Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??

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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.

Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.

I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!

However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.

Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!

I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.

I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.

I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !

So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???


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  • Posted

    Hello Lesley 

    lovely to to hear from you again.

     I found your discussion a year ago, and spent every waking moment catching up on all the posts, and felt an immediate relief to know what was going on with my body.  My main complaint was the awful aches & pains and not knowing why I hurt so much, so finding this discussion helped me with various options to try.

    I don't know whether you have tried acupuncture or not, but this has been a life saver for me. I too was very stiff every morning and  I was taking strong pain killers 3-4x/day, with some benefit, but since I started acupuncture, I hardly ever need them.  Also the sudden fatigue has been releaved.  Do give it a go, if not already.

    thank you for starting this forum which gives great advice and support to many ladies across the world.

    Viv x

  • Posted

    thankgoodness i have found this site! i thought i was dying. The joint pains are horrendous  i am 52 and have been perimenopausal for 3yrs or so, heavy bleeding, a few hot flushes but not all the time, i do struggle sleeping and then feel completely wiped out all day. I have been getting very emotional at the slightest thing and bad headaches around the time of my period, have only missed one so far so quite a long way to go yet i think sad But just lately, this pain which started in my elbows like a lot of you and has now spread to most of my body, it really is crippling like you all have said and i don't know if anyone else has felt a bit sick at times too but i do. The pain is very debilitating, so hard to do anything and my lower abdomen and groin are so bad that i can hardly straighten up at times. After reading these posts i do feel a bit more reassured that i am not dying lol so want to say a huge thankyou for sharing and i hope that you all feel a bit better soon, although we all know it is a long process!!!!!!!! hopefully i can find a way to deal with this xxx
    • Posted

      Hi girl, welcome. Just go and get yourself all tested, in case you were not. Pretty sure everything will come out right but it is just a precaution. It is funny how we never were tought about all that, is not?! Enjoy the ride :S

    • Posted

      Hi BellaRubia, thanks for your comment <3 dos can't find anything so thats why i looked for some sense as to why i feel this way and i fouund all the others here who feel the same way. hair is falling out too but not bald yet so all good lol. you are right, it is funny how no one ever tells you about this stuff, all i ever heard of was the hot flushes, i asked mum if she felt this way and all she can remember was the flushes and feeling faint (which i do at times) but also it wasn't the done thing for women to share how they felt, thankgoodness we think differently and can speak to each other. i hope you are doing ok, sure is a roller coaster :0 much love and light to you xx dos="" can't="" find="" anything="" so="" thats="" why="" i="" looked="" for="" some="" sense="" as="" to="" why="" i="" feel="" this="" way="" and="" i="" fouund="" all="" the="" others="" here="" who="" feel="" the="" same="" way.="" hair="" is="" falling="" out="" too="" but="" not="" bald="" yet="" so="" all="" good="" lol.="" you="" are="" right,="" it="" is="" funny="" how="" no="" one="" ever="" tells="" you="" about="" this="" stuff,="" all="" i="" ever="" heard="" of="" was="" the="" hot="" flushes,="" i="" asked="" mum="" if="" she="" felt="" this="" way="" and="" all="" she="" can="" remember="" was="" the="" flushes="" and="" feeling="" faint="" (which="" i="" do="" at="" times)="" but="" also="" it="" wasn't="" the="" done="" thing="" for="" women="" to="" share="" how="" they="" felt,="" thankgoodness="" we="" think="" differently="" and="" can="" speak="" to="" each="" other.="" i="" hope="" you="" are="" doing="" ok,="" sure="" is="" a="" roller="" coaster="" :0="" much="" love="" and="" light="" to="" you="">
    • Posted

      I have been reading around and it looks like the joint and muscle pain is because of the estrogen dominance - does not mean it is high, just the progesterone is much lower.  I am feeling MUCH better, but it took about one year, between the irregular heartbeat, dizzyness, difficulty to breath and the joint/muscle pain.  

      You can try MINOXYDIL for your hair, but the ideal would be to go to a specialist.  

      Take care!

