Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??

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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.

Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.

I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!

However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.

Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!

I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.

I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.

I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !

So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???


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    Hi everyone,

    Im glad I stumbled across this topic!! I've read through it all and recognise a lot of my symptoms. I'm 33 years old and had a total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of ovaries last year due to cancer.

    Since then I've suffered just about every side effect in the book - mood swings, hot flashes.. you name it. However my mood swings were finally diagnosed as depression and PTSD due to the trauma the hospital trust put me through due to repeated incorrect diagnosis and I have recently (well about 4 or 5 weeks ago) developed these pain symptoms.

    I've been getting extreme fatigue, joints extremely stiff and painful, my mobility is very severely reduced to the point I'm using a walking cane now, dizzy spells and my balance is shot to pieces - without my cane I'm like Bambi on ice! I unfortunately went to see the one useless doctor in my practice who told me 'oh well, you cant have HRT (tell me something I don't know) take ibuprofen' to which I politely told her I'm taking tramadol with limited effect so I'm not going to take ibuprofen instead..!!

    How long is this likely to last?? sad

  • Posted

    Hi everyone, I am so pleased to find I am not the only one who is linking sudden onset of joint pain to the menopause. My doctor told me there was no way that there was a connection. I am 56 and stopped my periods about 1 year ago and have hot flushes most days - which sometimes wake me at night too. The joint pain started with my knee joints 2 years ago which I think initially started with an injury. However, over the course of the last 6 months first one elbow became sore at night and now all my arm/hand and shoulder joints hurt all the time. I cant lift the duvet up to get out of bed without struggling and squeezing toothpaste or any ordinary tasks like that are really painful. I am taking paracetomol and ibruprofen twice a day which helps - if I dont take one dose i really do feel disabled, can hardly move! I have always been quite fit - like to exercise and walk but now I feel it is going to be difficult for me. I have had a blood test and nothing unusual for 'someone my age' came up other than slight signs of rheumatism - I was thinking I had some horrible bone cancer or something...

    I will see my GP in a couple of weeks and push him for some more information - I dont really want to be taking painkillers for ever and they only reduce the pain slightly anyway.. .....

    I will try the suggestion of cider vinegar too.


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    Hello everyone. I had one ovary removed in 2011 and the other in Nov 2012. When the second ovary was removed I entered immediate menopause with a 'bang'!! I've refused HRT to control the horrible night/day sweats. After searching the internet I came across an article from Australia detailing Chlonidine. Chlonidine is a blood pressure tablet. I now take three a night and this has stopped the flushes (I also have the option to take a further one during the day if needed). I would highly recommend this drug (would also recommend to start with one tablet and increase with the next tablet two weeks later ect). I even checked the MIMS book (drug book that the GP's use in the UK) and it is listed as an alternative to women who do not take the HRT.

    I started with the pains in my hands (plus pins and needles) 1 month after the operation in Nov 2012. Everyone put it down to carpal tunnel syndrome so I had operations on my hands to release the tunnel in June and July 2013. Unfortunately this has not stopped the pain and swelling in my hand (and now elbows, knees and feet!). I waken every night in pain with my hands and feet. I find that my fingers are very stiff. The stiffness in the fingers does ease but the pain in my hands/knees and feet are throughout the day. I love one of the previous comments in this forum stating that they felt like the 'tin man' from the Wizard of Oz, I don't think my GP will laugh when I quote this to him tomorrow but it is a very accurate description. I am going to ask the GP to refer me to a Rhematologist.

    I can not believe my luck in coming across this forum and if I find anything that helps, I'll come straight back to this forum to report. I'm going to look up apple cider vinegar.

    We all should not suffer in silence.

    Take care of yourselves.

  • Posted

    Hello Ladies,

    I've been reading all your posts since I last posted some time ago. Thought I would update you.

    I went for a routine smear test and mentioned my swollen hands and inflamed joints to ask the nurse if she knew of any other things that may help apart from what I was already doing. I get mild hot flushes which are not a problem but I get quite bad joint inflammation especially in my hands.

    At the moment I am on a low carb, high fish and veg diet and when I remember I take evening primrose oil and I munch on fresh parsley throughout the day to reduce the swelling and inflammation quickly, (it really works).

    She told me to take something called 'Glucosomide' which I haven't tried yet but then she also told me to get checked out for rheumatoid arthritis. This I did and the lady doctor said that I would almost certainly be a referral but she had some bloods taken to check and they came back normal, or virtually so.

    The lady doctor told me after looking at the results that I would not be a referral and if I can continue to control it with diet to a manageable level then keep on doing so. If it gets worse then I need to go back clearly.

    About the Glucosomide this is what wikipedia says . . .

