etc. (and natural to boot with many other vitamins and iron included) is MACA ROOT! MACA ROOT! MACA ROOT!
I had all your syptoms and had many blood tests at the doctors but since then read an article in Red Magazine in which Yasmin le Bon (I think?!) had said that her menopause symptoms were predominantly severe joint pain. I have used both Seven Hills Gelatinised Maca Root Powder which is very good and also the NuU capsules (which are also very convenient if you are busy and don't have time to stir in the powder into a yoghurt or smoothie). Since posting on this forum, I have been so frustrated that many people haven't given it a whirl. It is 100% natural and a life changer. Please do give it a go and good luck!
jgo malina55946
i tried maca and it made no difference i increased the dose and was violently sick. even the thought of the smell of it is even to make me heave now.
jgo malina55946
get hrt. the gel with utrogestan. it is best started during peri, ignire any dr who says you have to wait until periods stop, rubbish.
jola24118 malina55946
Hi malina55946, I have similar pains and have been on HRT for 4 years. Went to see several doctors and have blood tests and nothing obvious with the exception of the high estrogen in relationship to progesterone. So this has to do something with imbalance hormones and most likely unbalanced estrogen. When I move I noticed that I don't feel these pains so it looks like when my blood circulate it helps. I researched this more and came with the conclusion that it somehow my uric acid, hormones imbalance and food (especially sweets or simple carbs). Then I talk to a naturopath in the store and mentioned this and he advise me to take magnesium three times/day for two weeks, also apply mangesium cream to relive the pain if is severe. So what I am going to try is to increase my dose of progesterone and magnesium and what my diet. Let you know if this works in two weeks. Cheers!
toria_07298 rose98598
estrogen heightens histamine, so if it was mast cell the estrogen would make the histamine reaction worse!
toria_07298 rose98598
estrogen makes mast cells activate 😕
megan35903 stella-z
Reading thru and came upon your remarks. they match me exactly and curious what ever happened? I too have AMA markers and severe joint paint. shaking and feel flu like all the time. hopefully you got some relief. Look forward to your rely.
corinne62311 sue93674
hi Sue, i am also on HRT (oral) and have been for going on 8 months, i am still struggling every single day. it sounds like you are still having issues too how long have you been on it ?
shannon93314 cheryl1958
i am in my 40s and was on 2mg oral estrogen as well as 2 progesterone. im not in menopause but have endometriosis. I had tge exact same crazy swollen joints ( been on bc pills or hrt since teens. 2012-20 the hrt.
A year ago this coming january it will be a twar since I went back on the pill,
ALL my " arthritis" is gone. I get up in the am without pain .
My doctor says often HRT isnt strong enough: mine wasnt! technically Im not even menopausal (49 yo) but possibly was peri before I switched back to Yasmin. I would explore that at least mention to doctor . ( my doctor said stay on this until im 60 lol the changes are so amazing once I switched.
edit: spelling. to be clear once i switched from birth control pills to Hrt, i experienced menopause symtoms. severe!
Back on the Pill now a year and i feel 20 years younger.I would look into this. i hope you feel better and find a good doctor:)
shannon93314 churchy1
although i respect your opinion going back on the bc pill got rid of ALL my symptoms . i had tried everything inc. above and hrt.
since i stooped the pill to go on hrt in 2011 ive had nothing but physical problems. i went off it 3 mos to hopefully lessen symptoms and i had an incessant period, plus my hair fell out-i was taking all those supplements mentioned. they might work for some but since resuming the bc pills ive had a total recovery from symptoms. i get my period 3x a year now. i think this should be out there bc it worked so well for me its got to help some others. I do not think one thing works for everyone, and no one should be expected to live that way! i had to see so many doctors to find the right fit for me. i have great hair and no pain:)