    • Posted

      Glad to hear you are feeling better. So there is light at the end of the tunnel! The muscle and joint pains are my major issues. Interesting what you said about progesterone. I used a progesterone cream for a couple of weeks and felt a little better. I then forgot to use it and have been feeling awful, along with the return of a period( not had one for 8 months). Could be a coincidence but it seems a likely explanation. 
    • Posted

      Hi Mooma, thanks.  I am guessing you had the bleeding because you used this progesterone cream, not because you stopped it. Progesterone is the hormone that makes us bleed and is given to women so they will became more "regular".  As you stopped your progesterone level decreased dramaticaly and you became estrogen dominant again, therefore the symptoms returned sad. It is pretty much what happens when we take HRT and stop it sudenly, even though the dose you were taking was minimum.

      Good luck for you :D

    • Posted

      Hi Buddha girl,

      acupuncture has helped my debilitating pains, if you can afford it, worth every penny to get relief from pain.

      good luck


    • Posted

      Hi Bella Rubia, can I ask what the issues were you had. Did your whole experience with the joint and muscle pain last 1 yr. I've had mine now for 3 1/2 yrs and there seems no end to it. What did you do to help yourself through it. Thanks for your reply, I'm sure you are right about the progesterone xx
    • Posted

      Mooma, I would make a long list, but let me just say I had almost everything sad.  I just can't really complain about depression, insomnia or even hot flashes, that I had very few and not strong but I had a lot  From the very first basic signs, as dry eye and thining hair to really scary arrithmia,  muscular sttifness, sore lower back, shoulder, elbows, neck (that squeecked as they were about to break), it took less than 3 years.  Everything crumbled down on the third year, when I missed my first period. I use to say the door of hell were open, lol. The symptoms came as a cascade, one after another. I felt ill, as I had a bug, or a severe allergy, maybe even ashma - most of the time I was plain WEAK not tired. After that, things started to fall in place smile  I do still have some mild symptoms on the second phase of my period.

      I really think it is a question of time, not of what we take - unless you get HRT, that may give you instant relieve.  Beside that, there is no magic. Only think I can say made an immediate difference for my symptoms was EXERCISING, specially doing YOGA, that works your body and mind.  A good diet will help you on a long basis (only maybe if you eat very badly now, then the change may make a  big differende right away - not my case).  Vitamins will improve your health but unless you have a deep lack of something, it wont make a huge difference in the way you feel right now.  For instance, I had/have a small lack of vitamin D and taking it did not make any better (in fact, I started with Vitamin D even before I had all those symptoms, and it was not enough to prevent them. I even blamed the vitamins for what I felt for my symptoms started about the same time I started my vitamins)  MAGNESIUM will help with insomnia and soreness.  Soak on your bathtub WITH Epson Salt and you will feel much better.

      Do not beat yourself, do what you need.  Some times HRT is the only option if your symptoms are just umbearable.  But if they are not, just hold on, they will diminish sooner or later.

      Best luck

  • Posted


    What a blessing to find you and the other ladies.  I give all of you my sympathies in dealing with these situations. I will try to make a long story short.  I had a complete hystorectomy when I was 44, am now 67.  I took the HRT because of my age.  I stopped the HRT 9 months ago.  No problems, until 2 months later.  I woke one morning in pain it is hard to explain.  My joints, my muscles, bones, even what I call "the meat" of my body, as if I was enitirely bruised all the way through.  Even the bottom of my feet hurt  I would take anything to stop the pain.  Way more than sugessted on any of the bottles.  My hair started to fall out, I hope the inbalance of hormones is the reason why and not because of my age.  The joint pain concerned me the most, as many of  you have stated, I creaked and cracked, like unfolding some tinfoil.  I had visions of my son making visits to a convalesce home to see me.  A month ago I started using the progesterone cream.  No help.  The one visit I made to see the doctor was an embarassment.  I take antidepressants and Everything is dismissed to depression.  Seven days ago I started taking my Premiren(HRT) again.  I felt better the next day.  It is a week later and all symptoms are 90% better except the knee joint.  It feels as if it is disconnected, it creaks and throws me off balance.  I am going to make an appointment with a different doctor I have seen one time before and feel he will help me get all this under control.  He most likely will send me to a GYN doctor.  I never thought I was crazy , I thought the doctor was crazy.

    I live in the USA, in Southern California and would like to hear from all of you.  Are any of you taking the HRT, has it helped?  Has anyone noticed any hair loss along the way?

    I am so glad I kept doing these internet searches.  Maybe one day shortly I will feel like cleaning house and actually going somewhere with make up on and my hair done up.Two weeks ago I would not have said I was going to leave the house ever again.

    Thanks to everyone for the information.