    "Glucosamine is marketed to support the structure and function of joints and the marketing is targeted to people suffering from osteoarthritis."

    Effectively - help those with joint impairment of some sort.

    Hope this helps and have happy pain free, flush free Christmas holidays - you may use as much alcohol to achieve desired effect as you see fit biggrin

  • Posted


    I found this thread after doing a search for "menopause" and "joint pain". I'm 50 years old and have joint pain. Very infrequent menses at this stage. Can't remember the last time I had one but started to spot on Christmas day and having a very light period now, but had pain in left ovary around 2-3 weeks ago and the joint pain has been slowly building up and becoming worse.

    I agree with the frozen shoulder suggestion. The worst area for pain for me is the Achilles. My tendons are so tight I shuffle in the mornings. My right shoulder is worse than my left... as is my right knee. The cartilage problem makes sense to me... the only time I have felt "normal" in the past 2-3 ears really has been when I use estriol cream. I won't take HRT because of a history of breast cancer in the family ( I mean synthetic estrogen or progesterone which I know cannot replicate real estrogen or progesterone exactly anyway). But estriol (more natural) has been good for me as and when I need to use it.

    My GP has been pretty good although initially she did not suspect my many problems (not typical of menopause symptoms) was actually peri menopause or menopause. Symptoms were not hot sweats or the norm but rather Fibromyalgia type pain everywhere from time to time and stomach and digestion issues. My hair was falling out in handfuls on the top of the scalp and scalp itched, but no rash or redness. Test's came back that I had no inflammation when I was in pain everywhere also... my tendons feel tight... so tight sometimes I can't even wipe my own butt without struggling. Honestly. *Sigh*

    I feel a little better reading everyone's posts actually as some of you seem to have transitioned through it some and mention you feel okay. I can cope with aging, wrinkles, whatever... I just cannot cope with bald, and a hairy face as well as the joint pain. Luckily pain comes and goes. It is worst around the time before a period, during and for a week or so after and then eases off for months until the next pre menstrual time. I even had nose bleeds last week too which is not something I usually get unless I am pregnant or have higher progesterone levels (around my period).

    My GP (female) soon cottoned on and explained that my cycles are so long, that at the one end of them you estrogen levels and other sex steriods such as testosterone) can be so low you have these exaggerated symptoms, which for me were very dry joints, vagina etc as some of you have mentioned and pain everywhere. No hot sweats just feeling cold all the time and shivering. Initially I went through the Amytriptiline stuff for pain too, and tied that in with serious water retention. It seems to cause poor circulation for me and water pools in my legs and feet, so I stopped that...besides as soon as we figured it was a low estrogen problem, I know why Amytriptiline was not a good idea (much lower levels of estrogen on that than on). I also was getting increased vaginal infections with significant waiting of the vaginal walls.

    My GP explained that the lower levels of estrogen causes this and it is not a good environment in the vagina and we become more susceptible to vaginal infections etc.

    I found during that time that H2O2 douches helped (1:1 spring water and 3% hydrogen peroxide) slowly infused with a 10ML syringe. Then insertion of the estrogen cream. Eventually I did not need the douches and only needed the cream 2-3 times per week. Since doing this I have had no vaginal issues or UTI's. I take a break occasionally for a few weeks, and then go back to the cream when I feel dry etc. (It usually takes a few weeks for this to occur).

    I'm due to go get another script, I believe the cream is absorbed into the blood stream and circulates, but I have researched and estriol is the better of all types of estrogen to use for women and is the anti cancer estrogen so I feel comfortable using this, can control the amount I use and when, which makes me feel better about that than say taxing my liver and other organs with a synthetic type in pill form.

    I became so desperate with my pain and gut issues I tried Bowen therapy...after two sessions I wasted no more cash... it did nothing for me at all. I did have my hair snipped and sent away for analysis though and was very low in the following:

    Vitamin D



    All B Vitamins

    Vitamin A


    I was also intolerant to wheat, dairy etc. I have not removed all these foods but have less of them and feel a whole lot better for it than I did over a year ago. I also take a B vitamin (high potency), vitamin d, magnesium, vitamin E and Fish Oil every day simply because removing a lot of grain from my diet I know I was not getting enough and needed to get those in supplemental form. I make sure that I f

    get more sun on my skin for vitamin D as it is far superior than pill form. I now make my own sun lotion with coconut oil and zinc oxide powder and I don't use perfumed products on my skin or in my hair.

