Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??

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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.

Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.

I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!

However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.

Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!

I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.

I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.

I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !

So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???


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    Hi iris I've also just bought a nutri bullet aren't they just great?i can't believe the amount of fruit and veg combinations you can get In it and I really have found it beneficial with almost instant results,my stress levels are very High at the moment and I actually found after making up a drink in this I felt much calmer as the day was progressing.

    I would highly recommended them ,anything that makes us feel better during this awful transition is worth trying,

    I am quite shocked at how little support women get from the medical profession,even the females in it they seem to be of the attitude oh well if I coped so can you, it's dreadful,everyone has different levels of pain and severity of symptoms so that's a terrible attitude to meet with from another female.

    My bloods came back this week as borderline so when I phoned to get the results I was told the doctor said no further treatments are necessary so I responded saying not a chance I want an appointment to discuss these results and what help is on offer to me to alleviate some of these symptoms I'm not accepting that.all I got offered was a telephone call from the GP next week to discuss ,shocking what's happening to our NHS when I could pop in and have a chat with my gp.

    I also went to hosp drop in with severe groin pains a couple of weeks ago,couldn't see doctor after 2.5 hour wait there could only see a nurse who said she thought I had ovary problem and needed a scan to confirm and my hosp appointment for that will be in 4 weeks time,it's going to keep using the nutri bullet and I've found if you can add a spoonful of manukau honey and sprinkle in some ground cinnamon it really does make a difference to most of the symptoms associated with this menopause stuff for me , in only a week my sweats and joint pain have subsided greatly.

    I usually put in a few baby spinach leaves,an apple chopped up,a pear chopped up,be careful to remove seeds in apples etc as they can be dangerous so core them,some chopped up celery,don't use strawberries as they seem to exasperate joint pain,blueberries,kiwi fruit,,you can add sesame seeds or almonds etc top up to line with water then blend then enjoy,keeps well in the fridge for the rest of the day as well.hope it helps good luck all.

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    Should have added I'm using the drink as a meal replacement at lunch time as my weight has ballooned over the last year or so with no obvious other causes,according to the medics anyway.
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    For anyone who had a bad weekend...

    Saturday was dire for me I had a bad hormonal blip slap bang in the middle of my cycle, giving my really bad lower back pain which led to sciatica. Felt pretty ratty too, just wanted to curl up on the couch with a hot water bottle, but I had things to do.Then I remembered something that my great grandmother always used to say, if you're feeling unwell 'shake yourself up a bit'. Well she wasn't wrong, I went about my business all morning and drank two litres of water while I was at it and by the afternoon I felt 'normal' again and the pain was much better.

    Was it the water or the activity or both? you can drive yourself crazy trying to analyse it. I think it was probably a combination of things including not focusing on the pain. Water can certainly dilute any toxins and exercise can release endorphines.

    So girls if today is a bad day, SHAKE YOURSELVES UP A BIT!!

    Wishing you all a pain free day.

  • Posted

    Haven't finished reading all eleven pages of posts, but, relieved to know I'm not suffering alone.

    This seems to be the only forum, e-article, etc., that discusses menopausal joint pain. Such a relief..not that hot flashes are a breeze, but for those of us who are enduring this horrible joint pain, a forum like this is a blessing.

    You'd think they would put some tax dollars into coming up with research and solutions for our symptoms since so many of us are suffering. The reason they don't? Because we don't die from hot flashes or joint pain. But, they're really missing out on the $$ we'd spend on bonafide treatment that relieved our symptoms.

    Have I missed a posting beyond October, 2013, from Lesley998? Would like to know how she's doing...maybe not hearing from her means her pain is gone and she's enjoying life again.

    I find that on most message forums related to peri/menopausal symptoms, people who were once suffering just sort of disappear from the forum: would be nice to hear more people affirming that this horrible joint pain and other symptoms will end. Not being critical, just looking for a little more hope. rolleyes

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    Hi Jeanie UK-

    I do use the nutri bullet daily but noticed that mixing the veggies & fruits started making me sick to my stomach. I read that it's not good to mix both except for apple. I guess somehow apple is okay. Anyway, I actually am gaining weight which is not good. I have a fruit drink in the morning which consists of 1/2 banana, 1/2 apple, strawberries or other fruit, mixed with 1/2 almond milk and 1/2 water. The problem is the fruit being high sugar content, does not keep me full and I am then eating something more. I am short (4'-11-3/4" so every pound is noticeable. I really want to exercise but don't want to sweat (since I have hot flashes) and my joints hurt. Maybe I just need to do it and get over it. I also don't like the winter months being stuck indoors.