    • Posted

      Kathy, I can relate.  Once everything hurt, even my feet.  I even bought those rubber soles to use inside my shoes.  High heels?!  I thought I was never be able to use them anymore. It was a terrible phase, but I am alright again.  Never took HRT, so can't help with related questions but got happy to notice that you never doubted yourself but your doctors, haha.  Way to go!  Hope you find your way to be better soon. XX
    • Posted

      Omg! I am so glad I found you!!! I have the same pain!! 

      I have joint and muscle pain that has increased exponentially in the last year (since Peri started with a vengeance). AND I pull muscles VERY easily. If I lift something that is a couple pounds, I will pull a muscle. I pulled a muscle flushing a commercial toilet that had a hard to push handle! I was in a sling for a week! I pulled the muscles in my triceps chopping onions! It hurts to wash my hair! Blow drying is toture lifting my arms up--shoulders seize up.

      I was VERY active my whole life. An Aerobics instructor and competitive figure skater in my 20s and 30s. NOW, I move like an old woman. It hurts to get in and out of the car... It hurts to get up and down from the couch and I have to lean on things to do it. It hurts to go down stairs -- my knees KILL. It hurts and I need to use my arms to help me get up and down from the toilet.  

      My elbows, neck and knees have sharp shooting pains at times and my calves, feet, back, shoulder and arms are achy all the time. I know moving is important so I have tried to do light exercise many times over the last year. This week, I walked 3x for 20-30 minutes, and the 30 minute walks were broken into one 15 in the a.m. and one 15 in the p.m. Today, I can barely move as a result. You would think I went to some hard-core training camp and lifted weights lifting and did Burpees. All I did is walk! In supportive shoes... and not that fast! I strolled by most people's standards.

      When the joint pain, stiffness and muscle pulls first started happening almost one year to the day, I thought FOR SURE I had polymyocitis (my dad and grandma had it) or arthritis or worse. But I have been tested and tested and tested again. I don't have ANYTHING. In the meantime, exercise used to make me HAPPY and give me an adrenaline rush. Now, I feel WORSE after I exercise...MUCH WORSE.

      i don't want western medicine HRT as bio-Id est drops and progest cream with a low dose of armour thyroid worked for about six months but now the pain is back... I have a message into my naturopath. My western GP wants me to get gastric bypass (I need to lose 50 pounds but it's a chicken and an egg thing--the menopause symptoms are making it hard to get exercise. My psychiatrist wants me to take antidepressants, which I just weaned off after 17 years and my gyno wants me to take HRT pills or the patch but I don't want cancer. Friends say acupuncture... Others swear by yoga...ahhhhhhh!

      thanks for letting me vent!!! I feel so understood reading your posts! 

    • Posted

      My feet hurt too. It's awful. I can't wear heels and had resigned myself to be forever in flat shoes and trainers, so it's encouraging to hear that they cleared up. I have the muscle and joint pain too and have always felt it could be hormonal. Most of th Drs have been a little dismissive of this but havnt been able to offer any other explanation other than the usual stress/ anxiety. Sorry can't help about the HRT but hopefully someone else will be able to xx
    • Posted

      I take vitamin D310ug – B6 150mg in the mornings. In the evening I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again! Doctors don’t seem to know enough about the change & as long as you get all your blood test done, its better trying an alternative. I don’t want HRT as they say when you stop taking them the symptom’s come back? My sister takes HRT & swears by them! she did try to come off slowly but went back on them as she really couldn't cope with out them!
    • Posted

      Kim, like other ladies on this site will say - you are telling a story of my life! Well, a bit exagerrated as I am probably not as sporty as you are. But yes, I had it all. What helps me, is magnesium spray/oil, it is totally harmless and can be bought from Holland and Barrett (if you are UK based) or any health shop I'm sure. You can use it as much as you like, as often as you like - it is a saviour for me. Especially, for my knees, and my face - my jaws hurt so bad I can't smile! Try it out - it may help you too. I take a bath with magnesium salt every now and again. Because I still have my periods, the latest consultant I've seen told me that HRT would not be good for me, but I will be fitted with a Mirena coil. I'm up for anything - in the hope it helps.

      But it is very important to keep checking and doing tests - to be abolutely sure that there are no hidden illnesses. I had a biopsy taken (clear- TG) and I will be checked for endemetriosis and other things. Do make sure you keep doctors checking all possible and impossible - better safe than sorry! I know it's tiring, especially in our condition, but we have to!