    All these things make a difference for me, and help in reducing my problems. I certainly have no hot sweats at all, and did read an article that said much of those symptoms are not normal for women and are more common in women who do not eat a whole food diet and who take a lot of processed foods etc in and who are not getting the right nutrients. Since changing my diet the "cold shivers" I had have stopped. I only really have the worst of my symptoms start just before any bleed (as I have them now) and also during as I said. At those times I will Google stuff, hence the arrival here. sad

    Just thought I would post and let people know what I've been doing. Google herbs and foods that raise estrogen and progesterone levels naturally and rule of food intolerance's and allergies most certainly. Make sure you are not deficient in anything, get plenty of sunlight and natural light if your moods are affected - it makes a difference because light is a controller of mood as vitamin D is.

    Oh and ACV, black molasses and smidgen of baking soda in the worst times have got me through too. Stress is a biggie... any rise in stress hormone will stomp all over what little natural testosterone you have and can exacerbate pain, so try to get more sleep... I had a huge habit of trying to burn the candle at both ends, not going out or getting enough fresh air and sunlight and wondered why my joints and hormones were playing up both all THREE are important for hormone production and balance!

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    and can I just say that possibly joint problems have become more common for women these days as vitamin d from lack of sunlight has become more prevalent as we use sun blockers, or don't go out as much as we did in the past. B vitamins are crucial too for hormone production, as is vitamin E for estrogen production... your ovaries never stop producing it, they just make it in smaller amounts for quite some time after menopause from my research.

    Women also start to make high testosterone which compensates for the lower estrogen levels eventually...this is why we pass through the phases as some ladies have mentioned here. By taking oral replacement you defer that natural progression, so I chose to just use estriol in the rough spots and to slightly ease the symptoms I was having. The pills are a one size fits all solution and sometimes the doses overkill. Not to mention the estrogen in them is just not natural and can never do one tenth the job that genuine estrogen can accomplish... I just steer clear of the pills for now. Sorry all that may be a bit personal but I'm sure we all are having these problems and talking about it helps others I think.

    Whenever I have pain I look at my diet and ask myself what I am missing and what I really should be doing without these days. High omega 3's (are good for inflammation) and certainly cut back on omega 6's which we tend to consume too much of anyway. Research omega 6's on Pubmed and you will find they are now being tied in with inflammation and heart disease as they tend to cause raise in bad cholesterol and I think you will find saturated fat raises good cholesterol and has EFAs also (not just fish) so is needed for hormone production too. Bone broth is a good way to get glucosamine and chondroitin in non pill form as it is full of the goodness from bone, cartilage etc. Google all that if your looking g for real ways to enhance your health naturally and with a wholesome traditional diet.

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    As I sit here teary eyed, finally finding someone(lot's of you actually) who are experiencing the same pain that I have, I find such relief in knowing I am not alone!

    I am 50, have arthritis in my hands, shoulders and neck, and thought that I was getting it everywhere as it

    seemed that all of a sudden, I was extremely stiff and in pain. It is difficult to bend down as my knees are so stiff and painful, arms hurt, and the pain in my already existing arthritis has been exasperated. I have been feeling down on myself as I thought that I had let myself go so badly, unable to stretch the way I used to, unable to move the way I used to.

    I had gone to my female doctor about a year ago complaining if peri menopausal symptoms, and unfortunately I used the word menopause, and she abruptly told me that I was 'too young' to be in menopause, and that joint pain and creaking bones was not a symptom of menopause. Needless to say, I left upset with a prescription for an antidepressant that I really didn't want to take, but had reached my wits end. The pills didn't not work, nor did the next prescription that I was given, so off of those I went, and went seeking an alternative remedy. I have been having acupuncture, with mixed results, and am going to research further more natural methods to help deal with this pain. I know that I cannot take Ibuprofen for the rest of my life, and must come up with an alternative.

    anyway, I really just wanted to thank you all for posting as I now feel secure that this pain is not just in my head! Thank you and happy new year.

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    Happy New Year to you too. Hopefully we all can find a way out of the pain.
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    I eventually got an appointment for a female GP who was very good about the dryness issue. Prescribed topical HRT for a short while. That helped. But... when describing the joint pains and clicking described as 'like twigs breaking' she said it sounds like osteo arthritis. When I questioned how come it seems to all have appeared mostly after coming off HRT she said that the HRT had masked the symptoms! First doctor said dont do Yoga, do Pilates to help. This latest said Yoga is fine. I wanted to do whatever I could for myself even if it meant more exercise or weight loss (I am not overweight anyway according to the GP). I went away a bit happier and resigned myself to the yoga once a week, stepping up the swimming to once a week too.

