Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??

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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.

Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.

I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!

However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.

Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!

I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.

I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.

I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !

So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???


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  • Posted

    Hi Lesley,

    Reading you letter has put me at ease a little. The past 3 days I have been experiencing lower back pain and hip and pelvic aches. I feel bruised? I have been having hot flashes since age 37 and now at 51 they are getting worse and worse. I can't sleep, but then am tired all day. I have night sweats and panic attacks. My head feels like I am in a fog. Like coming out of a migraine headache. I have no energy. I too started to feel like I had some fatal bone disease, making me afraid to go to the doctor. Last year I didn't get a period for 5 months and then got a few very severe ones. Now I have not had one for 2 months again, but feel like I am about to get one? I need suggestions about what I can try to start to feel better. Thank you so much for posting your experience.

    Patty Klawitter

  • Posted

    Hi Lesley , I have almost identical symptoms to you . 

    Just wondereed what happened next ?  Did you find anything that helped ? 

    Im getting pretty desparate for help 

  • Posted

    Dear Lesley,

    oh my gosh I'm so glad I found your post, because I have been going through the same thing. Totally feel like I am losing my mind in paranoia... Kept thinking it was bone cancer etc. I am seeing a hormone replacement therapy for non synthetic hormones and we are trying to figure out how to balance everything. I went from feeling on top of the world a few months ago to feeling like I am a hundred years old. my hands hurt my fingers hurt my shoulder hurts and my feet hurt. Please know you are not alone. I just turned 53 in February and have always been In excellent shape... now I feel so bloated and swollen I don't even feel comfortable wearing a pair of jeans this is unacceptable.

  • Posted

    Hi Lesley I have identical symptoms to you, the well woman clinic prescribed HRT... Before I go down that line I wanted to research other ideas and gain as much info as possible, I would be interested to know how you have managed your Symptoms, I don't suffer Hot flushes or night sweats, I do however have dry eye, aching joints, arthritic signs appearing in finger joints, stiff legs when I first stand up from sitting or lying down, I excercise, and walk every day, I'm not particularly moody but I am fatigued quite easily, and I crave the get up and go I seem to be losing ... Thanks
    • Posted


      I was like you looking for anything that would help. Decided enough was enough and to give the HRT a try 3 to 6 months and I'm so glad I did.

    • Posted

      Thank you zigangie for your reply, I have heard a few people say that they have felt weepy and could cry at the drop of a hat, I don't want to be unhappy .. I just wanted to replace the oestrogen really without all the side effects, I've not had a period for 2 years and I didn't want sore breast if I've not got them now, does it wear off after s while... When you say you feel so much better, in what way? Thank you and sorry for all the questions Dede
    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie, I'm the same, I would really like to know whether you experienced any side effects of HRT, although I'm sure it depends on what you're on and in what doses. What are you taking? I too dread getting things like sore boobs, bloatedness, weight gain...did you have any of that? Did it help with aching (arthritic feeling) joints?
    • Posted

      Hi Anna,

      I haven't had any negative symptoms (felt a bit odd first progesterone pill I took but it may have just been my worry that after the lovely estrogen results, knowing my luck I would be progesterone intolerant).

      I'm getting a 7 to 8 day bleed and I'm a bit bloated just before it but I always did when my period was due. It goes down on the second day so 4 days at most.

      Very slight sore boobs at 6 to 8 weeks in when I got a bit of a return of a few peri problems, they were no where near as bad as I had them in early peri.

    • Posted

      Sorry I sent that post before I finished answering. I've lost 6 lbs without trying.

      I had awful sore feet and hobbled about for a few minutes every time I stood up, that went within 2 weeks and has not happened since.

      I occasionally get things anxiety and depression but they are transient like they were in early peri.

      I have a problem with my shoulders, they haven't got better but before I kept feeling they were getting worse.

      I'm taking oestrogel and Utrogestan. I researched and decided that's what I wanted to try and asked my doctor for them. She had offered horse urine in the past but if that was all that was available I wouldn't have taken it because I feel it's unethical.