      Hope you will get better soon


    • Posted

      Thank you, Kat! One of the only times I don't hurt is in an Epsom Salt bath so I will look into that! I haven't heard of the spray as I am in the US but I can find and order. Thank you so much for your reply!!
    • Posted

      I can relate to the jaw thing. I have that too. It's so horrible and really difficult to deal with. Xxxx
    • Posted

      Haaaa, Kim, so sorry to hear that is taking this much to you to feel better.  But I do relly it is going to improve - I was never the luckiest one, I am sure I wont be the only here!  it is a question of time.  It is still weird, for me it has straight relation to my period, whenever I have one, the pain, now mild,  starts aroud the 3rd day and goes with the period for how long it stands. Fortunately it takes like more 3 or 4 days, and I am feeling loose and fine again.  That is the way I found it is hormone related, even though the doctors do not agree. But, as they found NOTHING, they have to swallow my sugestions, lol.

      Yes, yes, yes, DO YOGA, do this for yourself.  Much better than giving money to a masseuse or chiropractor. Alas, my chiropractor took a lot of my time and money with therapy that I did not need.


    • Posted

      Hi Kim,

                Obviously, the 50lbs have to go.You WILL feel much better if you don't have to carry that around. Have you heard of the 5:2 diet? It is a lifetime way of eating. The idea is that you eat normally (and healthily) for 5 days and fast for 2 days.on the fasting days you consume 500 calories and they can be non-consecutive days. It is easy to do and it works. The research done on fasting suggests that fasting reduces our levels of certain hormones that can set us up for illnesses later on. It can reduce your chances of cancers , diabetes and heart disease by 50%. I watched a documentary about this the other day and I am convinced that it has a lot of merit. I am going to read his book first and then get the blood tests done to see what my levels of the bad stuff is, and then both my husband and I will follow this eating regime for 5 weeks and then re-test and see what happens. I am quite slim, but have lots of menopause problems and am determined to be as healthy as i can to fight the battle. I am convinced thaty there will be many benefits from this course of action--am excited about it and I have already tried the fasting on non-consecutive days and found it to be very easy. I thought I wouldn't be able to handle it because I get low blood sugar very readily--but I was fine. Give it a go--it won't do any harm--but read the book first so you understand what it is that you are achieving and how to go about the fasting part properly to obtain maximum benifit.

      Good Luck,


    • Posted

      Coralie, I have just searched but there is no much info online about this diet.  Let us know more, I AM very interested smile
    • Posted

      Hi Coralie!  yes, I know of the diet-a-day/off-a-day and I do believe it works because digestion raises your metabolism so if you eat a normal amount of calories one day and get your metaoblic furnace burning then don't give it enough calofies the next (or whatever time period is part of the regime) you are forcing your body to use stored fat or blood sugar.  If one just diets, metabolism drops.  I know a lot about dieting and losing weight because I gained and lost this 50 pounds 50 times throughout my life.  My GP thinks I should have weight loss surgery (the "sleeve" gastronomy) and I am considering it for next year when it will be covered by insurance.  I know myself and I know while I can lose a lot, with my job and 4 hour r/t commute, I won't keep it off.  And the next time I do lose 50 pounds, it needs to be forever.  In the meantime, though, I will do as much as I can before the surgery.  I tend to do best on lower carb (no refined wheat products)/lean protein regiments.  I don't need a day off because I actually like to eat healthy and don't crave fat or sugar --portions have always been my problem (hence the surgery recommendation).  I think this is a UK forum, correct?  I am American.  Portions are a HUGE (pun intended) problem here.  smile  Thanks for the kind reply!
    • Posted

      Bella and all, I went for a walk today... I stretched like mad first.  Walked slowly (a leisurly stroll by most people's standards).  I walked for a shorter time (20 minutes) than I did last week... I felt decent during.  I felt OK at the end - no pulled muscles, but now... Now, I cannot move.  I am stiff as a board everywhere. My ankles and feet are killing me.  My back is freezing up in pain.  My head hurts... I feel pressure behind my eyes... I just took three Advil and am lying on the couch.  I'm in tears from the exhaustion.  This is so disheartening.  Oh, well... at least I had my blood drawn today and see my doc this week.  Keeping the faith... smile
    • Posted