    However, lately the joint stiffness and slight tenderness is slightly worse but nothing I cannot handle. What is worse is the back ache that I get whenever I sit down for more than 1 hour and especially when I have been in bed. I wake up lots of times and almost wince when I need to turn over to try to get a comfortable position to sleep in to relieve the aches. So.... as another attempt at help without resorting to Ibuprofen I am off to an osteopath tomorrow to see if that can help. I am hoping they will give more informed advice about Yoga vs. Pilates and give me some exercises I can do at home. I know I cannot go on with such disturbed sleep forever and also bearing in mind that my husband must have worse sleep due to me fidgeting half the night.

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    I eventually got somewhere with my pain. Apparently I'm allergic to Soy (this causes asthma for me and wheezing), and also I have issues when eating lots of strawberries which is some research you'll find can aggravate arthritis and cause inflammation in joints.

    Al I can say is diet is everything, and especially as you get older and have a drop in hormones. As young people we forget we have an abundance of such hormones and our bodies are a little more forgiving and possibly we do not see these joint related symptoms as we have estrogen a plenty and its joint and bone protective effects. But let that drop or lower and still eat these problem foods well associated with joint pain in substantial amounts and simply removing them could make your life normal I guess.

    Apparently Strawberries, potatoes and tomatoes as an issue as well as egg plant. All of these came up on my allergy tests too, but I was in denial at the time. Then consuming a few punnets of strawberries has seen me rolling in agony. Who knew.

    Just thought I'd post that in case it helps someone. Try Googling anti inflammatory diet and give it a shot and remove the obvious foods that can exacerbate arthritis and joints before going to hormone replacement. Give it a shot!

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    Also research foods which cause arthritis or exacerbate it and keep searching. You will glean a lot and it is always worth a try removing some few nightshade foods to see if you see improvements in joint comfort.
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    First of all, thanks a lot ladies! I am in menopause, kind of early at 42, but that's just how it is. I was worried about these joint and muscle pains! Partly it has been also due to a bad bed that was way overdue for being replaced. We did get new mattresses and that has made a difference. I will try the vinegar thing and see how it goes. A few days ago my leg joint hurt so bad I was really limping. It was so embarrassing because I didn't have an injury exactly; just must be this changing estrogen problem! So difficult and annoying to live with. I hate doctors in general so I have not been lately. I did go to one last spring for a few visits but she wanted me to try to take modern medicine to make me fertile again, but I said no thanks. I take isoflavones with B vitamins and if I don't for a few days, the hot flashes start to come back. I also take fish oil capsules. I am not a doctor so this is just my experience but I really feel better when I am regularly eating a 1/4 of an avocado. It is hard to sleep at night...I guess that is part of this whole thing, but again exercise seems to help. If I did a lot of exercise it usually does help me sleep better. Sometimes I drink a really small cup of herbal tea to help me sleep before bed, or a small glass of wine.
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    After finding this site, I had to laugh at some of the posts. I have been going through the same things as the rest of you and have not found the magic answer yet.

    I did not know that the Frozen shoulder syndrome is part of menopause. I thought I had over worked/stretched my arm. I do go to a chiropractor which is who told me that I have the FS. It is very very difficult dealing with joint pain, hot flashes and weight gain. I too, do not want to do HRT because I am afraid of the side effects. I am soon to be 54 but feel much older with all the aches and pains.

    I will need to go back through the post pages to see what helpful advice might be there.



  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories. I am 49 and for the past 2 years or so have suffered from occasional severe joint pain and body aches. In my case, I literally wake up with it in the middle of the night and it immediately affects my whole body. In addition, I have occasional nausea. After thinking I was susceptible to viruses, I started keeping track. Lo and behold, both symptoms were prevalant during some periods! Not all, but some and there was a direct correlation -- I never had the pain or nausea without the period, although the nausea might start a day or two earlier regardless of my cycle. The pain is extremely severe, and for now I just put up with it and take anti-inflammatories. I intend to see a Gynecologist but have been without insurance for the last 6 months. (I lost my job a year ago but received an offer yesterday.)

    In the meantime, reading that I am not alone and how others have dealt with it is very helpful. Thanks again!

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    Hope your job offer works out.

    I think it was right at the 49-50 yr mark, that I started really noticing changes. My energy levels dropped, my appetite increased, I felt tired and the hot flashes were and still are bothersome.

    I have chose not to seek medical attention because I don't believe in taking the HRT or other prescribed drugs. I have tried some over the counter supplements and occasionally find temporary relief. I recently bought a Nutribullet and am hoping that a better diet might improve how I feel.

    Most of us believe it will be so wonderful after our monthly cycles stop. It's my opinion, I felt better physically when I had them but mentally I was crazy, with PMS. So, as I have heard, getting older is not for wimps! It's a true statement as far as I can see.

    I saw back several posts ago, information regarding apple cider vinegar/honey. Think I will buy some and try it.

    Hope to hear from others that have found relief from some of their agonizing symptoms.

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