    Does anyone know any snap of the fingers way to get through the poor me syndrome???

    Good to read others posts.

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    Hi lesley I am exactly the same as you and 49 had pain for 3 minths now only I feel tired all the time and dont want to do any thing and when I do the pain gets worse even when im resting like you I feel as the doctor thinks im imagining it no pain killers take it off
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    Please everyone - ask for a test for Haemochromatosis. First an Iron Studies test which should include ferritin iron - if it is over 250 it is too high, and a Transferrin Saturation % - if it is over 27% it is too high. It means you have Iron Overload which increases due to the fact that you are no longer menstruating. One of the first signs is fatigue and joint pain although everyone is different. You will need to google it if you have not heard of it as there is too much to describe it. It is genetic and you may find you have relatives with it, diagnosed or not.

    Speaking from personal experience. Had a hysterectomy and oopherectomy at age 38. Immediately started iron loading into my organs but my gp was in denial and did not diagnose till 9 years later when one of my hips broke up from osteonecrosis - my blood was so thick with iron that it could not get into the finer capilliaries that feed the bone. I was the first in my surrounding families to be diagnosed.

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    I posted here on 10 January as expat, because I live in Germany. Had some trouble getting logged back onto the site, but I finally got it. I only want to follow up that I started around 10 Jan. with drinking a bit of vinegar - about 2 teaspoons or less - in a glass of sparkling water or with juice once a day. That more or less rids me of the joint pain!!!!!!! It has gone, apart from there was a little bit of tightness in my leg joints once when I forgot to drink some for several days. Seriously, try it if you haven't already. I just used the cheapest, white v i n e g a r that I use for a lot of things around the home. I am not a doctor and of course this must not be construed as medical advice, but for me this has made the hugest difference, from barely being able to walk sometimes, to no problem! Thank you, earlier posters, for the tip! I love you!!!!
  • Posted

    I have been suffering from severe joint pain since my TAH & BSO last July; also cognitively, I am in a mess, unable to concentrate, very poor memory etc to the point of not being able to carry out my duties at work. Stumbling upon and reading some of these posts have reassured me that I am not alone - I thought I was going mad cry Small comfort but a little reassuring nonetheless rolleyes
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    I discovered this site and all these posts just yesterday evening whilst hubby was watching football and I was feeling very sore due to nagging continual joint pain. I am aged 52 living a normal fairly healthy life style (non-smoker, a little overweight and consume just a tad over the recommended limit of red wine in a week!?) I've always exercised and am fairly fit and haven,t suffered any major illness and when I catch anything always seem to shake things off quickly....... But I have been suffering really sore joint pain now for around 3-4 months and at first thought it was due to the need for a new mattress or the position in which I must be sleeping as it was more of an aching feeling like when you've over-exercised and your muscles are temporarily damaged before returning to normal in a couple of days. The ache/pain started in my right shoulder but over time I now feel it all across my upper back , neck, tops of my arms where I even find putting my coat on each morning really painful when you bend your arms backwards. I struggle to lift up my feet to put sock or tights on as my groins hurt. it is really now starting to affect the way I go about my every day life but I don,t think it is something that I want to bother my GP with just yet. I had a 'well woman' check up in November 2013 and the nurse that took the blood then had me back to discuss the results said that I had been tested for 'everything' and had come back clear and satisfactory. (It included thyroid, rheumatism, signs of menopause of which she said there were none, blood sugar, cholesterol and others I've forgotten now). When I read comments on this site it really sounds to me that I am experiencing the type of joint pain that is associated with the menopause and my age would also support that statement, although i dont think i am there just yet, although my periods are not quite as regular as they used to be ..... the nurse said that it was just a 'blip'. So i am wondering if anyone could recommend any 'natural' type remedies that I could try first as I don't think I am at the HRT stage just yet. I was thinking of heading off to Holland and Barrett to try this sort of thing first before upping the profile of it by heading off for help from the professionals! (Although by the sound of some of the posts where the GPs don't want to know I'm not sure whether I want to approach them either! ....... HELP !
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    Drs rarely test for "everything" - they say they do but don't really. Did she test your Iron Studies, it should include your Ferritin Iron and your Transaction Saturation %. Ask for a copy if you have not done so, so that you can check for yourself.
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    Hello Sheryl. I had already read your earlier post regarding iron levels and it is worth asking my GP if indeed this has been tested for. She gave me a piece of paper with the results of the findings albeit pretty general in its information, but its worth checking ..... thank you. It's good to know like Lesley said in her earlier posts, that I am not going mad and starting to suffer with some kind of major bone disease which believe me, is what crosses your mind when you've never suffered much with anything major in the past, and then boom you're feeling this kind if thing all day every day!
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    I am so happy that I found this thread, and so sorry to read so many stories of pain.