      Kim, I am sorry for you, dear...  Even in my worse days, walking would improve me.  Good that you have tested your blood, maybe you find you need any vitamin.  Have you tried ginger and purple foods, yet?  I posted something about that last week.  I found those things to help with joint and muscle pain.  Use them as much as possible., specially beats and ginger! You may even try a morning juice with lots of ginger, beets, apples, orange and whatever more you feel like smile. This week I had "sore skin", as I had pumped on somethings, only I had not!  The juice worked wonders.  Hugs.
    • Posted

      Bella! Thanks! I DID! I am working purple into my shopping list! Today I grilled purple Kale! Woot smile and I have added ginger and other things to my list. Also found a list of 12 foods that fight inflammation like raspberries, ginger, turmeric, tomatoes, blueberries, tart cherry, salmon, kale, almonds, etc... I bought them all and had healthy feasts all weekend. I won't give up! Thanks again for your kind reply smile!!!
    • Posted

      Hi BellaRubia,

                           My apologies for taking so long to reply, We live in Australia and we breed Wagyu cattle. We have just spent the last week out west at our breeding properties mustering and branding.I don't have a computer or mobile service out there, nor any time to spend using either. It was 40 degrees by 2.00pm every day. We muster and draft in the afternoons and begin branding at daylight every morning. I am 62 today and despite my menopause problems--I am still doing the same work as the men. Chasing cattle through heavy timber and creek country on motor-bikes is very physical and challenging. Everything is so much harder now because of menopause.

      However, I can truthfully say that I feel the best when I am eating sensibly (for me that means low Calories--moderate protiens and low fat and now utilizing the 5:2 method of eating). I have more energy and less pain. I feel that I am not as exhausted after a week of rough work in the dust and heat, nor am I as stiff and sore after it either--so it must be doing some good in my body somewhere!

      If you are speaking with anyone about it make sure you get across to them that the "fast" part means food fasting and not speedy. There is no such thing in the world of dieting that is sustainable and is fast/speedy.

      This lifestyle change is very "do-able" You WILL have success and feel so much better for it. Good luck.


      Emis Moderator comment: I have replaced the links etc provided with a link to an article on the 5:2 diet on this website which includes links in the references for further reading.

    • Posted

      Hi Kim,

                You sound as if it has been a life time struggle with food for you. When you diet--do you just go "cold turkey" with your portion reductions? Can you prepare for the final battle with this by very gradually reducing portion size each week for 2 months to give your stomach a chance to shrink and therefore feel full for a lesser amount. Can you change your mindset about food and look at it simply as just the fuel you need to keep going and not as the best or most comforting comforting thing to look forward to during the day. Just a couple of ideas--you probably have tried them all.


    • Posted

      Coralie... you are right... it has been.  I like your ideas.  Yes, generally, I have been an "all or nothing" type my whole life, which is a problem.  I have learned to be more balanced now in my middle years but your timing is amazing!  I just received some blood work back and my chloresterol is bad... bad bad... and blood sugar too.  I am afraid for my health, I must do something a bit drastic -- at least cut out red meat and fat immediately.  I go back to the doc next week so I'll see what she says.  Truthfully, now I'm a little scared.  I don't want to drop dead.  My poor family if I did.  Anyway, your reply was very timely and I appreciate it! xo
    • Posted

      No problem, Coralie!  Sounds like you have a fun and buzy life :D. I guess it has been difficult due to all this peri/meno thing, but I am happy to know that you are managing well.

      i will take a look.  I got about the "fast" part.  I am not really on the heavy side, for I am a picky eater, but I am more concerned to my husband.  Anyway, I do not think he will be able to follow any diet, lol, but if I loose a good 6 pounds, I am sure I will feel better, too.  

      Thanks for the reply, I have just seen that now.



    • Posted

      Hello Kathy

      ive more or less got everything that Lesley states she has n I've been told I have degenerative arthritis sad but the joints in my knees are creeping n cracking n groaning the pain down my leg is excruciating like toothache 24/7 if I had the guts n a very sharp knife it would be chopped off 

      like you my bones ache & late last year my feet killed me n I was worried I had something seriously wrong with the intense pain and its impact on my activities I've been in full time employment for 20yrs as a healthcare professional  and have worked over my full time hours on regular basis I went part time last year and since December gone down hill rapid I'm making an appointment tomorrow to discuss with my gp if she can trial me on hrt to see if my symptoms improve anything is worth a try rather than this excruciating pain 24/7 

      i hope you are feeling better x 

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