Perimenopause and SEVERE joint pain - any one else??

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I am 50 and have been in perimenopause for some time. I just wanted to post here to see if anyone else has suffered extreme joint pain as a result of fluctuating estrogen.

Quick history: regular as clockwork from the age of 13 - up to and after the two pregnancies in my thirties.Then aged 47 I started to get very heavy and irregular periods. Then I went for six months with no period at all, then two very scant light periods in quick succession. I have had nothing now for two months but I do feel as if it might happen soon as sore boobs etc.

I have never had a hot flush. I do however have lots of other peri symptoms, including insomnia, heart palpitations and skipped beats, and a strange 'rushing' or whooshing feeling which starts in the abdomen which I think is an 'adrenal' surge. I also have other vague and odd symptoms, dry eyes and inside my nose, and a really vile taste in my mouth sometimes - I mean really vile, like a chemical taste, unrelated to anything I have eaten. I also have odd tingling skin sometimes, which I can only describe as feeling like 'cold' sunburn!

However, about the joint pain. Three months ago I literally woke up one morning with a sore left arm/elbow. Over a few days, the pain then moved into my shoulders, and I got really worried as if was incredibly painful, and showed no signs of going away, it just got worse and worse. It is worse in the morning when I wake up, I am as stiff as a board. It is on my mind 24/7. Doing normal things is almost impossible - I have problems carrying shopping, drying my hair,walking the dog, driving...everything seems to hurt . I have never suffered from arthritic pain, and I went to the doctor thinking I had some awful bone disease, or even polymyalgia. I was told I had nerve pain!! The GP was terrible and made me feel like a hypochondriac and it was all in my mind. I was told I had good range of movement, and no inflammation. But I am in agony, and i am not imagining it.I made the mistake of asking Dr.Google too, which is never a good idea as I scared myself half to death. I never even thought it could be related to hormones or menopause, as the pain was just SO bad and I had never heard of joint pain being a symptom.I mean I have read than meno can be bad for some women, and I expected hot flushes etc, but I didnt realise it meant pain like this.

Anyway - for the last few weeks I have been having worsening pain which has spread from left elbow and both shoulders, into left hip, both elbows and now my knees. All my joints are cracking and popping loudly and even my husband can hear the awful grating in my neck and my knees....I sound like a one man band as I go up and down the stairs!

I went In for my three yearly Cervical smear on Monday, and could hardly get up on the examining couch I was so stiff and sore. Womans health is dealt with by the Nurse Practitioners in our large practice (15 GP's) and when the NP saw my discomfort she asked me what was wrong. It turns out she has a real interest in womens health, and has been involved in HRT trials and research for many years. She informed me that my symptoms all point to fluctuating estrogen, and possible thyroid involvement. She told me a load of stuff about estrogen and cartilage, dry mucosa etc, the details of which I can't remember now but which made so much sense when she explained it - even down to the foul taste and tingling skin I have also experienced on and off for months which are both known side effects of estrogen surge as the ovaries go a bit haywire. Asmall percentage of women are very receptive to estrogen fluctuations which involve cartilage, which mainly manifest as abnormally severe joint pain/menopausal arthritis but it is not an 'obvious' symptom of perimenopause.

I asked why the GP was no help, and she just raised her eyebrows when I told her which male GP it was, and told me to make another appointment as soon as possible with a specific GP (who must be more knowledgeable about womens health.) Going in tomorrow to see her.

I can't do HRT as I have a heart condition, but maybe I can do estrogen cream, or phytoestrogen/soy.) It could last for a long time I guess until I come out the other side !

So i have not yet been diagnosed, but it sounds like it could be caused by estrogen. Sorry this has been so long....but anyone else out there feel the same way I do???


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    From the book that I am reading all your symptoms are normal. You may have long periods of bleeding then none. On and off bleeding followed by hot flushes, headaches, joint pains, tummy aches.

    This can last for several years until you finally stop bleeding. I was perimenopausal at the age of 37 and only at the age of 46 my periods stopped for good. Suffering with all the major symptoms that menopause blesses us with. Panic attacks, anxiety, sweats, hot flushes, crying, depression ....

    Began HRT and was bliss for 2 yrs nonetheless although free from symptoms it didn't stop my life stresses triggering off my anxiety and depression, stomach pains.