      It was amazing for my sleep but only during the first week so I will ask the doctor when I see her if I can try a higher dose for a month to see if it improves again.

      At the moment it's like it was early peri again where I wake at 3 am. But that is better than it was as I was not getting to sleep at all until 5 or 6 am and then having zombie days or sleeping in.

      So many things improved I can actually go shopping without having to worry where the nearest loo is, I still get up once a night for the loo but that's better than the 3 and sometimes 4 that it had become.

      Libido and being to hot (the reasons for trying it) also got better quite fast within 2 weeks.

      I'm at about week 15 now.

    • Posted

      Sounds likes it's working well for you Zigangie, I'm pleased I've read your post.. Thank you
  • Posted

    • Posted

      Hi James,

      Lovely to see a caring guy on here. Just hang on in there and pray it doesn't go on for too long.

      If she needs to see a doctor about things maybe go with her?

      I was having so much trouble with sleep early on and asked for help sleeping pills anything.

      They didn't seem to be listening, I took my husband along with me and he backed me up and also said his sleep was being disturbed too as I was up and down all night.

      They gave me some then, I don't know if just because he was suffering too or if they just thought I was a hypochondriac!

      I take him along now if I feel they are not listening to me.

      Take care.

  • Posted

    I am so glad I found your post. I am in the US and am having a hard time finding what is wrong. I did find a doctor that has told me all the pain I am suffering is hormones, but she is halfway across the country. My GP was pointless. I saw a Rheumatologis and he want to treat me for ostioarthrisis in my knee which I have, but that is not what is hurting. He had not explanation for what is wrong except it could be fibromylagia. I don't think it is. My pain is very similar to yours. It seemed to just happen overnight and is progressivly getting worse. My legs get very stiff after sitting too long or standing in one place too long. I have terrible pain in my right shoulder, elbow and both thumbs. It makes doing anything very painful. I am a hairdresser and I have to work. I'be been taking ibuprophen like candy and found some enzymes that seem to help with inflmation. I am excersising and stretching everyday. I get myofascial release massages per my chriopractors suggestion, but non of this is helping. I have small children, 6 year old twin boys and 9 year old daughter. I had my children in my 40's. It is sad when your kids ask why are you so slow and why can't you run anymore. I don't want my kids to have these memories of their mother! I am active and play sports with them, but right now I can't.

    I saw a new gynocologist who specilazes in menopause. She, however, didn't think my pain is associated with perimenopause. I told her what my cycles have been like and she suggested to go on birth control pills that provide progesterone and estrogine. I have to wait for my cycle to start to start using them. I do ok with the pill so I am going to try it. If this works then I know what I'm dealing with and can look for more natural ways of coping.

    It is frustrating trying to get a doctor to listen to you and do some research to see if what you are going through is perimenoupause.

    Thank you for starting the conversation!


    • Posted

      I don't really have tingling in my feet but it all started with Morton's neuroma in my feet. I thought me toes were broken! It is still going on one foot then the other. I know what to do about them, but I want to know why it is happening. I don't like to treat symtoms, I want the cause and get rid of it. 

      I would love to know what worked for you. How do you private message here?

    • Posted

      After looking up Morton's neuroma, I would say that I could've been diagnosed with that in the beginning. My symptoms begain with a tingling, numbness in my feet right along the time I developed the clicking in my hips followed by the muscle tightness.  I don't know your history but I bet if I went to an orthopedic doctor in the beginning, I could have been diagnosed with that just as easily as myositis. 
    • Posted

      I went to the foot dr and he fitted me with orthotics that I were in my shoes. I'm a hairdresser so I'm on my feet all day, even at home. When it flairs up I wear the pads he made me before the orthotics came in with the orthotics. I helps a lot. Keeping weight off the ball of the foot and where the neuroma is helps it heal as well as wearing yoga sandles when I'm home, they have the toe separators in them. Separating the toes helps relieve the pinched nerve.

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