    I am 50 I finished my periods 2 years ago and since then I have developed arthritis in my feet.. I am using Voltarol which seems to work and I take vitamin D.

    Some days I can't walk and it's sad not to be able to run without the fear of exacerbating the joints and risking a flare up. Also none of my family have ever had arthritis so I thought I had broken my toes or torn a ligament or tendon when I fist had a flare up.

    Thanks for the information on here and good luck to everyone on here

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    Re Haemochromatosis - I must correct myself regarding levels. For a woman, if your ferritin level is over 200 it is too high, and if your transferritin saturation % is >40, it is too high. I must have been having a bad day!
  • Posted


    In regard to iron, I really wish I could say my aches and pains were a case of iron overload. My cases was completely the opposite and I was seriously anaemic. Worst still, my GP prescribed me iron tabs, and in three months my iron levels had not altered at all... it was all done to low levels of B12 which are needed to absorb iron.

    Due to food intolerances I had leaky inflamed gut and and wasn't really absorbing any nutrients at all, so my hair was falling out in handfuls and hence all the vitamin and mineral deficiencies. I did take high doses of all vitamins I was missing and removed all problem foods as soon as I got my hair tests results back and within two months or so my health improved, but I still have lingering gut problems.

    Mainly bacterial disbiosis due to taking some drugs that the GP prescribed for acid indigestion, ulcer and IBS. All those meds do a combination of things that can lead to further problems which then start to affect your joints. In fact every time my gut problems worsen, I can't really do much and am easily injured with running or fast paced walking - mainly achilles and plantar facsitis related stuff. If you research, these muscles are the first to show signs of pain when there are git related problems or food intolerances. So its really important to test for food intolerances if you have bloating or acid indigestion. Don't just put up with it and take antacids. r

    For me my health improved a little but the gut is still playing up so of late I am taking several herbals to now address bacterial problems in the gut. Mastic Gum (found to be the best think of h.pylori - cause of ulcers occasionally and also joint pain) and DGL (degylzerated licorice) which heals an ulcerated gut and the digestive tract and also has anti bacterial properties etc. As a pleasant side effect it also lowers blood sugar or helps to control that, is good for adrenal fatigue, and is an anti inflammatory.

    The treatment for this is 2-3 months of 2-3 grams of mastic gum a day in two divided doses on an empty stomach. I take one does in the morning 30 mins before breakfast and also one dose last thing at night on an empty stomach before bed. I've been drinking a lot of coconut water which has helped to keep my hydrated. I take the DGL 30 minutes before each meal (3 meals per day).

    I've been doing this a week, and already seeing my gut symptoms from excess at christmas settle down. I tried to do the green smoothie thing following xmas but all the fibers caused extreme gas for me so I have decided to tackle the bacterial overload before going to smoothie's and eat bland food at the moment until my digestive tract heals and is in a better place.

    From there my plan is to then start to take swedish bitters before meals to help digest my foods (needed because a lot of the cause of acid indigestion is low stomach acid and I can't do that at the moment with an ulcer or inflamed guts). On top of this I plan to take calcium and magnesium to help with gut motility (needed for muscle in the gut to function well) and to add in B12 supplement (and iron and folic acid), as well as then going to the green smoothie's.

    I've seen my joint pain go away in the last week after addressing my gut problems. Most of the gut problems started to come on 3-4 years ago after excess anti biotic treatment and also NSAID all the time due to being on a waiting list for treatment for a urethral stretch. Having had 5 kids, the urethra was thickened and affecting my flow so needed to be stretched as it was causing frequent UTI's. As well as that I had issues from a caesar where uterus was adhered to bladder and had to have surgery to get those apart... much of the pain killers and anti biotics over 5 years wrecked my gut flora and gut lining.

    All I can say is if you are taking these types of meds, or find out the reason for the pain and eliminate it so you do not have to take them, as none of them are good for your body or health over the long term. Also if you have ANY gut problems whatsoever, try to heal them and do a total metabolic reset diet... I think when I am through doing this healing of my gut, I will be doing a liver cleanse with coffee enemas, because I do get a lot of issues eating high fat meals which should not be the case and can often point to lack of bile or low liver function.

    Can't do any harm trying these things if done properly and in fact mastic gum and dgl I am finding are having a lot of healing effects on go tract, and if there are any joint problems at all present with gut problems, most would be well advised to look at the connection.

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