  • Posted

    I have a dr appointment tomorrow because nearly every joint in my body is killing me.  I am 66, which is quite a bit older than others in this discussion, but I have previously been on HRT for 15 years.  I was pretty sure I had an incurable disease and am relieved that others have the same symptoms.  My GYN wanted me to stop HRT so I did am now SO sorry. I stopped HRT about 3 mo. ago, but joints are worse and worse.  I am not overweight, work out at the gym (classes) pretty hard, do lawn and gardening and REFUSE to quit.  Can't sleep due to the pain in shoulders, wrists, fingers, hips, knees and a little in ankles and even one big toe. Soon I won't be able to get around is my fear, but at least I know I'm not the only one experiencing this. Going to check on hypoglycemic, and try the magnesium glycinate. So glad I found this forum and good luck everyone. 

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      Hi Jane,

      Yes I thought I had some terrible incurable illness.

      After 6 months on HRT though all my aches and pains went. It did take 6 months though for my shoulders to improve. I couldn't get a coat or cardigan on or reach up to cupboards before. I know you've had to stop taking it now but just to reassure you my aches and pains were definitely hormone related.

    • Posted

      Oh dear! Isn't this the pits?! I feel the same as you. I'm not overweight, am very active and a nurse but the pains are getting me down as it's been so long with no improvement despite all my exercise. I'm only 48 and I don't deserve to feel like this because of my hormones! I am estrogen dominant and can't tolerate anything that mimics estrogen eg. too much caffeine read "one cup is too much". Progesterone is helping my hot flushes but not my aches and pains. Over it.

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    Are you in statins they can do this?
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      I have never taken statins.  I have hearsd they can cause muscle pain.  Best talk to your doctor.  In my experience...menopausal tendon pain did not feel ike muscle pain. 
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    Hi Lesley

    I turned 48 this year and have been nursing for 3 years now. In the last 12 months I have been waking up stiff as a board, pain so bad in my hips that I can't sleep on my sides and now a thumb that is inflamed in one joint. I was getting hot flushes in March 2016 and now (Sept 2016) flushes under control with bioidentical Progesterone 50mg ever other night, but the pains are still there. I have always been active but now I feel like I'm 80years old and it's really getting me down. The more exercise I do, the worse I feel. No matter how much stretching, vibration plate (I own one) I do, I feel "undone" in a few hours. Not sure what to do now.

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      Victoria, i have exactly the same... i can't sleep on my sides either and one of my fingers has swollen up. I'm 52 and think my hormones are low.. maybe we are short of oestrogen.. i am still confused about how this will right itself even after menopuase. if we don't take hormones.. .hope you can post again if you find out more..

    • Posted

      Hi Jodie,

      My hormone tests initially came up zero for estrogen and progesterone - which didn't surprise me as I was losing hair in clumps, exhausted and I think suffering adrenal issues (moving states, selling up homes, renting, studying, husband working in another state etc). I then went on bioidentical progesterone of 50mg at night and that helped, overnight, the pains were gone. Then my treatment program said to try 50mg of estrogen which I did for 7 days, the whole time I had the symptoms of going to get my period + 5kg weight gain in record time, which then arrived, then I bled for 4 weeks and was totally over it. I took my contraceptive pill "Loette" because I'd had enough of the bleeding and it was affecting my work, esp night shift (I'm a nurse). The doctor said I am "estrogen sensitive" and not to take estrogen anymore. I have been diligently taking the progesterone but the pain is back now and the stiffness.  The last 3 weeks a stupid, annoying sensitive joint in my left thumb that rubs on my steering wheel and when I bump it (which is like 50 times a day), it aches and stings. When I have no estrogen my stomach is flat. When I am off coffee, I don't have breakthrough bleeding or a slight brownish discharge. Coffee seems to be my demon. I am 56kg, and slim except for my hips now and tummy - thanks to my messed up hormones. Ugh. Feeling ancient. I need to quit coffee and go back to eating/drinking alkaline only liquid green chlorophyll. I'm vego I think that helps but I do have a dash of soy milk and tofu in food - but not much.

    • Posted

      ps. my other more detailed response from hours ago is "awaiting moderation" ...

    • Posted

      I think once it says that, the comment never gets shown.. so do write again if you can..
    • Posted

      Hello Victoria and Jodie

      I am not a doctor.  But, having come through the other side of this I can tell you...the body somehow does right itself, and everything settles down after menopause.  My own opinion is that one should never underestimate the power of hormones - and the effects of reproductive hormone imbalance onthe female body.  The body gets a sudden terrible shock, when years of normal hormone balance is interfered with. I literally woke up one morning and couldnt move in pain, then work up another morning two years later pain free.  If someone had told me this when I made my first post on here I would not have believed them.  How could it be that mere hormones (too much, or lack of ) caused me such physical pain. But also,  to be clear,  I dont think 'hormones'  in themselves cause sore shoulders and being unable to ie down...this is frozen shoulder (caused by tendonitis / adhesive capsulitis) which has its own self limiting duration.    I admire you Victoria  for continuing to excercise.  All I wanted to do was lie on the couch with a bottle of wine and cry.    Please know, that one day soon you will feel normal again.  Best, lesley 

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    Sorry, it's an exercise plate that you stand on, metal, eledtrical and it vibrates away your pain by creating circulation from your feet up to your hips. Google it. I got one for AUD$140 and it's the best thing.

  • Posted

    Ladies, google "Menopausal Arthralgia". It is caused from the loss of estrogen. I have it too. Mornings are the worst. I'm so stiff. My feet are stiff, my back is stiff, my fingers are stiff, etc. I feel like I'm 90 when I get out if bed. I limp down the stairs to the kitchen. I've had it for about a year now. Sugar makes it worse so I avoid that. I take two tablespoons of fish oil (omega 3's) daily and that has helped some. I'm hoping there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this ends soon.

    • Posted

      Hi all. I posted a few weeks ago about my aches and pains and after seeing this blog I really thought this is the answer. My back just suddenly was in excrutiating pain one day, it felt like someone was tearing my hips apart. Then a week or so later my fingers, wrists and shoulders started aching and felt stiff. I had no strength in my hands at all. In the beginning I couldn't even hold a cup of coffee or pull the bed covers over me. I couldn't get out of bed as my back was so sore, I had to use my hands to push me up, but I couldn't do that either as my wrists were so stiff and sore, they would just collapse under me. No swelling or redness though. I went to my GP who tested for just about everything he could think of; viral and bacterial infections, thyroid gland, arthritis - all negative. Then I found this blog and said he must test my hormone levels as well. My oestrogen is at a very good level of over 700, very good and perfect for my age (47). I had my second Mirena inserted a few months ago. Had the first one for almost 7 years - it's absolute bliss!! No mensus whatsoever.

      So I can't link my aches and pains to my dropping oestrogen levels either. I told my GP about this blog and the fact that so many women are experiencing exactly the same things I do between the ages of about 45 to 55. He obviously was not all that interested and just blew it off as co-incidental. I also thought of going to a herbalist for tests - they can tell you within an hour exactly what is wrong. But it's very expensive and medical aids don't cover them, so I'll have to wait a while.

      It's now ± 5 weeks since my back started and for the last week I can say it feels a lot better. My fingers are still stiff in the mornings and it takes a while before the strength in my hands return. I started taking Devil's Claw tablets and also upped on my calcium/magnesium intake. I have been taking a good multivit for years and also add omega 3 to that.

      In the back of my mind I still think all these aches are hormone related, it's all I can think of and that makes sense. What else can so suddenly take hold but all tests are negative?

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      Carina, that's interesting. I was told it was estrogen dropping but I was not tested. I agree. It's something hormonal going on. Keep us posted if you find the answer.

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      Hello its interesting that your estrogen is high as i thought that low estrogen was the main cause, maybe its the other hormones progesterone and testostonine low? Or maybe its fluctuating hormones that cause it as my gp wont test my hormones as he says the fluctuate and you wont get a true reading. its so confusing but like you i am convinced its hormonal 4 weeks ago i was fit and well and now feel dreadful like an old woman with similar aches and pains to you. lets all keep researching and try and find an answer. Good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Cynthia,

      My aches and pains were estrogen related. They all went after starting HRT. The frozen shoulder took about 6 months. The feet in the mornings improved within the first week.

      I've not had any pains nor palpitations since starting it.

    • Posted

      That's good to know. It's good to hear clarification that it's the loss of estrogen. Thank you!

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